Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1)(71)

"It's this way." He motioned her along, but she saw him take in her face-no doubt she was blushing. In just a few minutes, they got to the creek bed. He studied the water. "The water's up a bit," he said. "Usual y, it's only trickling down. The tracks are right across the stream. It's only a foot deep, but you might want to take your shoes off if you don't want them to get wet."

Kylie sat down and removed her tennis shoes and socks and rol ed up her jeans. He stood over her and watched. She looked up. "You're not going to take yours off?"

"Wet shoes don't bother me."

She stuffed her socks in her shoes and set them away from the water. The splashing sound of water fil ed her senses. Looking toward the stream, she asked, "Is the waterfal close to here?"

"It's a mile, but on camp property."

"Have you ever been there?" she asked.

"Once," he said.

"Was it as scary as everyone makes it sound?"

"A little," he said. "But I didn't see any shadows." He chuckled.

Was that because he couldn't see ghosts?

"You ready?" he asked, when she sat there thinking.

"You bet." Standing up, she dipped her toes in the creek. "It's cold." She smiled.

"Yeah, but in the afternoon when the sun is at its hottest, it feels great. Up about a half a mile there's a place that's deep enough to swim in. I try to go there at least once a week."

She got a vision of him swimming, and remembered her dream.

He stepped into the water and reached back and took her right hand in his. She looked down at his fingers locked around hers, her mind stil trying to push the image of the two of them standing in waist-deep water, her breasts pressed against his chest.

"The rocks are slippery," he said, fol owing her gaze.

"I think I can handle it." She pul ed her hand free.

"When you fal on your ass, you'l be sorry."

"I won't." She smirked at him. But on her very next step, her foot and her pride hit a slick spot and without warning her legs slid out and up and she landed on her butt with a big splash.

"Crap." The cold water soaked through her jeans to her butt. Laughter, very deep and very contagious, rang out. He stood over her, his arms crossed over his wide chest, his blue eyes dancing with humor.

"Stop it." Almost laughing herself, she cupped her hand, caught a handful of the water, and tossed it at him. He laughed harder, but then offered her his hand. She took it this time.

She was on her feet and went to take another step when she slid again, only this time she didn't go down alone. She landed on top of him, her face buried in his shoulder. She raised her head, and watched the cold water rush over his shoulders. Then she saw him looking down at her, stil smiling. And looking good doing it, too.

"That's what you get for laughing at me." She grinned.

His chest expanded beneath her as if he took in a deep breath. And suddenly she didn't even feel the chil of the water-al she felt was the warmth of his body against hers.

"And this is what you get for laughing at me." He pul ed her up a few inches until his lips touched hers. She didn't try to stop him. Oh no, she actual y climbed up higher on his chest so the kiss wouldn't be awkward. His hand moved up to the back of her neck. He shifted her head slightly so her mouth was more accessible to his. The slightly rough texture of his shaven cheeks felt wonderful. His tongue moved inside. Slowly at first, then without hesitation. Warmth built inside her and she couldn't seem to get close enough to him. Everything felt different from the kisses and caresses she'd experienced with Trey.

More, her instincts seemed to scream. She wanted more.

She ran her fingers through his damp, dark hair, loving how the strands felt. Loving al the emotions swirling through her, over her, making her feel so alive, so new.

Her breasts pressed against his chest felt ful er, and maybe it was the dream driving her, but she wanted to feel him touch her. It wasn't until she heard voices nearby that she came to her senses. She pul ed her mouth from his and pushed up a few inches off his chest. His eyes opened and he stared at her with a hooded gaze. She saw the wildness in his eyes, a hunger like she'd never seen before. More than anything, she wanted to be the one to feed his hunger and taste the wildness. Then the voices drew closer. And right then, everything she felt was just too much. She moved off him, as unsure of these new emotions as she was of her ability to stand up on her own two feet. "We should ... I heard..." She stood.

"They're not coming this way," he said. He sat up and glanced up at her through his dark lashes. Exhaling, he scrubbed his palm over his face.

"Damn," he muttered, then looked back up at her. "I probably shouldn't have done that, should I?"

"Probably not," she agreed, even thought she wouldn't give the moment back for anything.

He slung back his wet hair, sending the drops of water reflecting off the sunlight spinning out. "Then forget it happened, okay? Just forget it ever happened."

"I don't think I can forget." She'd be remembering this kiss and this moment years from now. Because as much as she liked kissing Trey, it was as if this was her very first grown-up kiss. Her first real taste of passion. This kiss, the thing she'd felt was somehow more. And God help her, because while she wasn't ready for "more," she stil wanted it. And that, she supposed, was the true meaning of passion. Aware of the awkward silence building between them, she looked around. "Where are the tracks?"

C.C. Hunter's Books