Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1)(69)

Kylie pretended to be interested in a bird singing in a tree so she wouldn't have to look at Lucas. "She obviously doesn't discourage very easily, or you've done a bad job of discouraging her."

"Probably both. I've even talked to Holiday about it, because she's driving me crazy."

Kylie started walking again. It wasn't her place to ask, but ... "What did Holiday say?"

"That I'd probably have to be up front with her. But ... I don't know, I guess I don't want to hurt her."

That or you just like having a girl hanging all over you and unbuttoning her shirt to show off her ... tattoo. Kylie knew her last thought might be unfair, but it applied to most boys she knew. Heck, even her dad had warned her that teenage boys were general y after one thing. Not that she was exactly listening to any of his advice right now.

"If you're that worried about hurting her, maybe you do care about her," Kylie said.

"No," he said adamantly, and then added, "okay, I feel sorry for her. She's had a rough time of things at home, and people judge her too harshly for it."

Kylie, knowing Lucas's past, read more into his statement than he knew. Or did he know? Did he realize she remembered him and that she knew he'd lied to Holiday about having lived with his grandmother al his life?

It suddenly occurred to her that when he'd jerked her aside to ask about what the FRU had wanted with her, maybe he'd been afraid she was tattling on him. Was he stil afraid she'd tel ?

The slightest hesitation about being alone in the woods with him wiggled through her mind, and that's when she realized they were deeper in the woods than she'd ever gone before.

Deep enough that nobody, not even her campmates with super hearing, could hear her scream.

She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Exactly how far away are these dinosaur tracks?"

Chapter Thirty-one

"Not too far," Lucas said. If he was aware of her sudden insecurity, he hid it wel .

"They're actual y in a creek bed right outside the property line of our camp," he added without looking at her. "But there's this part of the fence that's been cut that we can slip through."

"I didn't think we were supposed to leave the campgrounds."

His focus shifted from the trail to her. "It's only a few feet off the property. Hey, it's up to you." He came to a complete stop. "You seemed interested the other day on the hike. I just thought..."

Kylie swal owed hard and glanced from side to side.

His nostrils suddenly flared as if trying to catch a scent. "You're afraid of me again? Damn, I thought you got over that."

"I have," she stammered, and wondered when he noticed her lack of fear. "I just ... I'm remembering the snake the other day," she lied. The suspicion in his gaze faded, and he almost looked relieved. "Don't worry, I can smel those things a mile away, and I'm faster than any water moccasin." He started walking again.

She fol owed.

They walked without talking for a few minutes. The woods seemed to swal ow their footsteps. His pace was fast, but not so fast she couldn't keep up.

"Have you figured out what you are yet?" he asked.

"No. But there's more than a good chance I'm just human."

He stopped abruptly and looked back at her.

Kylie held her hand up in front of her forehead. "Don't do it. And don't say it. I know I don't read like a human. But frankly, I'm tired of everyone checking out my head. It's as bad as guys staring at my boobs."

The moment the last sentence spil ed from her mouth, she wished she could suck it back in, especial y when she remembered him checking out her boobs the night she'd passed out.

"Sorry. I guess I can understand how that might get to you. Having us ... stare at your pattern al the time." He grinned. And damn if it wasn't the kind of smile that made a girl melt. They stood there studying each other and then it became downright awkward. He final y shook his head and started walking again.

They had walked another forth of a mile when she noticed a Band-Aid on his arm. "Did you ... give blood?" She pointed to his arm.

"Oh, yeah." He looked at the Band-Aid as if he'd forgotten it was there, ripped it off, and tucked it inside his jeans pocket. "I helped Chris with his drive."

"Chris, the vampire?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said as if it was no big deal. And she recal ed Derek acting the same way.

"You don't find it ... strange?"

He arched a brow. "Strange?" He studied her as if he didn't get her question.

Kylie realized the stupidity of her question. Lucas turned into a wolf. Compared to that, drinking blood probably seemed like nothing. Then he answered, "People donate blood al the time, Kylie."

"That's to save someone's life," she said, just to prevent the awkward silence.

"And vampires die if they don't drink blood."

Kylie wasn't sure if she'd known that, but hearing him say it had her head swimming. "Can't they survive on...?"

"Animal blood?" he finished her question. "They can and do drink animal blood, but to maintain proper nourishment, they need some human blood in their diet. It's the same as donating to the Red Cross."

C.C. Hunter's Books