Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1)(58)

Del a cal ed out. "Stop right there, Miss Smarty Pants! Don't you think for one minute that you're going to go into that bedroom without explaining first?"

Kylie swung back around. "I did explain it. They are just bad dreams."

"Not that. I mean the hot guy sneaking into the camp looking for you. Or did you forget about the little present I delivered earlier?"

Kylie wished she could forget. Seeing the questions in both her roommates' eyes, and knowing that Del a could have gotten in a lot of trouble for delivering Trey, Kylie figured they both deserved something. She went to the kitchen table and dropped in a chair. "His name is Trey and he's old news."

"How hot was he?" Miranda asked, and sat beside Kylie.

"On a scale of one to ten, he was an eight," Del a answered Miranda, and then looked back at Kylie. "Why is he old news?" She moved away from the computer and dropped in a chair across from them.

"Because he left me for some slut who would put out, that's why."

"Jerk," Miranda said.

"That piece of human shit," Del a piped in. "You should have told me, I'd have roughed him up a bit."

Silence fel and the three of them sat there looking at each other. Miranda stretched her hands out on the table. "So if he left you for someone who would ... put out, does that mean that you've never ... you know?"

"You know what?" Del a snapped. "What are you asking her?"

"I want to know if she's done it," Miranda said. "Are you a virgin, Kylie?"

Chapter Twenty-seven

Kylie looked at her new friends and wondered if she should share something so personal. While stil a little perturbed at their "normal" remark, she felt a bond with these two. A bond she'd shared only with Sara.

"Yes, I mean, no. I haven't ever done ... you know. Guess that means I'm not only a freak, but a virgin freak." Kylie stared at her hands a minute and then added, "It just never felt right, okay?"

Miranda leaned forward. "Don't be hard on yourself. I haven't gotten there, either. Hey, don't get me wrong. I came close, but as my uncle would say, this isn't horseshoes, right?"

Both Kylie and Miranda turned to Del a, who looked paler than usual.

Miranda slapped her palm on the table. "Spil it, Vamp. We did."

Kylie gave Miranda a light nudge with her elbow. "Del a doesn't have to spil anything if she doesn't want to." Kylie leaned back in her chair and decided a change of subject was needed. "Fredericka caught me saying good-bye to Trey."

"Oh, crap," Del a said, some of her color returning. "What did she do?"

"She basical y threatened to tattle on me, and then Holiday stepped out of the dining hal right then."

"Did she tel her?" Del a asked.

"No, I decided to do it myself and not give that bitch the pleasure."

"What?" Miranda asked. "You told Holiday you brought a normal into camp without permission? Did Holiday come unglued?"

"No. She told me not to do it again," Kylie said.

Del a cleared her throat. "Did you tel her I was the one who brought him to your cabin?"

Kylie rol ed her eyes in grand Sara fashion. "I wouldn't do that, Del a." She stood to go check her e-mail on some off chance that her mom had answered her.

"You know what I heard?" Miranda leaned in as if she had a piece of juicy gossip to share. "I heard Fredericka's parents were rogue. Someone had to do some serious arm pul ing to get her in here."

"What do you mean by rogue?" Kylie asked, remembering Burnett of the FRU suggesting her parents could be rogue, as wel .

"People who refused to adhere to the rules. For werewolves, it mostly means they hunted food that wasn't on the approved list."

"By ... not on the approved list, do you mean like ... humans?" Kylie asked, getting a chil .

"Or other supernaturals and livestock. Even pets."

Kylie's mind shot straight to Lucas Parker and his parents. Was that why Lucas and Fredericka were buddies? Because their parents were rogue werewolves?

Del a stood and went to the fridge. "Want something to drink?" She glanced back.

"A Diet Coke, please," Kylie said.

"Miranda?" Del a asked.

"Diet Coke sounds good."

Kylie stared at the "No new mail" message. "I asked my mom what time she and my dad were born."

"And?" Del a set a soda beside the computer.

Kylie picked up her Diet Coke and went back to the table. "Mom couldn't remember, so she said she'd check the birth certificates. She's supposed to e-mail me. When she gets around to it." Kylie dropped back into a chair. "Knowing her, that could be next year sometime."

"Yeah, that's like when they say 'maybe' and they real y mean 'no.'" Miranda moved to the desk to check her own e-mail. Del a dropped back in her chair, popped the top of the soda, and took a long sip.

"You can have soda?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah." She frowned. "Why?"

Kylie shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, I saw you eating pepperoni, but I thought vampires could only drink ... you know."

C.C. Hunter's Books