Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1)(57)

He looked down at her. "I do love you," he said.

She only nodded and motioned for him to go.

He reached out and she let him hug her. She even returned the embrace. Her emotions started zipping al over the place again. Deep down, she admitted that while she didn't think she'd ever forgive Trey for dumping her, a smal part of her stil cared about him. And who knew, maybe by the time school started up again, she'd feel differently. But as for now ...

As he drove away, Kylie stayed in the parking lot until his tail ights faded into the darkness. Standing there, she hated how alone she felt. When she turned around, she realized she'd been wrong. She wasn't alone. Just friggin' great. Someone stood by the gate, watching her. Kylie couldn't make out who it was, but she prayed it wasn't Holiday or Sky. As she got closer, she recognized her lone watcher. It wasn't Sky or Holiday.

It was worse.


Determined not to show any fear, Kylie walked right past her. She got almost to the dining hal when the girl whizzed by and came to a sudden stop in front of Kylie.

She managed to stop right before slamming into the she-wolf.

"So, Ghost Girl had company, huh?" Fredericka said in a condescending voice. "What have you been doing? Screwing in your cabin?"

Kylie wondered if being turned into a werewolf explained the girl being such a bitch, or if she had always been this mean.

"If I was, at least I did it in a bed and not in the woods like some people I could mention."

Fredericka's eyes went from black to a deep burgundy in a nanosecond. Kylie wasn't up on werewolf color trivia, but she could guess that meant anger. That's when she realized that pissing the werewolf off probably hadn't been the best thing to do. Then again, Kylie also knew people like Fredericka preyed on the weak. She couldn't let the girl know how much she real y frightened her. The she-wolf growled. "Do Holiday and Sky know you've been entertaining guests? Maybe I should I fil them in?" Her voice seemed to vibrate from her solar plexus.

Right then, Kylie saw Holiday step outside the dining hal . As badly as she hated the idea of Holiday knowing Trey had been here, Kylie refused to let this B with an itch have something to hang over her head.

Kylie hot-footed it past the she-wolf and stopped in front of Holiday. "Hi. I just had a friend stop by uninvited. I realize it's against camp policy. I wasn't aware he was coming, so I escorted him out and it won't happen again."

Holiday frowned and it looked as if she was about to read Kylie the riot act. Then her gaze shifted over Kylie's shoulder. When her focus returned to Kylie, the look of anger faded. "Thank you for tel ing me. Make sure it doesn't happen again. We only al ow visitors on parents day. We can't have normals poking their noses around here uninvited."

Kylie nodded. "I understand." And then she took off to her cabin, praying Fredericka didn't fol ow.

* * *

By nine o'clock that night, Kylie had kept her promise to her mom and cal ed her dad. It had been short, to the point, and hurt like a toothache. She didn't mention he hadn't come to see her before she'd been shipped off to the camp. She didn't mention that he hadn't come to get her at the police station, either.

And neither did he.

Basical y, he told Kylie he loved her, he missed her, and he would see her Sunday on parents day at ten o'clock sharp. Oh, and he had to go, because he was out with a client.

Hanging up from the sixty-second cal , Kylie remembered her mom always accusing her dad of putting his job before family. Kylie thought hel would be announcing a snow day before she agreed with anything her mom said. But right now, Kylie wondered how many inches they were predicting. Going into her bedroom, she dropped on the bed and hugged her musty-smel ing pil ow, but she didn't cry this time. Maybe she was cried out, or just too angry at Fredericka. Maybe she was stil in some kind of aftershock from her little make-out session with Trey-who she'd accidental y cal ed Derek. Dang it, here she was afraid to like Derek, in case she only liked him because he looked like Trey. Now she was with Trey, and Derek came popping in her head. And don't forget the attraction/fear she held for a certain blue-eyed werewolf. Just how messed up could she possibly get?

Kylie heard the door to the cabin open and slam shut. She had her feet on the floor to go greet Del a and Miranda when she heard the tone of the words being slung back and forth between her roommates.

"I cal ed the computer first," Miranda yel ed.

"I beat your little witch butt fair and square," Del a responded.

"Listen here, you good-for-nothing vamp!"

Kylie stormed into the room. Del a sat at the computer, her canines showing and growling. Miranda stood, chin held high, with her pinky finger held out in the air wiggling while her voice spewed something about zits.

"Stop it! I'm sick of this," Kylie yel ed. "Can't you two fight like normal people?"

Miranda shot her gaze to Kylie. "Why would we fight like normals?"

"We're not normals," Del a retorted. "Neither are you, and the sooner you accept that, the better off you'l be."

"You don't know that," Kylie snapped. "Fine, you two go ahead and kil each other. Just don't leave a mess, because I don't want to get stuck cleaning up any body parts." She swung around to go back to the bedroom when she recal ed the reason she'd come out in the first place. She did another about-face. "By the way, if you hear me screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night, don't worry, I'm just having a night terror." She started back to her room.

C.C. Hunter's Books