Always On My Mind (The Sullivans #8)(75)

Just then, her daughter Sophie and her husband headed off toward the farmhouse with their twins and diaper bags in their arms, Jake’s nose wrinkled as he held little Jackie. Mary laughed, remembering all those years of changing her kids’ diapers. Mary would never forget the look on both Sophie’s and Jake’s faces when they’d seen each other for the first time more than twenty years ago, or the way they only had eyes for each other. Her daughter had been five and Jake had been eleven, but one thing she knew for sure was that true love didn’t come with a time line.

And now Lori had found her one true love in Grayson.

Mary gave a happy sigh as she looked out over the large group of Sullivans who had gathered from Seattle, from New York, even from London and Australia. Hopefully, she mused, each of them would soon find their happy endings, too.

“Hey there, beautiful. Care for some company? And a little bubbly?”

Mary smiled at Rafe Sullivan as she took the glass he offered her. He was a private investigator in Seattle and one of her favorites of her husband’s brothers’ children.

“Best family reunion we’ve had so far,” he said with a grin. “It’s not too often you get to see Naughty surprised.”

Mary laughed before saying, “Speaking of surprises, is there anybody special in your life we should know about?”

This time Rafe was the one laughing. “I’m thinking we should finish getting your side of the family completely married off before we start looking at mine. Besides, now that all eight of your kids are off on their happily-ever-afters—” He had the same mischievous look he’d had even as a little boy. “—isn’t it your turn?”

She shook her head, as though his asking about her love life was a totally ridiculous question at this point in her life. But there was a reason her nephew was such a great investigator: he saw all the clues, big and small.

“Mary?” He looked at her more carefully. “Are you blushing?” When she covered her cheek with her free hand, his voice grew gentle as he said, “You know, if there is somebody special in your life, I think my cousins would understand.”

Thankfully, just then the band started playing Always On My Mind. “This has always been one of my favorite songs.” Hers and Jack’s.

Rafe took her champagne glass and put it down before holding out his hand. “I’m pretty sure everything Lori knows about dancing, she learned from you. Come dance with me, Aunt Mary.”

Her nephew led her out on the dance floor, and surrounded by her children and grandchildren and the extended Sullivan family members she loved so dearly, Mary let herself get lost in the pleasure of twirling across the floor.

No question about it, whoever finally stole her nephew Rafe’s heart one day was going to be a very lucky woman.


Bella Andre's Books