Always On My Mind (The Sullivans #8)(73)

“Hey, is something wr—” But she never got a chance to finish her sentence, because just then her mother walked back into the room holding a dress.

A wedding dress.

It was the most beautiful wedding dress Lori had ever seen…because it was the one that her mother had worn at her own wedding. And Lori knew it would fit perfectly.

“Oh, my God.” She tried to stand, but when her legs were too wobbly to hold her up, she had to grip the arm rests and sit down again instead. “What—” Her brain wasn’t working. “How—” Her mouth wasn’t working either. “You—”

Her mother smiled at her and said one word. The only word that mattered. “Grayson.”

Lori Sullivan wasn’t a woman who cried. But she’d broken that rule on this farm in Pescadero again and again. Out of despair on her first night in Grayson’s house. Out of pure sadness after Sweetpea died.

And now, out of pure joy.

“From the first moment I met Grayson,” her mother told her, “I knew he was the man for you, sweetie. But if I’d ever had any doubts, his asking me to help plan a surprise wedding for you would have put them immediately to rest. Only a man who truly knew and loved you would think to do something this perfect for you.”

Sophie put a Kleenex in one of Lori’s hands and then pulled her out of her chair with the other. “Your groom is waiting. Rather impatiently, I believe.”

Lori laughed even as her tears continued to spill. Everyone she loved was here with her today and they were all so amazing to help Grayson surprise her with this wedding.

“I love all of you so much.” The girls all gathered around her in a group hug, all of them crying and laughing now.

Lori was notoriously steady, both on stage and off, but now her fingers were shaking so much that her mother and sister had to help her get her clothes off. After she’d put on the gorgeous silk lingerie Sophie handed her, her sister showed Lori the amazing heels they’d bought to go with the dress. Lori shook her head. “I’m going to wear my boots.” They were her new white ones with colorful wildflowers stitched up the side, after all. Then she lifted her arms and they slid the silk and lace wedding gown on, her mother lacing up the back while Sophie readjusted the flowers on her hair and dabbed at the tears under her eyelashes without smearing her new makeup.

A knock sounded on the door and her mother went to open it. Lori’s oldest brother Marcus was standing there in a tux. He was smiling at her, but she could see his eyes grow a little glassy as he said, “You’re absolutely beautiful, Lori.” He held out an arm. “Ready to take a walk down the aisle?”

More tears threatened to spill as she put her hand in Marcus’s. “Did you know about this?”

“All of us did.” He brushed a lock of hair from her eyes and added, “You were right not to give up on Grayson. Talking with him these past few months has proved to me that he truly does love you the way you deserve to be loved. With absolutely everything inside him.”

She hugged her brother, his support meaning more to her than he could ever know. Everyone else moved past them to go take their places at the surprise wedding set up in the middle of the open field. She knew she should have been amazed that they had been able to pull all this off without her guessing something was up, but she’d always known how wonderful her family was.

Her hand tightly grasped in her brother’s, the two of them made their way to where the country band from her very-first-ever barn dance was playing a waltz, and Sullivans from all over the world, along with Grayson’s parents, were there to celebrate with her and Grayson.

And then she saw him, standing at the end of the wildflower-strewn aisle, gorgeous in a tux, black cowboy hat, and boots. She didn’t think before letting go of her brother’s hand, lifting up her skirts, and running to him.

She no longer saw anyone else, no longer heard the band playing. All she could see were Grayson’s dark eyes filled with such hunger, such passion, such love. And all she knew was that he was everything she had ever wanted, everything she had ever waited for, as she flew into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck.

Laughing with her, he swung her around, her hair flying behind her as they did yet another perfect dance together. Their mouths found each other a moment later and the crowd of Sullivans cheered them on.

“I love you,” she whispered when she was finally able to pull her mouth from his.

“I love you, too,” he whispered back against her ear. “And I can’t wait another second for you to be mine.”

With that, he put her back on her feet and took her hands in his as the officiant began the ceremony.

“I’m very pleased to welcome everyone to what has to be the most unique wedding I’ve ever been a part of.” Everyone laughed and then the man said, “Lori, Grayson, do either of you have anything you’d like to say to each other before I continue?”

Lori nodded. She moved closer to Grayson and looked up into his beautiful dark eyes. “I love you. Always. Forever.” All her life, she’d talked and talked and talked. But today, standing with Grayson in her mother’s wedding dress in front of their families, there was nothing else she needed him to know.

Grayson grinned down at her, somehow not at all surprised by the fact that she’d chosen this very moment to stop being a motormouth.

Bella Andre's Books