A Fall of Secrets (A Shade of Vampire #15)(48)
There were still questions that remained unanswered, but there was one secret I had now uncovered:
Lilith had used her love for an immortal to keep herself bound to this world for so long. That was how she clung on when others faded away.
Magnus is the reason Lilith is still here.
Chapter 35: Caleb
When we arrived back in The Shade, the dragons dropped us off near the Port before returning to their mountain homes. Aiden suggested that we head straight for Rose’s parents’ home to see if they had returned and, if so, inform them of everything that had just happened.
We didn’t make it that far, however. As we passed Eli’s penthouse, a number of voices drifted down from it—Derek and Sofia among them. Ascending in the elevator and arriving at the front door—which had been left open—we walked inside and found the living room packed with people. All of them were centered around the television set, which was displaying a scene of our visit to the beach. As soon as I’d seen those humans flashing their cameras, I’d suspected it wouldn’t be long before mainstream media picked it up.
“You’re back,” Sofia exclaimed, rushing toward us with Derek. She wrapped her arms around Rose before allowing Derek a turn. Then the two of them looked at the rest of us.
“Well? Tell us what happened,” Derek said.
Derek and Sofia sat down on the sofa with Rose in between them and she began to recount everything we had just been through. Every now and then, she would glance at me for support, and I would fill in details where she wanted me to. About halfway through, Ibrahim stood up.
“I need to go see Corrine.”
Corrine. All throughout our journey back from California, as I had traveled with Rose’s warm body pressed against mine, I had been thinking about how I needed to pay a visit to the witch. With Rose occupied here with her parents, I realized that this would be the perfect time. I stood up and motioned to follow the warlock. Rose looked up at me questioningly.
“I will see you in a bit, Rose. I’m stepping outside for some fresh air.”
She nodded, before continuing to recount our story.
I caught up with Ibrahim on the balcony before he could vanish.
“I would like to have a word with your wife,” I said.
“Uh, okay. Come with me then.” He placed an arm on my shoulder and vanished us both to the Sanctuary. My breathing quickened as I followed Ibrahim in through the door, and I realized that my hands were shaking slightly.
“Corrine!” Ibrahim called along the corridor.
“Ibrahim?” Corrine’s voice emanated from a room nearby. She raced out from a door and ran along the corridor, hurling herself at Ibrahim. Their lips locked in a passionate embrace. I looked down at the floor, taking a few steps back as they finished greeting each other.
“You must tell me everything,” she said.
“And you must tell me,” Ibrahim replied. “But Caleb here wants to speak to you about something first.”
I raised my eyes to the witch. “I’m sorry to disturb you.”
“That’s quite all right,” Corrine said, curiosity in her eyes.
Ibrahim continued along the corridor while Corrine gestured to a room to my right. A living room. I took a seat in an armchair while Corrine sat opposite me. But as soon as my backside touched the cushion, I realized that it was foolish thinking that I could remain seated for this conversation. I stood up and walked over to the mantelpiece, running a finger along the wood. I turned around slowly and fixed my eyes on Corrine.
My chest felt tight.
Just spit it out.
“I wanted to ask you… how might a man procure a ring on this island?”
Corrine’s face lit up as soon as the words left my mouth. She leapt to her feet and hugged me.
“An engagement ring?” she asked, squeezing my shoulders.
I nodded.
“Do Derek and Sofia know yet?”
“I spoke with her father.”
“Oh, goodness. My Rose, getting married… That girl is going to be over the moon.” She sat back down in her chair and, reaching toward the coffee table in the center of the room, picked up a notepad and a pencil. “Do you have any ideas about how you’d like the ring to look? Any colors, shapes or stones in mind?”
In truth, I hadn’t thought about such details. I sat down opposite Corrine. “I am not a jewelry designer. But I want something… bold for Rose.”
Corrine smirked. “Let me see what I can do.”
She sketched away on her pad for the next five minutes. I waited patiently, watching her design take shape. She lifted up her notepad, showing me the final result.
“Yes,” I said instantly. “That’s the ring for my girl. How long will it take you to make?”
“Well, when are you planning to propose?”
I paused, unsure of how to answer. The witch saw through my silence. “Let me just work on this now so you have it. It won’t take me too long. My discussion with Ibrahim can wait…”
“Thank you.”
She left the room, leaving me alone. I stood up again and began pacing.
Although there was no doubt in my mind that Rose loved me, and the fact that her parents had not objected was a weight off my shoulders, somehow I couldn’t keep my stomach from clenching at the thought of proposing to her. A nagging voice at the back of my head kept telling me that it was too soon. That I ought to wait longer. That she was still so young. Girls of this day and age typically waited much longer before tying the knot than girls of my time.
Bella Forrest's Books
- Thin Lines (The Child Thief #3)
- The Girl Who Dared to Endure (The Girl Who Dared #6)
- A Den of Tricks (A Shade of Vampire #54)
- Hotbloods (Hotbloods #1)
- The Secret of Spellshadow Manor (The Secret of Spellshadow Manor #1)
- The Gender War (The Gender Game #4)
- The Gender Plan (The Gender Game #6)
- The Gender Fall (The Gender Game #5)
- The Breaker (The Secret of Spellshadow Manor #2)
- A Rip of Realms (A Shade of Vampire #39)