Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)(68)

“Oh. Uh.” I awkwardly released my grip on his shirt, the sudden onset of flaming hot embarrassment making his embrace anything but comforting. He released me so swiftly I was sure he was feeling the awkwardness as keenly as I was, but he had the benefit of not lighting up like a tomato.

“I want you to sleep here tonight. It’s the most secure room in the house.” He indicated the door we’d stopped by, and a flash of recognition made me frown.

“It’s your room… right?”

“I’ll be sleeping elsewhere,” he said so quickly I could only assume he thought I expected him to suggest we continue what we’d started downstairs. “And I would prefer if you stay the day in my house. I will take you home tomorrow night once I rise, and we can talk more then.”

“Yeah, sure. Uh, I just didn’t pack any overnight stuff.”

“The bathroom should have everything you’ll need, and there is a set of clothes laid out on the bed for you for tomorrow.” Warin took a step back from me, putting more space between us and the awkward energy left behind once the subject of blood-fueled vampire urges came up. With a swift movement, he brought his thumb up to his mouth. When he removed it again, crimson blood pooled on the pad of it, though I hadn’t seen his fangs lengthening. He reached out and smeared the blood over my throat. Healing his bite marks, I realized. “I have to finish the meeting.”

“All right…” I grimaced and made a vague flapping motion toward the stairs. “You do that. I’ll be up here, trying not to vomit over your guests’ table manners.”

* * *

One thing Warin hadn’t supplied me with, amidst the absolute flood of luxurious body lotions, silk bathrobes, Egyptian cotton towels and high-end clothes left in his room for me, was a vibrator.

I woke up from a long night of uneasy dreams drenched in sweat and so fucking horny I wanted to die. My entire body was throbbing with need, and all I could think about was the way Warin’s cock had felt as it strained against his pants last night.

Fucking hell. I’d forgotten this little side-effect of drinking vampire blood.

* * *

Some four hours later, I sat curled in a sofa in a small study I’d found downstairs, munching on a huge bowl of cereal and nursing my still-cramping right hand. I’d eventually managed to get my rampant hormones under control enough that I could drag myself to a cold shower, and then downstairs to refuel. I’d been hungry enough to brave the fridge, and it turned out that amidst a stock of plastic-wrapped donor blood was a decent supply of unopened human food. He’d really thought of everything. Except warning me I’d be having a sleepover, of course.

“Hello! You must be Liv.”

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the unexpected, chipper voice that broke through my cereal-crunching.

“Jesus fuck!” I squeaked as I spun around. Aleric’s blonde pet stood in the doorway with a plate of leftover finger-foods and a bright smile.

“Did I startle you? Sorry.” She walked through and plopped down the other side of the couch I was sitting on. “I’m Diva.”

“Hi…” I said. “You don’t remember me from last night, then?”

“Oh, we met already? Sorry, Al must’ve Compelled me. I never remember a thing when we’ve been around other vamps.”

I blinked at her nonchalance. “And… you don’t mind?”

“God, no. Ugh, they’re always so boring when they’re together. So long as he doesn’t erase the sex!” She winked at me and stuffed a cocktail sausage in her mouth. “Gosh darn it, I’m hungry. He must’ve drank more of my blood than normal.”

It took me several moments to align Diva’s cheerful disposition with the mindless dolls and bloody orgy I’d witnessed last night. “I’m sorry, you… you’re the first other human companion I’ve met. I have so many questions.”

“Shoot!” She gave me a brilliant smile. “Al’s your master’s brother, so that practically makes us sisters. Al said you’re very new to this whole thing.”

“Uh-huh. Sure. So, how long have you and Al been together?”

“A few months, I think,” she said after a moment’s pause. “I think he was fucking me and Compelling me to forget for a little while before he decided to make me his companion. That’s the most annoying thing—when they Compel you, but don’t ‘fess up to it. Just, hello dude, at least own your shit, know what I mean?”

“Yeah, that’s…” I blinked down at my now soggy cereal. Diva was not at all what I’d expected, after meeting her while Compelled. “So you don’t mind the whole vampire thing?”

She stared at me wide-eyed, then broke out into a laugh. “No, don’t be crazy! That’s the best part. I mean, the sex alone… isn’t that why you’re with… is it Warin?”

“No, we’re just, uh, friends. No benefits.”

“Uh-huh, sure,” she said. “If you’re his companion, he’s fed you his blood, right?”


Diva snorted. “Girl, you and I both know there’s nothing platonic about a blood-bond. God, the attraction alone!”

I frowned. “What do you mean?”

Nora Ash's Books