Wicked Soul (Ancient Blood #1)(65)

Oh… fuck.


Aleric pushed open the door. He heaved a sigh at the sight of me perched next to the sink. “And just what are you doing here, Snack?”

“Playing Candy Crush,” I admitted.

“Miss Green.” Zeth’s soft voice floated in through the now open door. He walked through, making Aleric step inside as well. When the door shut behind them, I had to fight to keep my heart at an even pace. I was trapped in the bathroom with two vampires I’d been eavesdropping on, and no way of getting a hold of Warin for a rescue. Not good. So not good.

The black-haired vampire walked over to me, placing a cool hand under my chin to tip my head up so he could catch my gaze. “Did you hear any of our conversation?”

Something in his golden eyes pulled unpleasantly at me, making me woozy. I shook my head to clear it. “N-no. I was just playing on my phone.”

“Is that so?” he asked, holding my gaze as if he was searching for something.

“Yup. Why, should I have?” I asked, hoping playing dumb would be the fastest way out of here.

“Stop messing with the human, Zeth,” Aleric sighed. “She’s harmless, I promise.”

“Is she now?” Zeth asked, still staring into my eyes. “It’s just a coincidence she’s the only un-Compelled human present, hmm?”

“She’s Compelled—he just prefers her with enough brainpower left to keep her mouthy. No idea why, but he’s always had odd tastes. I personally like my toys silent and obedient.” Aleric strolled over to the sink and placed a single, cool finger on my cheek, forcing my gaze from Zeth’s. “You’re a very naughty pet, hiding from your master. Don’t think I won’t tattle on you, missy. You’ll be in ever so much trouble if you don’t get back to Warin. Now.”

I wasn’t sure why Aleric, who’d made no bones about not being my biggest fan so far, was lying to Zeth about my free will, but I wasn’t about to ignore his obvious warning: I needed to get out of there and back to Warin’s protection before the other vampire realized I wasn’t Compelled.

“Okay.” I made to jump down from the counter, but Zeth’s hand on my shoulder stopped me before I could.

“Wait just a second, my lovely.” He turned to Aleric. “Have you considered the possibility he might keep her free because he can’t Compel her?”

Aleric snorted. “You’re being paranoid. Believe me, it’s not the same girl.”

“What makes you so certain? Have you looked at her eyes? They’re the exact same shade of green, if I recall correctly. And, if rumor is to be believed, she’s his first pet since her.” Zeth returned his focus to me. “Do you have your free will intact, my lovely?”

“I’m certain because I’ve Compelled her,” Aleric interrupted. “Warin invited me to share her the night of my arrival.” He gave me a lecherous wink. “She rather enjoyed the double cunt-fuck after a quick mindbend, didn’t you, Snack?”

“Y-yeah. It was… yeah.” It took all I had not to glare at him for making me agree to something that dirty. Aleric might have looked like a Greek god, but I’d much rather have staked the fucker than get naked with him.

Zeth arched an eyebrow at Aleric. “Or maybe she just wanted to fuck you both. Are you—“

“Odin’s beard! You don’t think I’ve checked the bloodbag? I didn’t think I’d need to remind you who of us would me more screwed if Thea popped back up again! You’ve held it over my head enough for eight hundred fucking years.” Aleric grabbed my free shoulder and yanked, making me stumble to the floor despite Zeth’s grab. I only narrowly avoided face-planting on the tiles. “Now, unless you want to explain to Warin why we kept his pet away from him, I suggest we send her back so the evening meal can begin.”

Zeth sighed, gesturing toward the door. “I suppose. But you can’t deny, those eyes…”

“Yeah, it’s creepy, but it’s not like he’d realize, is it? Maybe it’s just his fucking type. You, Snack, look at me,” Aleric snapped. I didn’t dare resist, so I let him capture my gaze.

“Do not tell anyone of what you’ve heard here tonight. Not Warin—not anyone. I would hate for something unfortunate to become of you. Now, run along and find your master. It’s dinnertime.” He stared at me for a few seconds, letting me digest the absolute seriousness in his face, before he spun me around and smacked my ass. “Scoot!”

* * *

My mind was still in wild disarray when I reentered the living room, my heart hammering. None of what had happened made any sense to me, except the ironclad knowledge that for whatever reason, Aleric had saved me from Zeth. I didn’t know why the other Ancient cared so much about whether or not I was Compelled, but it seemed to be about more than just whether or not I’d divulge vampire secrets to the world at large. More… personal, somehow.

Warin was still sat on his throne, the blank look of regal boredom on his face. I was more than happy to kneel down next to his legs this time, his calm aura enveloping me like a blanket the moment I was by his side.

I was more than ready for a few hours of boredom, but as soon as I’d settled down, the atmosphere in the room changed notably. The gathered vampires all looked toward Warin and me, and this time, I noticed several more humans in the room than I had before. There seemed to be a sort of anticipation building among the vampires, like wolves before feeding time.

Nora Ash's Books