VLAD (The V Games #1)(12)

“Vlad.” Diana shakes her head.


“Are you okay? You groaned.” She arches a dark brow.

I take a sip of my wine and smile. “Sorry, no, I’m fine. I was just thinking what a great match that would be for your sister.”

Diana’s blue eyes blaze with fire as she pins me with a fierce stare. Being under her furious look has me wanting to tug at my collar so I can breathe better and force her to her knees to learn her place when she’s with me. I can see why she runs her business so well. She does so with ferocity. Again, quite admirable. I’m lucky to have her in my court. “She marries whom she pleases, Vlad. There is no negotiation. I want your word on this. You’ll let her come live with us and she will have free will.”

In this one conversation, Diana has rolled over and shown me her belly. Her sister Irina. Interesting. Her pure, angelic little shadow has often been a soft spot for me too, especially now that she’s blossomed into a woman. If Diana is to be my wife, I’ll need to make sure I have Irina in check as well. I will have one of my trusted men follow her and gain all the information he can. Diana has never shown me her sister means more to her than simply being blood. The intensity in her stare states they are more than sisters. Best friends, perhaps. Business partners for sure. And if I’m marrying one partner, I need to make sure I pick apart the other. No stone goes unturned. Ever.

Irina is her greatest weakness.

And I can see why.

She has this way about her.

I’ve been aware of this draw to Irina since I was a young boy. Sure, simply fascination at first. Curiosity. And then, with her age, came an allure so intense, I’d find my mind wandering back to her for hours after seeing her for mere seconds in passing. I always assumed my place would be with Diana, even from a boy, so I’d never shown Irina the impact her simple presence had on me. It isn’t in my nature to reveal my weaknesses.

Desire doesn’t rule my actions, and control is second nature to me.

Irina is not mine.

I can’t have her, so I’ll have the next best thing.

I pluck the eight-carat yellow diamond engagement ring from inside my jacket pocket, and once again, take Diana’s hand. She allows me to slide the impressive stone onto her slender ring finger. No need for a typical one-knee proposal.

“Miss Volkov,” I mutter. “I will protect you always from this moment on as you are to be mine. And if that means extending that protection and your wishes for Irina, then it will be so. You have my word.”

Her face breaks into a breathtaking smile that earns some stares of nearby men. Jealousy has no room in my calculating heart, but pride does. I love that they are seeing two powerful families come together with a strong bond. So often, when families join, it’s out of pure necessity. They sometimes hate their match.

I don’t hate Diana at all.

“You can bear children, yes?” I ask before placing another kiss on her hand and releasing her.

Her nostrils flare, her only sign of irritation. “I’m worth more than a working uterus, sir.”

A chuckle erupts from me, and I nod my head. “Oh, I have no doubt about that, fiancée. Just asking the questions my father wants answers to.” Lies. We already know the answers because I courted her father, Leonid, more over this engagement than I have her. She’s in perfect health and has been forbidden to date. Boys are a distraction her father told her, when in fact he was just keeping her pure. It’s hard to believe a woman like Diana wouldn’t have been getting her urges seen to. Our work is stressful. Thoughts of her touching herself to relieve the tension skitter in my mind and I lick my lips. I study her slender fingers as she holds her hand up to the light.

She smiles and inspects the ring. “This is beautiful.” Her eyes lift to meet mine. “As far as I know, I’m perfectly healthy.” An eyebrow arches at me. “I’ll be saving myself for the wedding night, so don’t get any funny ideas.” Ha. She reads minds.

Despite her attempt to make light of the situation, apprehension dances in her eyes. I lower my guard and speak to her, friend to friend, once more.

“I’ll be good to you,” I vow. “I will never lift a hand or hurt you. I’ll be a good husband if you’re a good wife.” I flash her a rare, impish grin. “And I’ve been told I’m an excellent lover. If you decide you need to test drive the merchandise, you know where I am.”

She lets out a lyrical laugh that once again draws the eyes of many men. “At least I won’t be miserable marrying the great Vlad. He’s got quite the sense of humor.”

We’re cut short on our conversation when our meal arrives. The server talks us through each item on our plate and the ingredients. I half listen as I scan the restaurant. My eyes catch a familiar amber pair.


Fire and fury blaze in her gaze. She’s seated between Ruslan and Ven Vetrov. Ven is in a heated discussion with his father while Ruslan has his arm draped over the back of Vika’s chair. She wasn’t with them before. Perhaps she was in the restroom. Her tits are spilling out of her bright red dress. She’s the opposite of Diana. Diana is class and grace and timeless beauty. A worthy adversary. An even better match. Vika is nothing but a whore. And seeing her under the young twerp’s arm causes me to grin.

If looks could kill, Vika would slay me violently with her stare. Ruslan must sense her sudden change because he hugs her to him. His acne is out of control. For as much money as the Vetrov name has, you’d think they’d fix that kid’s face. When I glance over at Ven, I’m struck for a moment at how similar he is in appearance to that of his younger brother Niko. Niko and I were close until he started seeing Vika. She fed him whatever bullshit she feeds those around her and he fell for it. Poor bastard fell even harder for her twin’s charm.

Ker Dukey & K Webste's Books