The Trade(79)

Chapter Nineteen


“I can’t believe you’re going to be my brother-in-law. Carson thought he was so cool marrying into the family, well look who also has a golden ticket to the land of Potter.” Jason points both of his thumbs at himself like a cheese dick. “Me. This guy right here.”

I lift a forty-five-pound plate onto my bench press bar and then work my way to the bench. “Glad to see you’re not making a big deal out of this.”

“Do you even know me?” Jason asks, walking around the bar to spot me. He showed up while I was on my last rounds of working out. I just finished in the cages, getting some tee work in so I could loosen my back, and I’m finishing out with some weightlifting. Nothing too serious, but just prepping my body for when I turn up the dial on preseason workouts. “Big deal is my middle name.”

I grip the bar, position my hands so they’re just right, and then lift the bar off the rack. The weight sits immediately into my shoulders and chest, enough that I know this is my last round. With precision, I slowly lower the bar down until it hovers just above my chest and then in an explosive move, I force it back up with a quick press.

Slow and then fast.

Slow and then fast.

I repeat this move eight times and on the last one, I feel my entire body shake just like it should as I make it to the rack just in time. I sit up and drape my arms over my legs, catching my breath from the exertion.

Thirty-five and I can fucking feel it. I know my career is coming to a sharp end soon, but I’m going to stick it out for as long as I can. And this year means more to me than any other year because after such a shitty second half of the season last year, analysts are starting to wonder if my “producing” years are over.

Even though I can feel the ache in my bones right now, I know it will subside once I immerse myself fully. The first few days back are always the hardest, but with each passing day it will get better and better. I treat my body with respect, which is one of the reasons I’ve never been seriously injured during a season. I eat extremely well, work out almost every day, and I’m a big proponent for aftercare, making sure you spend time in the training room, icing, massaging, returning your body back to where it was so you’re fresh for the next day. It’s why I also haven’t had time for a relationship.

But with Natalie, that’s going to be different.

Hell, all I wanted to do yesterday was lounge on her couch with her and share a pizza, but I also knew that since my head was on straight, I needed to get a small workout in, something to help me break vacation mode.

That doesn’t mean I didn’t call her last night and talk for over an hour about pretty much nothing.

And it doesn’t mean I didn’t text her this morning, asking if she was excited for our date tonight. Or that I haven’t text her throughout the day when I’ve had a chance.

From the conversation we had last night, attentiveness is important with her. That and open communication. It was a brief mention of her ex, but it was something I picked up on quickly and made a mental note of it. She deserves so much more than that guy gave her, and even though my life is crazy and will pick up quickly, there are two things I’ll handle well—communicating and being attentive.

Jason removes the weight from the bar for me and says, “She said you’re taking her out tonight. Where you headed?”

I turn toward him, still catching my breath. Even though Jason is annoying at times—funny annoying—I know he’s the reason Natalie didn’t leave my building yesterday. When we were driving to Natalie’s place, she told me she was talking to Jason on the phone when I found her in the hallway, and that he gave her the courage to give us a try.

And for that, I will always be grateful.

“I thought about it and she said she wanted fancy last night, and what’s more fancy then Neptune’s Rooftop?”

“Oh . . . damn.” Jason’s mouth falls open. “You got a reservation?” I give him a look and he laughs. “Of course you did. You’re Cory Fucking Potter. Did you by any chance get that reservation for three?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “In your dreams.”

“Yes, yes, it has been in my dreams.”

“You’re fucking ridiculous.” I stand and bring my arms up and over my head, stretching. “I’m headed to get some ice and work my muscles.”

“Mind if I follow you?” When I glance back at him, he holds up his hands and laughs. “Not in a creepy, I’m stalking you way, but I would like to talk to you about something.”

“About Natalie?” He nods, so I take him by the shoulder and walk him down to the training room. “What’s on your mind?” I swoosh the door open and let him in first. There are two trainers working but for the most part, the stadium is pretty dead. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. You get to train, but in peace, without the hustle and bustle of everyone getting ready for the next game.

We head to two black training tables where there are percussive therapy devices set up. I pick one up, stretch my legs out in front of me and get to work. I glance up at Jason and say, “Are you going to speak?”

“Yeah, sorry.” He shakes his head and then asks, “Do you do this after every training?”

Meghan Quinn's Books