The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane(94)
HALEY: I did a project for my school’s science fair on that. I won— DR. ROSEN: I hate to interrupt, Haley. Do you mind? Jessica, you’ve been unusually quiet. Would you like to share what’s going on with you?
JESSICA: I’ve been thinking about what Heidi said earlier about me. Does everyone here think I’m a bully or mean or— HALEY: You act tough, but I bet you’re as scared as the rest of us.
JESSICA: I’m not scared. Of what?
DR. ROSEN: I’m going to step in here. I know from listening today that you girls don’t like labels. I don’t particularly like labels either, but my profession—like most professions—uses them. So let’s take a moment to consider one that’s being applied to Chinese adoptees like the five of you.
JESSICA: Great. Just what I need. Another label. What are you going to call me?
DR. ROSEN: Does the phrase grateful-but-angry have resonance for anyone? You can be grateful you have your mom and dad, because they love you and they’ve given you good lives with all kinds of privilege.
JESSICA: Some more than others— DR. ROSEN: So the grateful part seems pretty obvious. And, as Ariel pointed out, there are many adoptees who are perfectly happy— TIFFANY: Most of them, I bet.
JESSICA: That’s probably because they weren’t born with brains— DR. ROSEN: But, often, adoption is about loss: loss of your original family, loss of culture and nationality, and, of course, loss of a way of life that might have been. This is where the angry part comes in. Just today you’ve shared lots of variations on anger and why you might be angry. My profession narrows it down to this: anger that your birth parents abandoned you. So the label is grateful-but-angry, but in our private sessions you’ve heard me talk about anger in a different way. Haley, do you remember what I said?
HALEY: You said anger can be a cover for something deeper.
DR. ROSEN: Do you want to share what that was for you?
HALEY: Sadness. Really bad sadness, because somewhere out there I had a mother and a father who didn’t love me enough to keep me. They gave me away. They got rid of me. For their one child they didn’t want me. I’ve never had a way to grieve for that. I mean, how can I be around Mom and Dad, who I love a ton, and cry for my birth mom and dad because I don’t know them or have them in my life? At the same time, why wasn’t I good enough for my mom and dad in China? Now I have to work really hard—and not just with my classes—to be someone they would have been proud of, if they’d known me. And for Mom and Dad to be proud of now.
JESSICA: You mean I’m sad because my birth mother cared so little about me that she left me in front of a train station . . . By myself . . . In the middle of the night . . . In winter . . . That she didn’t even want to know me . . .
TIFFANY: Who wouldn’t be sad when you put it like that?
JESSICA: I’m not sad. I’m pissed.
ARIEL: Youth in Asia.
JESSICA: Fuck this. God damn it.
HALEY: I’m sorry I made you cry.
JESSICA: That’s okay. I think that’s what we’re supposed to do in here. And by the way, Haley, don’t pay any attention to what I said earlier. You’re probably gonna do a lot of the stuff I do—the drinking and all—but take it from me on the true down low. Keep up with your homework, don’t forget to do some extracurriculars, and don’t get caught. Okay? Don’t. Get. Caught. And, Heidi, I’ll try to be nicer to kids like you. It’s just kinda hard for me.
DR. ROSEN: All right, girls. I’m afraid our time is up. This was a good first session. Can I count on all of you to come again next week?
Jin, his mother, Tea Master Sun, Deh-ja, and I return to Spring Well Village at the beginning of March 2008, just before the start of tea-picking season. My mother-in-law, who has not one good memory of life in the countryside, makes quite an impression on A-ma and the sisters-in-law when she volunteers to haul water on her first morning. Mrs. Chang will do anything to be with her son and the child growing inside me. I’m six months pregnant and my baby—Let it be a son—rolls and kicks and jabs. He stretches against my lungs, pushes a foot on the inside of my rib cage, and leans on my bladder. A-ma makes sure I eat her special soups with pig’s feet, dates, and peanuts to nourish him and me. As for Deh-ja . . .
I was prepared to pay the fee to the headman, village elders, nima, and ruma for whatever sacrifices and ceremonies might have been required—as Ci-teh did for her brother—to allow Deh-ja back in the village. Although the birth of her human rejects was brought up by the ruma during the clash with Ci-teh, not a soul—by that, I mean everyone but A-ma, and she won’t say a word, knowing how Deh-ja cares for me—recognizes her. She had been married into Spring Well Village for barely a year when her twins were born, twenty years have passed, and her life has been very hard. She looks older than A-ma and stranger than anyone people have seen on their televisions with her new dentures. If we lived entirely by the old ways, what I am doing would be a violation of Akha Law. But if her human rejects had been born today, they wouldn’t have met their sorrowful ends and she and Ci-do wouldn’t have been banished. Deh-ja and I aren’t taking any chances, though. We will keep her identity a secret. Fortunately, Deh-ja is a common name, and Ci-do and his new family are on a trip.
The ruma and nima announce the day to begin picking. Early on that morning, when it’s still dark, I’m asked to say a few words. What is stranger—that half the village stands before me or that this worthless girl has overcome her past? And the risks are great for all of us. What we’re doing has to work or else Ci-teh will take over. I begin with what Tea Master Sun taught me.