Say You Won't Let Go Google(6)

I’m partially joking, but there’s an element of truth to that. Not because he’s mine or I have any claim, but I wonder if he has someone in line back home. I wouldn’t blame him.

Cooper brushes my hair back off my cheek. “Jealous?”

I shake my head and scoff. “No.”


“Not even a little. I’ve seen your pickins… I’m not worried.”

He grins. “Oh, so you’re sayin’ you’re my best option?”

I sit up quickly and shift to my knees. “Who said I was an option?”

Cooper follows the motion and shifts forward. His nose rubs the side of mine, and I shiver. “Are you?”

“What if I am?”

He leans back, giving me an open look into his heart. “Then you’d get a pass to the front of the line.”

“I’ll let you know tomorrow if I want that pass or not.”

Cooper grins and sits back. “Challenge accepted.”

Chapter Three

“Good morning,” Cooper’s deep voice grumbles against my neck.

“Hi there, cowboy,” I reply, nestling into his body a little deeper. “Sleep good?”

I did. We passed out at some point during the night—fully dressed. I’ve never had so much fun doing nothing before. All we did was talk about everything and anything, and of course, I kissed him—a lot. How could I not? Kissing Cooper feels like coming home. It was full of anticipation, joy, and a feeling of safety that I could just fall if I had to. Cooper was there to catch me all night.

His nose rubs up and down the back of my neck. “I did,” he replies.

His arm snakes around me, tightening and holding me secure. I try to remember that I need to keep myself in check. Yes, this is Cooper Townsend, but at the same time, we live worlds apart. It isn’t smart to get caught up in something that won’t ever be anything more than just this.

Feelings lead to heartbreak. Heartbreak isn’t something I can afford right now.

“What time does the bus leave?”

I flip over to my other side so I can look at him. “Not until tonight. Luke likes to travel at night and see the city we’re in during the day. So, I have all day. Why?”

He smiles while resting his hand on my hip. “Spend the day with me.”

“Coop.” I sigh. We had talked about this last night. That we’d say goodbye in the morning and keep things light. No complications. No promises. Not until the tour was over and I was back in Tennessee. Then, who knows, but I’m all too aware of how easy it would be for me.

“It’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just a day of us hanging out,” he presses.

My eyes narrow slightly, and I pull my lips to the side. “I don’t know. We agreed…”

“Emmy, we have a very looming expiration date. I’m just askin’ my friend to hang out. Besides, what other options do you have?”

I roll onto my back and put my elbow over my eyes. In all honesty, I want to spend the day with him. I want to spend as much time as I can with him. Maybe this will quench a little of my thirst for the man next to me.


“All right, fine. We’ll go see Dallas together.”

He climbs on top of me, giving me a sweet kiss on my lips. “I knew you’d cave. You can’t resist me. I’m wearin’ you down.”

My hand slaps his arm, and I shove him off me. “Yeah, right.” I laugh. “I need to shower. Go get yourself ready, and I’ll meet you in an hour.” I hop off the bed and open the door to the bathroom.

“Need help?” he offers.

I turn my head quickly, tossing my blonde hair over my shoulder and grinning. “You wish, Cooper Townsend. You wish. You best be goin’, time is tickin’.”

An hour later, I’m outside Cooper’s hotel with a roadie’s car that I borrowed. I know exactly where I’m taking him today.

Cooper comes out, wearing a tight pair of jeans and a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Dear Lord, he looks good. His wet hair looks almost black, and the green from the shirt makes his eyes look even more emerald. It should be illegal to look so sinful.

“Darlin’, you need to go back and change,” Cooper says as he looks me up and down.

“What?” I glance at my outfit, completely baffled by what the issue is. I’m wearing a jean skirt, white tank top, and an off the shoulder floral cover. I look cute.

“I’m not lookin’ to fight anyone while I’m here.”

He walks straight to me and pulls me into his arms. “Fight?”

“Every single man is going to try to get to you, Emily. I’m goin’ to be a busy man fending them off.”

My hand touches his chest, and I smile. “I think you’re big enough to take them all.”

“You think so?” he teases.

“Well, if you aren’t, it’ll be fun to watch you try.”

He laughs and leans in for a kiss. To any passerby, we probably look like a real couple, and a small part of me wants to run. I know the real way this will turn out. It won’t be smiles and hugs. It’ll be yelling and disappointment because I won’t give up my life and neither should he.

Corinne Michaels's Books