My Oxford Year(96)

Thank you to everyone at and from Lincoln College, Oxford, for always making me feel like I’m home. To Dr. Daniel Starza Smith for taking the time to give me a tute on the esoteric rungs of the Oxford academic ladder. And especially to Dr. Jem Bloomfield for his copious notes and attention to detail that I’ve come to expect in our decade of friendship, but which never fail to surprise and delight me.

To Dr. Breda Carroll for all the help you lent along the way when it came to medical research and advice. And to my friend, the fine young actor Jimmy Brighton, who unfortunately became rather an expert on cancer and its myriad treatments while I was writing this book. I am sincerely grateful for your honesty, courage, and heart. But still: F.C.

Thank you to the business people, without whom we creatives would never have anyone we need to put pants on for. Attorney Paul Miloknay, and everyone at Writers House, especially Simon Lipskar.

To the HarperCollins/William Morrow team. Liate Stehlik for believing in this project from the beginning and Kate Nintzel for championing it. Julie Paulauski, Katherine Turro, Molly Waxman, and everyone else who shepherded me through this process. And, of course, to Elle Keck, an editor I feel so lucky to have partnered with.

Thank you to the authors I’ve meet and befriended during my years as an audiobook narrator. Your generosity is truly humbling. I learn from you every day.

To my friends, family, and audiobook colleagues who put up with me during this very hectic writing process. Little things, like a healthy work-life balance, fell to the wayside. Especially to Mom and Ken, who watched me go round the dark side of the moon on this one. I love you and I’m back.

And finally, to Geof, my partner in all things. You are the surprise of my life. For many reasons, this book would not exist without you and it is as much yours as mine. Some wise writery person once said, “Don’t write what you know; write what you want to know.” Well, I learned about choice right alongside Ella, and G: I choose you.

Julia Whelan's Books