If Ever(97)

"Out of respect to your position as her handlers, I assure you my intentions are most sincere." I wink at Chelsea. What would they think if I pulled the engagement ring I’ve been carrying around in my pocket and proposed right now? But I aim to propose in extraordinary fashion when the time is right. After the tough time with her dad, I want it to be spectacular.

"You do have the cutest accent," Jacque says, and now they're all waiting for me to speak again to hear more of it. This is one of those moments when being British gives me the ace in the hole.


I've never been more proud then when I arrive at the theatre with my friends. None of them have been to a Broadway show before, and seeing Tom's image plastered outside the theatre has them in awe.

"Geez, Chelsea. I didn't realize Tom was such a big deal."

I smile, because he is and he isn't. He's a normal, kind, unassuming person, which makes his incredible talent all the more special.

When we take our seats, a slip of paper falls from my Playbill into my lap. The role of Charlotte Wilkerson will be played by Tanya Jenkins. A phantom punch in the gut stuns me. I don't want to see Tanya? I want Paige in the role. But mostly I don't want to watch Tom making out with Tanya in front of my friends. Or me.

The overture begins. Anna bumps my shoulder. "This is so exciting!"

And I wish it was, but for some stupid reason, I can't get past the Tanya thing. I'm not enjoying the show as much as I usually do, and why didn't Tom warn me? He knows I don't like her. Heck, I don't think he really likes her either.

Yet when they're onstage together you'd never know it. He gazes into her eyes, caresses her, and sings a love song. I squirm in my seat. Not once has it bothered me to watch Tom do the same thing with Paige. But she's happily married and treats Tom like a best friend—sort of like Dominic and I.

After the show, the girls gush over Tom's performance. "Oh my God, how do you stand watching him make out with another woman?" Megan says,

I smile and grit my teeth.

"I mean, they were in bed together. I'd go crazy. If I caught a guy I was dating kissing someone else, even if he was getting paid to do it. That'd be it," she says.

"Megan, you are so rude!" Anna steps in. "He's a professional actor. It means nothing."

Megan holds her hands up. "I'm just saying. I wouldn't like it."

"It's no big deal," I respond, but tonight it is. Tanya is vile and I can't stand her.

Backstage, Tom gives them the grand tour. He's charming and handsome and everything I could dream of, except he didn't tell me about Tanya. When I get him alone for a moment, he admits that Paige is out of town and this is his third show with Tanya. The information jabs me like a sharp betrayal, even though I know it shouldn't.

Tanya swings by to say good show and good night to him. She smiles coyly and giggles. I'm pissed. And when Tom kisses me goodbye, all I can think of is that his lips were on Tanya's first. And then I remember him saying someone from his past had called the other day. It must be a woman. His ex-girlfriend? How many women do I have to compete with?

It's a relief to leave the theatre behind and hit the town. It's been so long since I've partied with the girls.

"Are you okay?" Anna asks.

"Fine. Why?"

"I saw how that Tanya chick looked at Tom. It's got to be hard."

"I'm glad it's not just me who sees it. His normal costar is terrific, but Tanya, well—"

"She'd steal him from you in a second if she could."

"Exactly!" It's good to get validation that I'm not dreaming this stuff up.

Anna bites her lip. "Do you think he'd cheat on you?"

"God, no. I mean, I never thought so." But the image of him making fake love with Tanya is seared on my brain like a cattle brand.

"I don't think he would either. Drink up and cheer up. Tonight is about having fun."

After that the drinks go down easy. Our group attracts lots of guys. Megan flirts shamelessly and Jacque is a dude magnet with her gorgeous smile. At one point my phone pings and I expect it to be a text from Tom, but it’s Dominic. He’s going to be in town next week and wants to get together. Absolutely, I text back and let him know I’ll give him a call then. It’ll be great to catch up.

A couple of guys at the bar say how familiar I look, and Anna blabs that I was on Celebrity Dance Off. There's lots of selfies with guys we meet, and on an intoxicated whim, I send some to Tom so he knows how it feels to share the one you love.


It's after 4 a.m. when Chelsea and her friends stumble in. They're loud and rowdy after a night of drinking. I roll over and punch my pillow. It's been a sleepless night thanks to Chelsea's constant texts. I knew she wouldn't be happy seeing Tanya in the show, but I didn't expect her to practically ignore me after the show and then go out and find ways to make her point.

The girls clunk around for a few minutes. It finally quiets down until the bedroom door springs open and the light flips on.

"Hey babe!" Chelsea slurs and half launches half falls onto me. I grunt, glad she missed the family jewels.

Angie Stanton's Books