Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(69)

Owen blinked as he stared at her. Rocco’s woman was spot-on. “Yeah. I think that may just be exactly what she needs.”

Addy came back in the room. “What do I need?”

“Riding lessons,” Mandy said. “There’s something about spending time on a horse that puts the world into perspective. Do you know how to ride?”

“I did ages ago, when I was a kid. I haven’t gone riding in forever. Do you do English or Western?”


“I never learned that.”

“Same principles, just a little different practice. Want to try?”

“Yes. That would be fun, actually.”

“Yay! I have some free spots tomorrow. I’ll come get you.”

“Can Troy join us?”

“Of course,” Mandy said. “But in the beginning, let’s work on each of you separately. We’ll work up toward a trail ride with a whole bunch of us.”

Addy smiled. A real smile, Owen noticed, not one of the placating fake ones she’d cultivated, which he fucking hated.

“I can’t wait,” she said. “Thanks, Mandy.”

They went down the stairs in Rocco’s wing, then headed for the kitchen. The lights had been dimmed, as it had been shut down for the night. Owen turned them up, then went searching in the fridge for something for them to eat. “Looks like stroganoff was dinner tonight. Sound good? Or do you want me to make some sandwiches.”

“Stroganoff, please,” Addy said.

“Works for me.” He took some out and heated it up, then dished it out for both of them, making sure their portions were equal. He took a bite, then moaned. Russ was a helluva cook. They sat on tall stools at the counter that overlooked the sink.

“There’s no way I can eat all of this. I’ll get fat.”

He shrugged. “Eat what you want.” He took another bite, watching her eat. “You know, I don’t care if you’re fat. I don’t care what you wear. I don’t care if you have makeup on or not. I care about the real you. I care that your soul’s near mine and neither of us is alone.”

“I’m not sure I still have a soul.”

He smiled. “You do. It’s in there. I’m glad you’re going riding with Mandy.”

“I’m looking forward to that.”

They ate in silence for bit. Owen went around the counter to get them both some water. “Can I ask you something?” He ran the tap.


“Who’s Troy’s father? It’s not Edwards.”

“I don’t know.”

Owen frowned. “How can you not know?”

“He was conceived at one of Cecil’s rape parties.”

“Fuck.” All kinds of questions jumped to Owen’s mind, but he thought he’d peeled off enough of her layers for one night. Or maybe he wasn’t ready to hear the story.

“Yeah.” She pushed some noodles around on her plate. “I think it may have been a guy Cecil called his War Bringer.”

He looked at her. “That guy’s dead. He tried to initiate Fiona and Kelan killed him.”

Addy looked at him. Her beautiful and changing eyes went from glowing blue to orange. “Good.”

“You don’t seem to hold any resentment toward Troy for his origins.”

“I don’t. I love my boys. Even when I thought Augie was Cecil’s, I loved him. They’re so innocent, Owen.” She sighed, then looked at her plate for a minute. “Do you think blood runs true?”

“How so?”

“Do you think Troy will be like his father?”

Owen shook his head. “Not possible. You got him away from Edwards early enough. And you’ve taught him kindness. He may well grow up to be a warrior, but I can’t see him fighting on the same side as his bio dad.”

Owen’s phone buzzed. He looked at the text. “The people claiming to be Wynn’s parents are coming down to meet with us. If you’re okay with it, I’d like you there. They might know something that could help you.”

“Yes, I’d like that. Maybe they can explain what’s happening. Guess it’s good I dressed after all.”

“You could have met with them in jammies. Wouldn’t have been good for my concentration, but you’d have been comfortable.” He smiled when she laughed, glad he’d talked her down from her panic earlier. That had been a terrifying thing to watch.


Angel let himself in to Wynn’s apartment. When she saw him, she grabbed him in a big hug. He held her tight, wondering how he’d ever lived without her. After a minute, he pulled back. She knew it was time for the meeting. She ran her hands over her hair, then straightened her sweater and smoothed her jeans.

“My God,” she said. “I’m so nervous. Are you sure it’s them?”

“No. Not at all. They look like they’re my age. Nowhere near old enough to be your parents.”

“How is that possible? Do they think we’d be easily fooled by imposters?”

“We’ll have their DNA results back in a couple of days. We’ll compare it to yours.” He gave her a half-grin. “You know, fuck Owen. You don’t have to meet them if you don’t want to. I’ll keep them locked up in the bunker while we get this sorted out.”

Elaine Levine's Books