Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(68)

“I don’t have anything I like.” She quickly added, “It isn’t that I don’t like what I have. It’s just that sometimes I want to wear other things.”

He smiled. “What do you want to wear?”

“Slouchy clothes. Stretchy knits. Cheap jeans. Chucks. Nothing designer or couture.” She tossed the eyeshadow case across the counter. Did he know she was testing him? Pushing to see where he’d break and what her boundaries were? “And no makeup.”

“Then we’ll get you those clothes. And you’re beautiful with or without makeup.”

She looked at him. It was freeing being honest. He didn’t seem to be reacting negatively. “I don’t have any money. I’ve never had any of my own money. I can’t buy them.”

“Would you accept a gift from me? A gift, Laidy. Something offered for no reason other than the giving.”

Her eyes watered. She folded her lips together and bit them. She took a few breaths, calming herself at last. This was the good Owen. He’d met her crazed behavior without getting too upset with her. “I don’t know who I am, Owen. I don’t know if I can accept.”

He came into the bathroom. She tensed when he lifted his arms, but he only wrapped them around her. “We’ll find you, Addy. I promise. It’s really a lot simpler than you’re thinking. There is no right or wrong when it comes to me or us. Listen to your heart. Listen to mine. Pick joy. All the time. That’s all there is to this.”

She released a shaky breath, then leaned into him, really leaned. He took her weight without complaint. He was definitely the good Owen. There was no bad Owen. “I don’t know anything. I don’t know what end’s up, what’s real, what’s a nightmare. I want you, but I keep fearing evil Owen.”

He rubbed her back. “Evil Owen. Don’t tell my team about him. They’ll believe you.” He chuckled. He looked down at her, brushing a stray curl from her face. “I do know what end’s up. So until we unscramble you, maybe you could rely on me?”

She nodded.

“And also, I’m just putting this out there, there’s a psychologist in town who’s a solid guy. He did great with Rocco—he’s still going to him. If you ever want to see him, I can take you there or bring him here.”

She leaned back and looked up at Owen. Her eyes had to be some crazy color, for he looked shocked seeing them. This was all still too raw for her. She was dealing with her very soul here. It was too soon—and she was too fragile—to trust it with someone else. “Can we just start with you for a while?”

“You bet.” He pulled on the black T-shirt he’d been holding. “Hey, I was thinking you must be starving. Why don’t we go say goodnight to Troy, then snag something from the kitchen? We’ve already used up our cuddle time, and we’ll have to meet with the Ratcliffs soon.”

She smiled, relieved he understood how much seeing her son would reset her. Addy nodded then looked at herself in the mirror and realized she hadn’t started her makeup, then remembered she didn’t have to. She gave Owen a little smile and left the bathroom. He followed her into the hallway. His feet were bare. She had the feeling he was completely at home just as he was.

She could learn from that.

He reached for her hand as they went up the backstairs in their wing. Neither of them spoke as they made the long trek through the core of the house to the far bedroom wing where Rocco and Mandy had their suite of rooms. The couple was on the sofa in their sitting room, watching TV.

Mandy smiled as they approached. “Hey, you two.” She and Rocco got up to greet them.

“We wanted to say goodnight to Troy,” Owen said.

“Great timing. We just put them to bed,” Mandy replied.

“I hope Troy hasn’t been any trouble for you,” Addy said.

“No trouble at all. He never is.”

Mandy and Addy started toward Zavi’s room, but Owen stopped Mandy. “Can I have a quick word?”

“Sure,” Mandy said. “Addy, go on in. I’m sure they’re still awake.”

When Addy left, Owen looked at Mandy.

“How are things going?” she asked quietly.

He looked from her to Rocco, then shoved his hands in his pockets. “Fine. Look, do you remember bringing in clothes for the ladies? Seemed like for a bit we kept needing extra things.”

“I do.”

“Any chance there’s a pair of pajamas or something casual that might fit Addy?”

“Oh, I’m sure there is. What does she need?”

Owen shrugged. “Something slouchy.”

“Yeah, we’ve got that somewhere. I’ll dig it up and take it to your room…her room?”

“Her room. We’re going to get some late dinner.”

“Wynn said she wanted us all there when she met with her parents…or whoever they are,” Rocco said. “Russ just took a meal tray to them, so you’ve got a little time.”

“I intended for us all to be there anyway,” Owen said. “The time’s over for hiding this shit, now that we’re all targets.”

“Casey’s coming up to hang with the boys when we meet,” Mandy said. “Hey, do you think Addy might enjoy some riding lessons? Could be a good distraction.”

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