Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(53)

Addy didn’t hear anything from the necklace, but suddenly there was a stampede from downstairs. Rocco and Kit flew up the stairs, followed by several others on the team. “Troy!” Rocco shouted as he cleared the stairs. “Troy!”

Owen caught them before they charged into the little living room. “Just a test. Sorry. Everything’s cool.”

Kit sighed and shoved a hand through his spiky hair.

“Wow. It really works!” Troy said.

“It’s not a toy,” Owen said. “Remember, it’s only to be used when there’s a big problem and no one is near to help you.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll remember.”

Rocco chuckled and came over to see what the kids were playing. “Well, that’s the sort of crisis I like—one that’s easily resolved.” He looked over to Kit with a grin.

“Sorry, Dad,” Casey said. “Couldn’t catch him before he squeezed it.”

“No worries, Case,” Kit said. “Was a good trial run. So, we’ll be downstairs. You good up here?”

“Yup. We got it,” Casey answered. “I’ll put them to bed at nine.”

“Aww. Can’t we have a little longer?” Zavi asked. “It’s a weekend. No class tomorrow.”

“How about I put you to bed at nine, but then you and Troy can have another half-hour in your room if you don’t get too wild?”

Zavi sent Troy a grin. “That works.”

Addy kissed her son’s head. “All right, then. Since that’s decided, I guess we’ll leave you to your fun. Troy, be good for Casey.”

“I will. Night, Mom. See you in the morning.”

“Wait until you see breakfast, Troy…” Zavi began to fill Troy in on the feast they always had in the morning.

The guys who’d run upstairs with Kit and Rocco had all disappeared, but Owen waited for her. “Feel better?”

“I feel okay about this.”

Owen nodded. “It’s a start.”

Val came into the living room to wait for the meeting to start. He’d just gotten there when Kit shut off Troy’s emergency summons. Selena was standing by the French doors.

“You okay?” he asked Selena.

“It was only a test run,” she said.

“Wasn’t talking about that.”

She shrugged and smiled at him. “Yeah. I learned a while ago blondes weren’t my thing.”

Val’s grin was a little sad. “Smart call. You comfortable guarding Addy?”

“It’s the job.”

“You trust her?”

“Not yet. She’s very reserved and thinks Owen may be King. Not sure if she’s hiding something or just holding back. Time will tell.”

“She did surrendered her devices for a check without argument.”

“True. What’s your take on her?” Selena asked.

“It’s been years since I’ve seen Owen laugh like he was earlier. I hope she’s what he needs.”

“Me, too.”

Ace joined them. Val opened his arm for her to come close. “Talking about Addy?” she asked.

Val nodded. “Any thoughts?”

“I think the Omnis have cornered the market on head fucks. It’s going to take a while to unwind everything they’ve twisted around her. I hope Owen will give her that time. I know I’m a long way from being untwisted.”

Val drew her close and kissed her forehead. “I kinda like you twisted. Keeps me guessing.”


Addy and Owen returned to the dining room. She was still shaken from what had happened upstairs. Those necklaces were good to have if Owen and his team were truly allies. Owen held out a chair at the long dining room table—the same one she’d sat at for supper. He seemed tense, which didn’t calm her nerves. When Cecil had been uptight, she was his relief valve, suffering some twisted abuse of his that appeased his nerves.

She hoped Owen didn’t do the same.

The others all returned to the table. Russ and Jim were the last ones to join them. The tablecloth had been changed out for a fresh one. Fiona was going around the room, setting small notepads and pens down. The convivial attitude of supper was replaced now with the team’s somber attention.

Owen stood behind his chair and looked the group over. Twenty-two in all sat at the table. “We have a lot to catch up on. I missed quite a bit while I was away. And I learned a few things that I need to share. Usually, these meetings are held in the bunker and kept among the team. But everything from here out may affect not just those of us in the fight, but everyone near us. None of this is to leave this room. We’re still not to openly discuss our business. Children have big ears. So do staff—Carla or the guys in the construction crew working on the basement. Things they might overhear could be used against them, so we have to remember to keep this compartmentalized. Let’s get started. Kit, bring me up to speed.”

Kit told him about recovering Lion and most of his cubs, with the exception of Beetle. Addy couldn’t be silent. She leaned forward and looked down the table to Lion. “Can you tell me anything about him? Was he well?”

“He was when Edwards took him. He’s learned the survival skills we teach. He’s a competent trapper and tracker. He came to my pride from a different group of boys, but they’d trained him well. Edwards is a sick man. I don’t like that he has my cub. I don’t know why he would have taken him.”

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