Forsaken Duty (Red Team #9)(49)

She sighed and took off her glasses. Val’s eyes widened. “Goddamn.” He lifted her chin, bringing her face more into the light of the hallway. “They’re purple now.”

“Are they?” She pivoted on her heel and hurried into the hall restroom. “Oh my God. What am I going to do?”

“Nothing. They’re gorgeous,” Val said, leaning against the doorjamb. “I just told you we all have our issues. Yours happens to be eyes that light up like mood rings. Let’s enjoy that.”

“I’ll freak everyone out.”

“Yeah, but in a good way.”

“Addy?” a woman asked from the doorway.

Addy turned around to find Ace standing there. She knew those eyes, that beautiful, angular face—she’d remembered them as soon as she’d seen her in Owen’s den. Her arm was in a cast. “Ace? Is that really you?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come to say hello before this. I wasn’t ready to face you.”


“Because of what I did to you.”

Addy reached over and took Ace’s good hand. “You didn’t do anything to me.”

“I failed you. In so many ways. You asked me to stop taping you. I didn’t. Then when I gave my tapes over to your brother, I didn’t give him the one of you because I felt guilty for taping when you’d asked me to stop.”

“Ace, honey, you were a kid. I don’t blame you for anything. How could you have known what to do in that situation?”

“I could have gotten you out. I knew the ways.”

“You aren’t to blame for what the Omnis did. They are.” Addy felt fierce and angry suddenly. It probably showed in her eyes, magnified by the big tears pooling there. “We survived. They don’t get to have us. Not any part of us.” She hugged Ace, and felt relieved when Ace hugged her back.

“I’m sorry,” Ace said.

“I’m glad you’re here, out of that world.”

Ace nodded then caught Addy’s shoulder as she studied her eyes. “Your eyes are beautiful. Do they just change randomly? Like on a timer? Like LED Christmas lights?” She smiled.

Addy chuckled. “I don’t know. This just started happening. It’s crazy.”

Ace shook her head. “It’s not crazy. It’s biology. Lots of animals change color, like chameleons and octopuses.” Ace hugged her again. “I can’t wait to catch up with you, share our stories. I’m so glad you were strong.”

Addy returned the hug, not entirely sure she had survived…at least not yet. “I want to hear your story, too. It can’t have been easy for you.”

“It wasn’t. I’m getting back on my feet.” Ace released Addy so she could put an arm around Val’s waist. “I have Val and the team now—a home and a purpose.”

“I’m happy for you,” Addy said.

Val led them out into the hall. “So go ahead and wear your glasses, Addy. Or put out your crazy shingle. No one will judge you here.”

“Yeah, no one cares about my hair anymore,” Ace said. “At first, they were a little weirded out.” She looked up at Val. “God, can you imagine if I could get my hair to change color on its own?”

“I love it when you call me God.” Val laughed when she punched his side. “Maybe the good doctors Ratcliff can get to work on that. As soon as we find them, that is.” They moved down the hall toward the huge living room that was at the heart of this mansion.

Addy followed a little more slowly, bracing herself to join Owen’s people. Her son and Zavi ran toward her down the long hallway. Troy’s face was alight with childish joy, mirroring Zavi’s mood.

“Mom! Zavi eats with the watchers. Can I do that?”

“No. You’ll eat with me.” He was fearless here, happy just being a boy. She loved that this place had brought it out in him, but everything was still so new, and she wasn’t as trusting as he was. She knew too much to be naive.

“Mom, pleeease.”

“Troy—” Before she could finish her response, Owen joined them.

“I understand the watchers eat dinner first, Addy,” he said. “They weren’t here when I left, so some changes have been made to our routine, since the table isn’t big enough to accommodate everyone. Casey, Kit’s daughter, and Zavi, Rocco’s son, have been joining them. Sort of a segregation of children and adults. Troy’s welcome to join them.”

“I don’t know these watchers or why they’re here…” Her voice trailed off. Maybe they’d come for Troy.

“You will after our meeting tonight. I was surprised to learn they were here, but they’re safe, and I’m glad for it. You’re welcome to stay with Troy, but I’d like you to eat with me. They’ll just be in the dining room. We’ll be next to them in the living room.”

“So can I, Mom?” Troy asked.

Addy sent Owen a quick look, then nodded.

The boys laughed and jumped up and down. “Zavi said I can have a sleepover after dinner. Can I do that, too?”

“No. We don’t want to impose. It’s our first night here.”

Once again, Owen stepped in. “They’ll be near Rocco and Mandy, in their suite of rooms. No one’s leaving the house. It’ll help with our meeting, since I expect it will run long.”

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