Falling for Mr. Wrong(25)
“I’ll leave you three to find your seats while I see to it that everyone gets their meal in a timely way.” Noah ushered the three of them toward a table, ensuring that Spencer would sit next to his prey for the evening.
With any luck, his plan would be as easy as feeding candy to a baby.
Noah felt a load of relief once the tables had all been bussed. Now all that was left was dancing and mingling and wedding cake, so he could buck that to his helpers to make sure it all went smoothly.
From the far end of the room, he’d been keeping an eye on Harper. She seemed like she was having a good time, smiling and laughing. He was glad she hadn’t latched on to any young, available male guests.
He wondered if weddings were stressful for her. If so, he felt like a real heel for it. But that was water under the bridge. It was time for him to build a new bridge or some such metaphor. At last he saw Harper get up and head toward the steps, presumably in search of the ladies’ room. He took his cue and slipped up the back steps where he’d be able to intercept her.
He watched from the shadows as she closed the door to the bathroom, and then he waited. This was going to be fun.
Chapter Nineteen
Harper was a bit wedding’d out. It was a lovely event, even though she didn’t know the bride. And she certainly didn’t want to know the mother of the bride. At least spending time with Georgie had been fun, though weirdly she and the surfer dude seemed to have some strange history she was going to need to find out about. She kept getting the sense Georgie wanted to give the guy the slip. Maybe it was the occasional wince she threw her way when it seemed Spencer wasn’t looking. Even so, Harper had felt like a third wheel, a sensation she didn’t adore. It was one thing to be on your own—she was good with that. But it became uncomfortable when you were with others who were paired off—even if those two weren’t necessarily paired off. It still made her feel like an extra appendage, one of those additional fingers people sometimes have: needless, yet there and sort of in the way.
Harper had only excused herself to take a moment to regroup. Maybe the two of them would want to dance or at least not have her be a necessary part of the conversation while they were getting to know each other. She was happy for her friend—Georgie deserved to have a fun time with a guy. Presuming she wanted to have fun with him. But she didn’t want to be a fly on the wall. She washed her hands and was walking down the hall, resolved to find a ride home when she heard that voice.
“I’ve discovered I have a bit of a thing for sexy sandals,” Noah said as he approached her. He reached his hands to her shoulders, then leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Especially when they’re attached to a gorgeous woman with the most beautiful tits.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “Not that I’m getting enough of a look at those breasts, I’m so stuck on the sandals.” His hands slid down to cup her breasts as he steered her backward toward a nearby linen storage room.
Once inside, he slid his thumbs under the edge of her bodice to find her nipples already hard. He groaned and settled his mouth over hers as his tongue pressed past her lips in search of her tongue. The pace of her breathing increased, and she couldn’t suppress a moan when he pinched her nipples hard.
“You like it when I do that?” He dragged his lips down her chin, along her throat while he slipped the slinky straps of her dress over her shoulders.
“You know I do.”
“What else do you like?” His mouth trailed down along her collarbone, and he painted his tongue toward a waiting nipple, pinching the areola as his lips latched on and he suckled.
“What?” he said on a murmur.
“I love when you suck on me.”
“Where?” One hand reached behind her, quickly tugging the zipper of the dress down.
Her breathing was at a fevered pitch. “I love it when you suck on my nipples.”
He bit down hard on one nipple and Harper shouted out. He quickly covered her mouth with his hand. “Shhh. I can keep going as long as we don’t get caught out. I don’t want the grandmother of the bride to walk in on us when I’m thrusting my cock inside of you.”
Harper groaned at the mere notion of that. She wanted it there so badly.
He pulled her dress down, and it pooled at her feet. Noah looked at the floor.
“The only sight better than those sandals is your dress settled down around them.” His voice was gravelly. “You want to know why?”
“Tell me why.”
“Because that means that I get to stare at those fucking tits and suck on them as much as I want, and I know you want it as badly as I do.”
He pulled back for a moment and cast a long, slow gaze over her mostly naked body. He let out a quiet whistle. “Damn, Harper,” he said. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember. We need to do one more thing.”
He reached down and tugged with one finger on the skimpy black lace panties that barely covered her, pulling them down to her ankles and helping her step out of them.
“Such a pretty sight, I might come in my pants.” He slid his fingers along her pussy, stroking the neatly trimmed thatch of hair that barely covered her. “I can see your swollen clit peeking out from your lips.” He stroked along her lips, circling her clit again and again. “And you’re so wet.”