Falling for Mr. Wrong(24)
The background music started to get louder, indicating the wedding was about to begin. Noah showed them to their seats—lucky for Georgie they were in the back row. Unlucky for Harper, she was on the end, and the bride no sooner walked down the short aisle than Noah came and hovered right next to her like he was her bodyguard. If she dared turn to her left, her eyes would be about level with his crotch.
At first she nonchalantly held her program up, attempting to obscure her line of vision. But then her curiosity got the better of her and when she thought he wasn’t looking, she lowered the paper and glanced out of the corner of her eyes; it was impossible not to notice how very big he looked in his sexy hipster suit pants. Heat rushed to her face and she knew her cheeks had turned a charming shade of tomato-red. Made worse because Noah then angled his body slightly toward her head, giving her a bird’s-eye view of his thickening Johnson. She looked up at exactly the wrong time, as he was obviously watching her reaction. He grinned.
So much for being Georgia’s bodyguard. She was going to need her own to withstand the wiles of the omnipresent Noah Gunderson.
Chapter Eighteen
Noah couldn’t believe his good fortune to have Harper as a guest at this wedding. Now he needed to figure out a way to worm his way into her conversations all night. The cheating doofus wasn’t with her, and that was a good sign that. Noah wondered where he was and why he wasn’t her plus-one. But why worry about it? Rather, he planned to take advantage of it.
He approached Harper and her friend as they mingled inside the heated tent following the ceremony. “Can I get you ladies a cocktail?”
Harper rolled her eyes at Georgie, but her friend was having none of it. “I’d love a Tito’s on the rocks with a splash of sparkling water and a lime.”
He looked at his ex who shrugged. “I don’t know. Surprise me.”
Oh, he was planning to surprise her, all right.
He went to the bartender and ordered up two drinks, returning with them a few minutes later.
“Your vodka,” he said, handing Georgie her cocktail.
“And for you, something I thought would be a fun reminder of one of our favorite pastimes.” He held up a drink the color of the morning sunrise he’d witnessed earlier in the day.
“I don’t get it,” Harper said.
He leaned over and whispered into her ear. “Sex on the beach.” He winked at her and walked away, leaving Harper momentarily speechless.
A few minutes later, Noah ran into his friend.
“Spencer,” he said, patting him on the back. “I didn’t know you’d be at this wedding. You sure clean up well.”
Usually the two of them saw each other in wetsuits. When not on a surfboard, Spencer was often found on a bicycle, as he was a courier by day and far preferred biking to his delivery destinations than driving a car. Tonight he had his longish sandy-blond hair pulled back in a sort of ponytail-bun. A bunny tail! She laughed to herself.
“Every now and then I take one for the team. But you know me, I’d much rather be dripping wet right now.”
“Funny you should say that.” He pointed toward Harper. “I’d much prefer that she was dripping wet as well.” The two of them laughed.
“I don’t blame you there.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you can help me then.”
Spencer lifted a brow. “Dude, really? Me and her? Like I’d be the fluffer only for the woman?”
Noah pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “You might want to consider it more like wingman, with benefits. I’m going to introduce you to Harper’s friend who you are going to take a liking to, which will give me a chance to get Harper alone. Got it?”
He shrugged. “Sure, I can do that. Though what’s in it for me?”
Noah nodded toward Georgie, whose back was to them. “Maybe her friend?”
Spencer stuck out his lower lip, thinking. “Hey, I’d do her.”
“And you have my complete endorsement. The longer you keep her away, the better for me.”
By this point at an event, his staff had things well under control. He only needed to figure out the prime opportunity to waylay Harper and employ his charms on her. Surely he’d have the chance.
He motioned with his finger for Spencer to follow him.
“Look who I found all alone and needing company,” Noah said, his hand on Spencer’s shoulder. “Harper, I think you might recall meeting Spencer at the bar, right?”
Harper reached out to shake his hand. “Great to see you again. And this is my date for this evening, Georgie Childress.”
Spencer reached for Georgie’s hand and pulled it toward his mouth. “Enchanté,” he said, as he kissed the top of her hand.
“Uhhh, yeah,” Georgie said squinting her eyes. “You seriously don’t remember me?”
He lifted a brow, then winced as he started to snap his fingers. “Oh, man. You. Surfboard-killer chick.”
.Harper looked from her friend to Spencer. “Should I ask?”
Georgia shook her head. “Trust me, it’s so not worth knowing.”
Harper shrugged. “Okey dokey, then.” She mouthed to her friend you’d better fill me on on that later.
The wedding director began to announce the bridal party, who had gone down to the beach to take photographs, which was weird because it was November and the sun had already set, but whatever.