Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(75)

I eventually get up and dance again with Cara. I’m moving my body to the music when I have that feeling that someone is watching me. I turn around and see Sebastian leaning against a wall, his eyes once again trained on me. His eyes are dark and hooded. I feel that pull once again. How can he make me feel like this?

He is standing near the shadows, but he keeps his eyes on me, trapping me again. My breathing is coming faster and he keeps me under his spell. I finally shake my head and turn around, and Cara is too busy dancing to notice that I had yet another moment with him.

For the rest of the night, I know exactly when his eyes are on me but I ignore it. I don’t look for him and I try to spend more time with Cara and interact with her and her friends. She didn’t have to invite me out tonight but she did. She loves me and I feel like I stabbed her in the back.

I take a taxi home and my mum is asleep on the couch with a book on the coffee table when I get in. I sit on the edge and nudge her awake. She stirs and smiles when she sees me.

“Did you have fun tonight?” She yawns and sits up.

“You didn’t have to wait up for me. I am a big girl, you know,” I chuckle at her.

She sits straighter and looks at me, really looks at me, and tucks a stray hair behind my ear. “You have grown into such a beautiful young woman. I am so proud of you, sweetie. My Angel.”

I see the sadness in her eyes. I know she misses my dad. He was her childhood sweetheart and I hate what he has put her through.

“I made two friends tonight.” I try to change the subject and it seems to work as she cheers up.

“That’s good, what are they like?”

“Well, they are twin brothers and they work behind the bar. They were super nice and made the night bearable,” I chuckle.

“Weren’t Cara’s friends friendly enough?”

“Well, Anna, this girl who is a complete B-word, blanked me as Calvin seemed to flirt, but he’s harmless enough. I even think he has the hots for Cara.”

My mum’s mouth goes into an O shape. “Well, that’s interesting.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think she knows as she’s head over heels with Sebastian, the rockstar.” I try to chuckle it off, but just saying his name reminds me of his body close to mine.

“You okay, sweetie?”

I shake my head and smile at her. “Yeah, guess I’m just tired now. Going to bed and I think you should too.”

I watch her roll her eyes. “Okay, come on. Just think in a couple of days you start school.”

This time I roll mine and groan. A new school, with new teachers—what joys. “Thanks, Mum.”


I hate this part as I never know what to say. I have been writing for over two years and this makes book number eleven and it still feels unreal. Knowing that you give my book a chance. Each passing day I am so thankful to everyone that helps support me, to keep my dream going. I hope you enjoyed Sasha and Colin’s story as I enjoyed writing it.

To my precious, amazing little boy Jake, my number one fan. He is my world and I want to show him that dreams can come true if you are willing to work hard for what you want.

Daniel Martin, even though we have parted ways, you still mean the world to me. You were my first real fan, giving me that big push to write my first ever book and I thank you for doing so.

Elmarie Pieterse, my brain twin, my book whore, my PA, my other side of the same coin, my sister from another mister. We have become so close in the last couple of years. I really don’t know what I would do without you. Especially your one-liners. You are my God send.

Hannah Clarke, you are my mini-me, my younger double. Thank you for staying by my side throughout this journey.

Lauren Haley, thank you for being there for me.

Bernie Ivison, thank you for supporting me and help me celebrate my releases in our own special way.

To my betas, you guys rock. I annoy you, I pester you, wondering if you like my book or not and I will admit … that’s not going to change any time soon. You are stuck with me and my annoyance.

Amanda Perrie, thank you for having such a good eye. When I go through your notes I’m shocked by the stuff I missed and what you spot out. Thank you for everything you do for me, for beta reading and for sharing my books. You are the best.

Paula Tarpley Genereau, thank you for reading so fast and being my American dictionary. I love how I can rely on you to make sure I’m doing it right.

Autumn Hardin, thank you for beta reading my story, and giving me feedback on my characters, especially my men.

Naomi Dentith, yes, I’m going to say it again. My first reader, the first person to message me on my very first book. I love how you are still on this journey with me.

Jen Wildner, my blogger of Just One More Page. You have been there since day one, helping me promote all my books and working hard to get my stories out there. You do so much for me and I appreciate everything you do. You are amazing, thank you. I would fall on my knees and cry to the Gods if you ever stopped being in my life. Dramatical I know.

Leigh Stone, you have been making my interior of my books look so pretty for the last year and a half. Helping me out when I give you short notices. You are a star, thank you.

My loyal girls, my book lovers thank you so much for reading and enjoying my stories. Fran, Mindy, Juliana, Fiona, Amanda, Katy, Naomi, Alisha, Jenn, Fay, Rhiannon, Kelli, Becky, Michelle, love you x x

J.L. Ostle's Books