Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(74)
Girls do actually say no.
“I love that accent.”
Yeah, I have heard that before.
“What if I offer you more than a one-fuck thing?” He pushes his body closer into mine again. “What if I fuck you now, fuck you in my home, on my couch, on my kitchen counter, and bent over the breakfast island? On my bed, and again in the shower in the morning? I will even let you sleep over, which is rare.” He pushes my hair from my shoulder and plants a soft kiss on my neck. “Say yes,” he breathes out. I close my eyes, feeling the sensation run through my system. I want to say yes; I want to take what he is offering, but I can’t do it. I couldn’t do that to my cousin. I couldn’t hurt her like that. I need her to not want him, but as long as she does, I can’t be near him.
I can’t be just another girl he fucks and throws away.
I know if I did, I would regret it.
“No,” I say strongly so he’ll believe me. I push his arm away and start to walk away.
I turn around and look him dead in the eyes. “No,” I repeat, walking away from him, and this time he lets me but I can feel his eyes on me until I’m out of his sight.
I head back to the table and Cara screams and puts her arms around my neck, hugging me, and I feel myself relax, knowing she didn’t see me on the dance floor. I feel like shit now. I feel like the scum of the earth. I know Sebastian isn’t her boyfriend, but it’s girl code, isn’t it? When your friend or family say they like someone, you don’t try to pull them.
I sit there quietly reliving the whole experience in my head and I hate that just thinking about it still makes me feel hot and needy. I try to pay attention to what Cara and Anna are talking about when they stop talking mid-sentence. It’s then that I realise why—Sebastian is standing next to our table.
“Hello, ladies,” he says with his husky voice. “Hiya, man.” He nods to Calvin and Cara is looking at him like she is looking at a celebrity.
“Hi,” she says, smiling at him as he looks at her then back to me again.
I wonder if it has clicked for him. Yeah, she is the better one to pick. She is hotter and will eventually give you some.
“I’m just wondering if you enjoyed the show.” His eyes go back to me and I look down.
“Oh, my God, I think you are amazing. I have seen you play like a hundred times. I am such a huge fan,” Cara gushes at him and I look up to see him smiling warmly at her.
As if he knows I’m watching, his eyes go back to mine and it’s like they change, they go darker. “What about you?” he asks me.
“This is the first time she has seen you play, she just moved here. She’s my cousin.”
He nods as she talks. “So, did you like it?”
I feel like he’s asking a completely different question. “Yeah, it was okay.” I shrug and he smirks at me.
“Just okay? You didn’t think it was mind-blowing or something you would want to see again or want?”
I feel my cheeks blush and I scowl at him and he is still smirking.
The ass.
“Course she thought you were brilliant, we all did.” Cara talks on my behalf again.
“Well, I guess I will see you around.” He smiles at everyone and looks at me one last time before walking away.
I try to not look where he is going. I wonder if he is looking to find an easy hookup since I turned him down. I shouldn’t even care—so what, if he fucks someone else?
“I can’t believe he talked to us. I knew he winked at me. Didn’t I tell you? I wonder why he didn’t offer to take me back to his place or something?” Cara looks in the direction he left.
“Maybe it’s because you were with us,” Anna says.
“Okay, I am going to get another round.” I stand back up, everyone telling me their orders, and I leave them again. I feel like I have hardly hung out with them but they don’t seem to mind. To them, apart from Cara, I’m a stranger.
I head to the bar and Cory is shaking his head at me.
“What?” I ask him.
“I saw you dancing with Sebastian.”
Oh, crap. “I didn’t realise who it was until it was too late—thought it was a stranger.” That didn’t sound any better and by the looks of things he doesn’t think so either. “I mean I felt this pull and I liked it, but once I knew it was him I took off,” I defend myself.
“Well it looked hot and heavy from where I was standing and he’s not going to let you get off the hook so easily.”
I don’t need to know that. “Listen, my cousin likes him, so I wouldn’t go near him. It was a mistake type thing. Don’t worry I can handle this.”
He looks at me carefully then nods. “Sorry to act all brotherly, but I have seen how he treats women. You are different; I don’t want you to be another notch.”
Aww, that’s so sweet. “I am no one’s notch. Can I have another round for all of us please and get yourself and your brother a drink on me as well.”
He smiles and starts pouring our drinks, putting them on a tray for me to carry back to the table.
Randi’s is practically empty an hour or so later. I watch Calvin and Cara dance and I can tell that he likes her but I don’t think she knows it. I wonder if I should tell her, but it may ruin their friendship, so I’m better to keep my mouth shut. It’s not really my place to say. Anna doesn’t talk to me when we are alone; she just goes on her phone and I do the same, seeing posts and pictures of my friends on Facebook.