Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(52)

“Good. You do your job and keep it professional.”

“I will.” He grunts and heads to the next room with me on his trail.

“So, have you found anything?” I watch him pick up a flower vase.

“No, but I want to be thorough. This guy has come into your home and I want to know how. I want to make sure he’s not watching you now.” That’s a scary thought.

“I’m not a diva, you know.” I bite my lip, looking to the floor. I feel him walking closer to me. He lifts my chin and flashbacks enter my head.

“I know you’re not. I was just winding you up. We just need to get used to this situation.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to hear you talking about you fucking anyone.” He steps away from me.

“Because it's unprofessional?” I ask him.

“Because I don’t like knowing another man has touched you.” He looks at me before walking away and this time, I don’t follow him.

I head back to my room and get dressed. I spend an hour reading before a limo pulls up, ready to pick me and Colin up for tonight’s show. On the ride over, neither of us say a word. He makes sure he sits far away from me. I wish that he would say something.


He follows me to the stage where the guys are already there talking and when they spot me, they look from Colin to me again. Karen runs to my side, linking her arm through mine.

“Have you two fucked yet?” I roll my eyes.

“No, we haven’t fucked.”


“Nope.” I pop the p and see the disappointment in her eyes.

“You're boring. Digger is looking for you by the way.” I groan. I’m not in the mood right now.

“Did he ask for me?”

She shakes her head. “No, but he’s looking around for you.” She smiles at me.

“You’re loving this.”

“I am not.” She tries to act offended.

I walk off stage to the back and soon, I’m being pulled into a darkened corner and feel lips on my mouth. He pushes me hard against the wall, grinding his dick against me. Digger glides his fingers up my leg until they reach my underwear, pushing them aside, entering two fingers inside me.

I want to push him away but it feels so good, and after today, I need a good release. I need a release that wasn’t from my own fingers. I fist his hair, pulling him closer to me. I close my eyes in pleasure but it's Colin who I see. I try and get him out of my head but it’s not working.

I start grinding myself against Diggers hand. I am panting into his mouth when I lose my balance and see Digger is being pulled away by Colin.

“What the hell?” I shout at him.

“I’m here to follow you, remember? I’m not going to watch him treat you like some easy fuck in a darkened corner,” Colin growls but his eyes stay on Digger.

“Who the fuck are you?” Digger straightens up and gets in Colin’s face.

“I’m her new bodyguard her stepbrother, so I have every right to get your ass fucking fired. What do you think my dad will say if he knew you were fucking his stepdaughter?” Digger steps back.

“Digger, don’t listen to him,” I tell him but he won’t look at me.

“You better listen or you can find a different career.” Digger looks from him to me and sighs.

“I’m sorry, Sasha. You’re a great lay, but I can’t lose this job.” He walks away and I waltz up to Colin and slap him hard across the face. I am so fucking angry for what he just did I could slap him again.

“You are an asshole. You get jealous and do that?”

Colin gets in my face, pointing his finger at me. “Listen, I know you wanted to get off, but show some respect for yourself and at least do it in your dressing room.”

“That’s rich, you used to do it in shower rooms and classrooms. If you remember, that’s how I lost my virginity.”

“We were young. We’re older now, so start acting like it.”

“Fuck you,” I shout at him and head to my dressing room. I feel him right behind me. “Fuck off,” I shout, not turning.

“Not happening.” I groan and when I open the door, I freeze when I see roses and rose petals spread all over the room. I look to the mirror, reading the message.

I’ll be watching

Colin pulls me to his side but my eyes are trained on the words. Colin cups my cheeks and connects his eyes with mine. “Stay here, don’t move.” All I can do is nod. I watch him search the room, checking each item before grabbing his phone and talking to someone on the other side.

I sit down in front of the mirror and see my lipstick, the lipstick I use, sitting there. I know I took all my makeup back with me yesterday. I open my bag to check and, yup, it’s gone. He took my lipstick somehow to write this message.

“Sasha,” Colin says, kneeling down next to me. “I am going to stay by your side. You need me.” I know I do.

“Okay,” I whisper.

“I’ve checked the room over. When you’re on stage, I have someone coming to clean up so when you come back all the flowers will be gone. I am going to get a guy to man the door. You go do your thing.”

“My thing?” I laugh.

J.L. Ostle's Books