Blood Type (Blood Type #1)(29)

She swallowed and worked up the courage to tell him. “Well, I’m going out with some friends.”

Of all the responses she expected from Beckham, laughter was the last one.

“Your friends? The ones in the Warehouse District?” he asked incredulously.

“No!” she cried. She couldn’t hold back the anger in her voice. He didn’t have to be an asshole about it. “The ones I’ve made since I’ve been here. I’m going out to a club nearby and that’s that.”

    Beckham straightened immediately. He clearly didn’t like her tone or the thought of her meeting people he didn’t know about. “Who are these friends of yours?”

“I’m going out with Everett from downstairs.”

“The valet?” Beckham asked. He pursed his lips.

“Yeah.” She straightened her dress and ignored his pointed stares. She was not backing down. “I’m meeting some of his friends.”

“No,” he said. “That doesn’t sound safe.”

“What do you mean it’s not safe?” she demanded. “You don’t even know them.”

“That’s why it’s not safe.”

“No! You don’t get to decide that. You said I wasn’t a prisoner, and you’ve been treating me like one all week, especially after I left Visage without you. What was I supposed to do? They said I was going, and you would catch up…so I went. You can’t force me to stay here!”

“You’re not a prisoner.” His eyes were steely. She knew she was more than he had bargained for, but at this point, she just didn’t care. “You don’t understand the city, and you have no idea what could be out there.”

“Nothing is going to happen. I’m in a new place. I don’t know anyone. The first person who isn’t paid to be nice to me invited me to hang out with his friends and I’m going to go. Can’t you understand what it’s like for me?”

Beckham stared at her blankly. She ground her teeth and crossed her arms in defiance. She had plans, and he couldn’t dictate her life for her. If this was going to work as a permanent situation, then he needed to trust her.

    “So, no? You don’t get it at all,” she said. “Let me explain. I’m here all alone, all the time. I don’t have any friends. My brothers live an hour away and are now no longer part of my life. The only person in my life is you.” Beckham arched an eyebrow as he watched her stoically. “And with you I feel…I feel…useless!”

“Useless?” he asked.

“Do you ever get hungry?”

Beckham smirked at her question, which was all the more infuriating. How was he so calm about all this? Not that she was aching for him to bite her. The idea still terrified her, but did he ever eat?

“How did I end up with the only vampire who doesn’t eat?” she asked in frustration.

He eyed her curiously as if trying to decipher what was hidden beneath. “Is that what you want?”

She swallowed. This was dangerous territory. She didn’t want to have this conversation again. She didn’t want to think about the kisses he had trailed down her neck. How despite how afraid she should feel, when he looked at her like that, her insides ignited. It was a strange paradigm.

“I’m just trying to figure you out.”

“I thought I made it clear that you shouldn’t,” he said. His gaze was intent and deadly.

“I’m bad with instructions,” she muttered.

“I’ve noticed.”

“Well, did you just get me to please your boss?” she asked the question that had been rattling around in her brain since she had found out that Beckham hadn’t even wanted a Permanent Subject.

    “Would you be upset if I said yes?”

Reyna stumbled at the response. “Wait…really?”

She hadn’t thought that Beckham would really agree to something like this for work. She hadn’t thought anyone could bully Beckham into anything. He was formidable to say the least.

Beckham took a few slow steps toward her. Prowling like he was stalking his prey. She took an unsteady step backward and reminded herself that he wasn’t going to bite her. If he hadn’t already, then she didn’t think he would right now. That first time had been an accident. He…didn’t even want her. And she shouldn’t hope that he would want her.

“Do I look like I’m eager to have someone in my space? Someone I have to constantly watch?” he asked, standing so close to her she had to tilt her head back to look at him.

Her stomach twisted as his nearness seemed to encase her, trapping them in a bubble. He had such a powerful presence that she never ever forgot that he was a vampire when they were this close together. Sometimes when he got this close to her, it became overpowering. But for the first time, she saw beyond the deadly fa?ade to the man beneath. He might be terrifying, but he was also terrifyingly beautiful—body chiseled from stone, razor-edged cheekbones, pools of onyx, effortless masculinity that oozed from every pore.

“No,” she finally whispered, tearing her thoughts from the man before her and focusing on the discussion at hand. It was obvious Beckham wasn’t the type to want anyone here in his penthouse. She shouldn’t be upset that he didn’t want her, but feeling useless was infuriating. Being useless in her job was something else entirely.

K.A. Linde's Books