Blood Type (Blood Type #1)(26)

Reyna gulped, but no one else batted an eye at the behavior. She hadn’t thought that Beckham was being serious by saying he was kind. Cold, distant, broody…those were all words she would use to describe Beckham. Not kind. But looking at how Rowland treated Sophie, she found herself feeling fortunate.

“Yes, bring Reyna along for the ride. Beckham knows where we’re going,” Harrington said.

    “I’m…I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” Reyna said nervously.

“It’ll be fine,” Cassandra said. “You can ride with us.”

She smiled, but Reyna wasn’t sure if she could trust Cassandra either. She wasn’t as creepy as Rowland. But she also had vicious eyes and a charisma that said not to fuck with her.

Reyna glanced around once more anxiously and then nodded. “Okay.”

Their group took the elevator to an underground parking garage. The walls were lined with heavily tinted black Town Cars and limos. There were a few exotic sports cars in reds and oranges and yellows at the far end of the garage. Not a single plain car in sight. She wondered if this was the level for upper management and regular employees parked elsewhere or if these all belonged to the company for business use.

Three cars backed out and rolled up in front of them. Harrington got into the first one alone. Rowland and Sophie got into the next one. He looked over his shoulder once at Reyna, but Cassandra put her hand on Reyna’s shoulder and he disappeared inside the vehicle. The next car was for Cassandra, Felix, and Reyna. She walked around to the other side and sat down next to Felix.

Cassandra brushed her red locks off her shoulders and glanced over at them. “So, Reyna, what did you do before becoming an escort?”

Reyna coughed unexpectedly. Vampires called them escorts too?

“Um…nothing really.”

Cassie raised an eyebrow. “Nothing at all? You had no life?”

    “I, well, no, not really. I went through school, didn’t have the money for college, and couldn’t get a job.” It wasn’t like jobs were readily available. She’d spent two years looking. No one would hire her. At least not for anything her brothers approved of. And playing house didn’t exactly give her purpose.

“I see.” Her hand ran down Felix’s arm. “So, you’ve no experience with being an escort, then, either?”

She shook her head.

“Hmm…and what do you think of the way Beckham tastes you?”

Reyna stayed very still. She almost snapped off that he hadn’t, but for some reason that felt like the wrong answer. She didn’t want anyone to think something was wrong and move her to someone else or fire her entirely.

“It’s fine,” she whispered.

“Fine.” Cassie laughed. “Felix, do you think that when I taste you it’s just fine?”

“It’s like Heaven itself.”

Cassandra was stroking his neck temptingly. Reyna couldn’t help but be drawn to the movement. There were tiny little scars on his neck, but not healing wounds. Just tiny little imperfections Reyna wouldn’t have even noticed if she hadn’t been looking at them.

“Yes, yes it is,” she purred.

And then suddenly Felix’s neck was snapped to the side, Cassandra opened her mouth wide, baring her fangs, and plunged them down into his neck. Reyna shrieked and plastered herself against the car door. Her mouth was open wide as she stared in horror while Cassandra pierced his artery and drank the thick red blood. A rivulet escaped her mouth and ran like a river down to the collar of his shirt. The light blue material darkened as it soaked up the excess.

    Reyna couldn’t pull her eyes away. The way Felix’s eyes rolled back in his head. A look of supreme pleasure on his face. The sound of Cassandra drinking deeply. The way she held him like an animal…like food.

Then it was over. Cassandra licked from his collarbone to the wound in his neck until it was clean. The wound was already clotting from the healing properties in vampire venom. All that remained were two small marks in his neck and a pool of blood on his collar.

“Oh, look, I’ve made a mess.” Cassandra licked her lips and glanced up at Reyna’s horrified face. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We can get him a new shirt.”

Then she giggled maniacally and sat back in her seat.

Reyna didn’t move from her seat the rest of the drive. Even when Felix stripped out of his shirt to reveal his amazing six-pack and put on a fresh shirt. She didn’t want to even think about how often that must happen for Cassandra to keep a stash of shirts for him available.

Maybe she wasn’t ready for Beckham to bite her…not ready at all.

A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of a restaurant. She followed Cassandra inside the dark tinted room. It was a chic-looking room with polished upper-class clientele. One of the suits in this room cost more than the entire Warehouse District.

They were ushered to a table in the back, and Reyna took an open seat next to Felix. He acted fine, but something about his movements made him seem a little dazed. She wondered if it was the blood loss or if Cassandra kept him drugged.

    Harrington sat at the head of the table and peered over at Reyna’s pale face. His keen eyes seemed to take in everything at once. “Cassandra,” he admonished.

K.A. Linde's Books