Bet on It (48)

“I should go in.”

“Yeah, I should probably be gettin’ home to check on Gram,” he agreed. “Just hold up a second.”

He shot out of the truck, jogging to her side so he could open the door and help her step out. “This may not have been a real date, but I’d still like to walk you to your door if that’s all right.”

“I’d like that too.” She smiled, linking her arm in his.

When they got to her door, things turned slightly awkward. Walker knew what he wanted to do and say, but he didn’t know if she’d be open to them. He watched as she unlocked her door, then turned to him. Her gaze was soft and open, and he knew then that he had to at least try, or he’d regret it forever.

“One more thing,” he said quietly, linking their fingers together. “Before you go?”

“What is it?”

He paused. “I’d like to kiss you one more time. Before the rules really go into effect.”

Aja swallowed, then her mouth dropped open a little. He watched as her breathing deepened.

“Yes.” It was emphatic—and it was all he needed.

His hands went to her waist, pressing her back against the door. If this was the last kiss that he was ever going to get from her, he was going to make it memorable.

The slide of their lips was hot and wet, and when her tongue touched his, his dick pulsed. His fingers clutched her full hips, digging into the fleshy parts of her, trying to hold on, aching to take. It was overwhelming how much he wanted her, how much something as simple as a kiss had him teetering on the edge of control. Had he ever felt like this before? He didn’t think he had.

He forced himself to pull back before he broke their pact only hours after they’d made it. Their mouths clung together, spit-slick and swollen. Aja’s eyes were blown wide, darker than they usually were. He was sure that his reflected the same darkness.

“I should go.” His voice was completely wrecked. “Before…”

“Right.” She nodded. “Yeah, definitely.”

“OK, well, I’ll see you Monday, right?”


He started walking away backwards, trying to keep his eyes on her for as long as possible. “Bye, Peaches.”

“Walker…” Her tone was half warning, half lust.

“I just needed to.” He laughed. “One last time.”

“Leave, boy!” She rolled her eyes, opening her door. “Text me to let me know you got home all right, please?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Chapter 15

Aja wasn’t sure how long it was going to take her to get used to people wanting to hang out with her. The footing she’d found with Walker, and Miri and her friends was still new, unsteady. The other shoe hadn’t dropped, but she waited anyway. When she woke up late Saturday morning to a text from Miri, asking if she wanted to hang out, she had to swallow down the surprise and read it two more times.

Miri told her that she, Jade, and Olivia were going to one of the bars in town that night. Even through text, Aja could tell Miri was a little cautious about inviting her. She made sure to mention that they definitely wanted her there, but that she shouldn’t feel pressure to come if it wasn’t her scene. There would be plenty of other times for them to get together.

In truth, bars weren’t her scene—at least, she didn’t think they were. But it had been more than a week since she’d hung out with them, and she was dying to see them again. Which was how she found herself walking into a crowded bar downtown with her ass cheeks nearly peeking out the bottom of a tiny black romper.

The Garage was half opened to the street outside thanks to an oversize retractable garage door with frosted windows. She didn’t know how many bars Greenbelt had, but this one clearly catered to its younger citizens. The decor was hip without being too modern and the music was fun without being too Top 40, it was … nice. Even if it was nearly packed to the gills with people, none of them were too rowdy. And the open concept of the bar filtered plenty of fresh air through the space, allowing her to gulp as much down as she needed. That would do wonders for keeping her anxiety as under control as possible. Even still, the amount of people made her brain buzz with it.

For a moment, deep regret settled behind her ribs. She’d been so eager to hang out, but she wasn’t sure she could do this: be in a room full of loud, moving bodies. Have people accidentally touch her, hear all manner of loud sounds in her ears. She wanted this desperately but also ached to run. She resigned herself to the fact that she might have to give in to the latter at some point. That was nothing to be ashamed of. She promised herself to only stay for as long as she could handle it without causing harm to herself. The second it became too much, she would leave. And she would force herself to not feel bad about it.

Miri, Jade, and Olivia were sitting close together at a small table a few feet away from the long bar. Olivia saw her first, rising halfway out of her seat to beckon her over with flailing arms. When the other two women became aware of her, they smiled, excitement practically dripping off of them. Seeing such obvious displays of enthusiasm at her presence eased Aja a little. But her body was still tense as she waded through the crowd, getting tighter and tighter each time someone bumped or brushed against her. But the small part of her that had been nervous that Miri had only invited her because of pity had eased.

Jodie Slaughter's Books