Allied (Ruined #3)(61)

Cas looked at Franco quickly, like he hadn’t been expecting that. “I told you I wanted to wait on those discussions.”

“I know,” Franco said. “But we’ve been discussing the Ruined request to strip the monarchy of some of its power, and we need to know about your marriage plans. Everyone agrees that your marriage isn’t legal, since Em’s name isn’t on the document. You’ll need to draw up new documents if you’d like to marry again.”

“We’re not even entirely sure you’ll have enough support to get married,” Violet said carefully. “We don’t even know the Ruined’s opinion on that matter.”

Em didn’t know their opinion either. She had carefully avoided asking anyone, afraid of the answer.

“We need to know if this is something we should be fighting for,” Franco said. He looked at Cas, and then Em. “Do you want to marry again?”

Heat rose up Em’s cheeks. Yes. The word was on the tip of her tongue, but it was too awkward to say it in front of Franco and Violet. This conversation needed to happen in private with Cas first.

“Let’s pick up that discussion tomorrow,” Cas said, avoiding Em’s gaze. Franco looked surprised, but said nothing.

“Let’s talk about supplies, then,” Violet said. “I’m working on getting some clothing and other things for the Ruined, but we—” She stopped as a knock sounded at the door.

“Come in!” Cas called.

A young man stepped inside, his eyes wide and his breathing a bit heavy. Em tensed and began mapping a route in her head back to Cas’s bedroom, where she’d left her sword.

The man stepped inside, extending an envelope to Cas. “The king of Olso was just at the gates. He has a message for you.”


“LET US GO with you. We’ll stay back. August will never see us.”

Cas shook his head as he shrugged into his coat. Em made an exasperated noise and plunked down on the edge of his bed.

“The message said not to bring any Ruined. That he’ll consider it an act of war,” Cas said. The note from August had been short, but clear:

King Casimir—Meet me after sundown in the clearing by the mill to discuss a peace treaty. If you bring any Ruined to this meeting, I will consider it an act of war.

“It’s a trap,” Em said.

He turned to face her. “I’m bringing an army of guards with me. And we already sent people out there to make sure it isn’t an ambush. The Olso army isn’t anywhere nearby. August came alone.”

Em let out a breath, clearly frustrated. “You can’t trust him.”

“I know. But he’s offered peace talks, and I can’t decline the invitation.”

“The proper thing to do would be for him to come here, to the castle, if he was truly serious about peace talks.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s so immature, sending you a note to meet him at a secret location.”

“Nothing you have ever told me about August makes me think he’s mature.”

“Good point.”

“Besides, the Ruined are here in the castle, and he seems very concerned about that. We could have one of them snap his neck as soon as he walked through the door.”

“I considered it. Gisela would be happy to do it.” Em couldn’t say it with a straight face. August didn’t know Em well if that was truly the reason he didn’t want to come to the castle. She would never have him killed on sight. She’d at least talk to him for a few minutes first.

He leaned down and kissed her. “This may take a while, so try to get some sleep. I’ll fill you in on what happened tomorrow and we can talk about . . . other things.”

She nodded. She knew what other things he was referring to.

Do you want to marry again? The question had sent an unexpected blast of terror down Cas’s spine. He thought he had more time. He thought they’d deal with Olivia first, and the Olso and Vallos armies, and settle into a regular life. He thought there would be hours of negotiations with the Ruined and a few formal dinner parties and plenty of time to show Em that this could work.

Instead, she was supposed to decide the day after arriving in the castle. And he was terrified of the answer. Em had never given him any indication she thought that their marriage was a realistic option, even after deciding to partner with him against Olivia. He’d told her that he loved her, and that he wanted to marry her weeks ago, during Olivia’s raid on the castle. She had never given him a response, on either point.

He said good-bye and rushed out of the room. Maybe he was a bit grateful for the timing of August’s note. He could delay hearing Em’s answer for a little while longer.

Outside, he found his horse saddled and ready to go. Twenty guards were traveling with him, with more spread out in every direction, many of them out of view. If August was indeed trying to lead them into a trap, he would have a very hard time succeeding.

The meeting spot was less than an hour’s ride, and it was dark by the time they arrived. They didn’t light a torch, instead waiting silently in the darkness. The sliver of moon provided minimal light, but it was so quiet in the open field that it would be near impossible for August to sneak up on them.

Cas didn’t dismount his horse, prepared to bolt at the slightest hint of trouble. The minutes ticked by, stretching into hours. He arched his back, annoyed. Perhaps the trick had been just to make him wait for no reason.

Amy Tintera's Books