A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(60)

Layla wanted to say no. She wanted to tell Chloe exactly where she could put her protection, but she wasn’t an idiot, and her ability to stay away from Elias without Chloe was almost zero. She didn’t trust Chloe, not after her revelation, but she believed that she didn’t want to hurt her, or see harm come to her. Everything else could be dealt with when she wasn’t being hunted.

Layla looked between Harry and Chloe. “Harry comes too.”

“Yes,” Chloe said. “Don’t argue, Harry. You come, or I knock you out and you come. Either way, it’s too dangerous for you to stay here.”

Harry sighed. “Fine. I need to stop for some clothes and my laptop.”

“Everything you need will be brought there once we’re at the destination.”

Harry turned to Layla. “I know you’re angry, but I really don’t want to be caught up in whatever this guy has going. And if keeping you safe means I have to be whisked away, then so be it. When do we go?”



The group made their way down to a black Range Rover, where Diana was waiting.

“You all took your time.”

“I don’t think we’ll be escaping from a lot in that,” Harry said.

“Engine has been modified,” Diana assured him, patting the car’s side panel with affection. “This thing will do just fine.”

Layla paused at the open door. “Wait, it’s just dawned on me that if you knew about my father and you know who I am, you also know that my name isn’t Layla Starsmore.”

Chloe nodded.

“Wait, you’re not Layla Starsmore?” Harry asked from inside the car. “Who are you then?”

Layla climbed in and buckled up. “My last name is Cassidy. I changed it to hide from people like Elias Wells, and people who would use me to get to him.”

“Chloe, you drive, I’ll take shotgun.”

Layla wasn’t sure if Diana had offered Chloe the chance to drive to give her some time apart, but she was grateful. The car journey was going to be uncomfortable enough just having to be in close proximity to one another; sitting in the same row would have made it almost unbearable.

Chloe drove the car out of the hospital car park and through the Southampton streets, as Layla looked out of the tinted window beside her. It didn’t feel like everything had been normal only a few days ago; it felt like weeks, like her whole life had turned into craziness once again and had been that way for as long as she could remember. She was exhausted, but she knew it wasn’t over yet.

Eventually she managed to drift off to sleep, and thankfully her dreams didn’t include anything to do with spirits, murderers, or drenik.

She woke with a jolt as the car slammed on its brakes, and she was momentarily disoriented. “What happened?” she asked, fearing that they’d had an accident of some kind.

“We’re being followed,” Chloe told everyone. “Ever since the General. We’re on the A31 heading into the New Forest, but I don’t think we’re going to be able to stay here for much longer.”

“I thought we were going to Winchester?” Harry asked. “That’s in the other direction.”

Layla looked out of the window and noticed that the signs gave the distances to cities in the opposite direction to Winchester.

“Yeah, well, plans change,” Diana explained. “We’ve changed direction to try to lose the tail, but there’s no guarantee it’ll work. This car is made to go off-road, so hopefully we can lose them on some of the dirt roads further ahead. It means a bumpy ride. We’re going to meet up with some friends.”

“I’ve contacted Kase and told her to meet us,” Chloe explained. “We’ll be there soon. I imagine she took the helicopter to get there, so we’ll have a means of escape that doesn’t involve being on the ground.”

“Hopefully she has an army with her,” Harry said.

“If Kase is there, we won’t need an army,” Diana explained.

A few seconds later, the Range Rover lurched to the side as the car following them sped up and tapped the right side, just above the back-right wheel.

“Shit,” Chloe snapped. “Any chance you can help us here?”

Layla looked through the rear window, trying to pinpoint the car behind them. “I’m not sure I can use my power while holding on for dear life back here.”

“She was talking to me,” Diana said, her voice a deep rumble. “How far from the meeting point are we?”

“A few miles. The turn-off is in about six hundred yards.”

“Get the car off the road and then stop. You’ll have to get out and run the rest of the way. Let me see how they like my surprise.”

Layla watched with a mixture of anticipation and fear as the car slowed and made a sharp left turn down a road that was barely more than dirt and trees. There wasn’t even a sign to say it was possible to make the turn.

The Range Rover flew down the dirt path. Chloe’s driving was confident and assured, although Layla wondered if that’s how she felt inside. Layla certainly didn’t feel either of those things.

The car behind them struck their rear bumper, forcing Chloe to struggle for control of the car, which narrowly avoided the trees pressing on either side of them. In a battle between oak trees and car at seventy miles per hour, there will only be one winner, and it won’t be anyone inside the car.

Steve McHugh's Books