A Glimmer of Hope (The Avalon Chronicles #1)(59)

“Unfortunately?” Layla shouted.

Chloe immediately realized her mistake. “No, not like that, no, shit. No, Layla.”

It was too late. Layla saw red, and everything she’d been thinking about since Tommy had told her the truth the night before spilled out in one rush of anger. “Screw you, Chloe. Screw you and your damn lies. You fed me bullshit for the last two years. You say you’re my friend, but friends don’t lie to one another, friends don’t hide who they really are, or spy on their friends. Friends don’t let each other go through everything I’m going through right now and not say anything. You know how I feel about being lied to, about being let down by people I trust, and you just carried on like it was fine.

“Tommy told me about you last night in an effort to make me trust you all. And it’s made me realize that you are an umbra, Chloe. Instead of being here helping me go through all of this, you’ve been off doing who knows what. I’m not sure a friend would lie so convincingly for so long, or that they’d let someone go through all of this alone, when they could have helped.”

Chloe took a step toward Layla, her hands out. “Please.”

“If you touch me, I’ll break your arm,” Layla said, her voice almost a snarl, the words out before she could stop herself.

Chloe stopped and took a step back. “I want to keep you safe.” Her voice was low, barely above a whisper. “I don’t want you to get hurt. And more than anything in the world, I wanted to tell you who and what I was. You have no idea, Layla.”

“You lied to me for two years, Chloe. Telling me you wanted to be there for me but couldn’t be because you had to talk to the person you’re really working for isn’t much of an excuse in my book. You fabricated our entire friendship because it was your job.”

The pair walked away in silence, finding Harry next to the set of lifts. “Diana went on ahead, told me to wait here for you both.”

Harry looked between Layla and Chloe, clearly noticing that something was amiss. “So, why am I here?”

“Elias and his people will try to get to Layla by going through us,” Chloe said. “We have people watching your home right now, but they could still try. They tried to kill me this morning.”

“Are you . . .” Layla started, and then stopped. The concern in her voice for Chloe made her angry again. She didn’t want to feel concern, or sympathy, or anything else, she just wanted to be furious and aim that rage and anger at the person who had lied to her.

“I’m fine,” Chloe said, glancing at Layla, before looking down at the floor between them. “I killed three of the blood elves and one of the women—Dara, she was an alchemist.”

The lift opened and the three of them got in, and Harry pressed the button for the ground floor.

“You’re talking like you’re all playing some really heavy Dungeons & Dragons,” Harry said. “Alchemists, umbra, blood elves? Anyone want to bring me up to speed?”

“Monsters are real,” Chloe said. “Every mythology you’ve ever heard of, every pantheon you can think of, they’re all real. Some are the same person in different guises, but the myths are real. They’re not gods or goddesses, but they are creatures with incredible powers. Sorcerers, witches, umbras, ogres, you name it, it’s probably real. And many of them just live normal lives, so you’d never know they were there, but some . . . well, some like to let the humans know they exist. They think humans should be on their knees praying to them as they believe they deserve. Those are the ones who hunt, hurt, and kill without remorse.

“Elias Wells is one such person. He’s a redcap; a nasty little man who feeds on the souls and blood of his victims, and it makes him terribly powerful. Probably not so powerful now that he got hurt, but still problematic.”

“Ghosts?” Harry asked.

“Real. Also, a little weird.”


“What do you think Tommy is? He’s several centuries old and one of the most powerful werewolves in the world.”


“A few years ago, in London, there was a report of an accident on the Millennium Bridge? Remember it?”

“They said it was an accident with a boat hitting it. A few people online say that they have footage of a creature landing on it, but I’ve seen that footage, it’s totally CGI bullshit. Same with the video of a supposed dragon flying around the city.”

“Dragon landed on it, and not a good landing. The dragon flying through the city is true too. Her name was Tiamat. She was not happy and she wanted to tear the city apart, until friends of mine killed her. Even so, dozens died, dozens more injured. Lots of things to cover up, video removed from anyone who uploaded it, that sort of thing. They made it look like anyone hurt or killed was in an accident or a victim of crime.”

“Who could cover all of that up?” Harry asked.

“Conversation for later. Right now, Elias knows where you are, Layla. He’s on his way here, and he will kill innocent people to get to you. We need to move you.”

“To where?” Layla asked.

“Winchester,” Chloe said. “We have some friends who work there, and you’ll be safe. Elias wants you, but he’ll think twice before attacking somewhere where there are a lot more people around you who can fight back.”

Steve McHugh's Books