A Billionaire's Redemption(41)

Melinda’s eyes narrowed at the FBI agent as she abruptly sagged against Gabe, forcing him to catch her body weight, lest she fall over.

Why don’t we take this into Dr. Grayson’s room?” the sheriff suggested.

Cursing under his breath, Gabe was herded into Melinda’s room, his ex clinging to him like a barnacle, to endure another session of Weird Melinda Interrogation. He cast a longing look over his shoulder at Willa’s room before the door shut behind him.

* * *

Willa stared up at the ceiling of her room in utter shock. Gabe had proposed to Melinda? And she’d accepted? That didn’t make any sense, but she’d heard it with her own ears. No mistake about it.

Nothing in Willa’s life had prepared her for this sense of free fall. It was as if the entire planet had dropped away from beneath her feet. She was rushing through space toward oblivion and there was nothing to hold on to. No safety. No Gabe. Just blackness and falling. She’d been a fool to think that his attention was anything more than pity and guilt over what happened.

Sick to her stomach, she curled into a fetal ball, in too much agony even to cry. She breathed in jerky gasps as grief ripped her in two and then in two again, over and over until she was torn into tiny, scattered shreds.

He loved Melinda Grayson. Was going to re-marry his ex-wife.

Her life was over. No one was who they seemed. Not her father, her mother, the “good ladies” of her parents’ social circle, James Ward...or Gabe.

She’d lain there for several minutes when the phone next to her bed rang, causing her to jump sky-high. Automatically, she reached for it, pulling the old-fashioned plastic receiver to her ear.

Hello?” she managed to croak.

A raspy voice, obviously disguised or altered in some way, said, “Get away from your security guards. Meet me at your house in an hour.”

Who is this?” she mumbled.

The caller ignored her question. “One hour,” the caller added.

Or else what?” she asked, past really caring.

Or else I’ll start killing your students. One by one, I’ll strangle the life out of their little bodies. And I’ll make them scream first. Lovely screams of pain and terror. The animals in your garden were all right...but to kill a child by slow degrees...” The caller let out a groan of nearly sexual pleasure.

Willa’s eyes went wide with revulsion and fright. The caller could have threatened her mother, or even Gabe. Those would have been the obvious choices. But no. Innocent five-year-olds who barely knew her were at risk. Yes, indeed, the caller knew her very well to harm kids if she didn’t comply.

Don’t believe me? Let’s listen to one of your little brats cry, shall we?”

She heard a sharp crack like a palm across a cheek, followed by the wails of what sounded like a small child. Her blood froze in her veins at the sound. This monster had one of her kids?

The children of Vengeance hadn’t done anything to anybody. The school year had been barely two weeks old when her father had died and she’d had to take a leave of absence. The sounds of crying in the background turned her gut to jelly.

She had to save that child. She ought to call the police, but what was the point? They didn’t believe anything she said anyway. Not to mention that unlike most of the guys on the force, she had no one to go home to. No family. She would be no great loss to anyone.

Frankly, she didn’t much care if she lived or died right now. Losing Gabe on top of everything else was the last straw. Her spirit was broken. She was finished. She couldn’t take any more. She was sick of being a pawn, sick of being jerked around by other people. No, she would personally deal with this bastard once and for all.

Don’t hurt that poor baby,” she pleaded in a whisper, eyeing the security guard who was watching her now from over by the door. “It may take me a little while longer than that to get there, but I’ll be there. I promise.”

The phone clicked and a dial tone buzzed in her ear. Crud. How was she supposed to get away from the brute squad hovering over her like protective bears? Panic made her jumpy, and a need to bolt and run for home threatened to overwhelm her at any second. She felt like she might throw up. Hang on, sweetie. I’ll come save you. I’ll figure out a way.

She lay there for several minutes racking her brain for an escape plan, but to no avail. Gabe had surrounded her with too much effective protection.

If she was going to take care of this mess herself, she had to ditch them, too. Besides, they’d gotten all chummy with Gabe since she disappeared yesterday. Was there no one at all whom she could trust? Her gut answered with a resounding no.

In the meantime, that poor child was depending on her. Panic and despair clawed at her. But then, her door swung open, and a pair of doctors stepped inside. Inspiration struck. She didn’t know much about medicine, but she figured faking double vision and a terrible headache, oh, and drowsiness, would alarm them enough to run some more tests.

Sure enough, it worked like a charm. After about one minute of examining her, one of the doctors ordered her taken down to the imaging department for an emergency MRI.

An orderly pushed her in a wheelchair while her two inside-the-hospital bodyguards walked alongside. The guards had to stay outside of the MRI area and the orderly pushed her through a pair of swinging doors. One hurdle crossed; inside guards ditched. Now, to get out of here and somehow dodge the outdoor contingent of security.

She asked for a restroom visit before she went into the MRI machine and a female technician was happy to let her go. Thankfully, the bathroom had a window. It was small and fairly high, but as soon as she was alone, Willa climbed up on the counter and slid it open. It would be tight, but she could make it. And this side of the building was not the one her room had opened out onto. Hopefully, Gabe hadn’t insisted on exterior guards on every side of the darned building. Scrambling awkwardly, she fell through the small window, mooning a bunch of birds that flew up, squawking, as she hit the grass.

Grabbing at the back of the gown to cover her bare backside, and crouching low, she darted out into the parking lot, ducking behind cars for cover. Rain threatened in the pregnant clouds overhead, but so far none had started falling. Thankfully, she lived only a dozen blocks from the hospital. Running barefoot was painful, but it wasn’t like she had any choice. And it felt good to move. Her instincts had been screaming at her to do exactly this ever since that phone call came in.

A nut ball was hurting an innocent five-year-old, and she was the child’s only hope. It was up to her to stop it from happening. Spurred by that knowledge, her feet flew across pavement and grass like the wind.

It was still early, and the streets were mostly empty. She alternated between jumping behind shrubs and racing along the sidewalk like she always went for a morning run in a hospital gown. If anyone had been watching her, they’d have surely thought she’d lost her mind. She just hoped she could reach her house before someone called the police on the lunatic woman running down the street.

She figured she had five to ten minutes before the MRI technician went looking for her, and notified her guards that she’d gone missing. Feeling the pressing weight of the ticking clock, she sprinted the last block to her house and ran around back to fetch the spare key hidden in her messy garage.

She burst into the house. “Hello?” she called. “Are you here? I came like you wanted.”

Silence was her only answer. Where was the caller? Where was that poor baby? She’d made it home in under an hour. Now what?

Frantic, she went to her bedroom and dressed quickly in jeans, a T-shirt and running shoes. She ought to call the police, but then the sound of that slap and the wails that followed stopped her. This was her fault. Her problem to solve. Not the police’s. She paced, wringing her hands. Her security guards would be here any second looking for her. She couldn’t let them find her, but the caller obviously planned to contact her here next.

She jumped about a foot in the air when her phone rang. She pounced on the receiver. “Hello?”

I can’t come to your house. Those thugs of yours might spot me. Meet me at the Darby College Bell Tower in ten minutes.”

But I don’t have a car,” she replied, feeling dense.

Don’t you have a bicycle? Run for all I care. But get there.”

How did the caller know she had a bike? “You have to let that child go. I won’t cooperate unless you promise.”

Fine,” the caller snapped. “I don’t want the brat, anyway. It’s you I want. You and I are taking a little trip.”

Where are we going?”

Where else? To where you and your damned family ruined me. The Vacarro Field, bitch. A fitting ending for the Merrises, don’t you think?”

Huh? The line went dead and a dial tone resumed in her ear. Confused, she nonetheless ran for the garage and her bicycle. Even with wheels, getting to the bell tower in ten minutes would be close. Not to mention her security team would likely show up here at any second and prevent her from saving that child. They hadn’t heard the fury in the caller’s voice, the sick pleasure at the thought of causing pain. They didn’t realize that her caller was dead serious. But she did. Oh, how she did.

Cindy Dees's Books