A Billionaire's Redemption(39)

Willa went through the past several days in her mind. “Jacquelyn Carver from the charity ball. Those anti-fracking protestors outside the ball. My dad’s right-hand man, Larry Shore.”

When was he nasty to you?” Gabe blurted in surprise.

He was furious that the governor appointed me to my father’s position and not him,” Willa replied.

Gabe nodded as she continued building her list. “That reporter, Paula Craddock, seems to have it in for me. Oh, and the guy from my dad’s political party who thought I was going to endorse him to replace my father in the senate race.” She added reluctantly, “And my mother. She’s convinced I’m trying to rob her blind.”

Then there’s the six-hundred-pound gorilla in the corner you’re ignoring,” Gabe commented drily.

She blinked at him in surprise. “I don’t understand.”

Have you forgotten about that secret committee your dad served on?”

You think government agents might be trying to kill me because I found out about them?” she exclaimed.


She frowned. “But wouldn’t they have succeeded by now?”

Honey, somebody pushed your car off a cliff tonight. I’d say they came damned close to succeeding, wouldn’t you?”

He was right.

One of the guards piped up. “What government agency, specifically, is trying to kill the senator?”

Willa cut off Gabe when he would have answered. “It’s classified. I’m not allowed to talk about it.”

With all due respect, ma’am, every one of the men at Elite Security is ex-Special Forces. We all have high-level security clearances.” When she hesitated, the guard added, “We also have tons of back channel contacts in the government. Maybe we can run interference for you. Call off the dogs, as it were.”

She looked over at Gabe, and he nodded to her. Quickly, she filled in the men on what she’d seen on her father’s computer before it had all been erased and/or stolen. When she was finished, one of the guards let out a low whistle.

The second guard nodded. “That explains why you wouldn’t accept Secret Service protection. We were wondering about that. You didn’t know who to trust inside the government, did you? Are the break-ins at your mother’s home and your place related to this committee?”

She shrugged, but thought better of the movement as her body protested achily. Oh, man. She was going to be one sore puppy tomorrow. She answered, “I don’t see how the break-ins can’t be related. The timing is pretty suspicious, and both break-ins targeted my computers.”

The guards traded grim looks. “We’re going to be increasing your security detail, ma’am, and we’re going to be packing substantially more heat.”

What does that mean?” she asked.

We’ll be more heavily armed. Your security protocols are going to be quite a bit tighter from here on out. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.”

She was flummoxed when Gabe rolled his eyes. Apparently, he had a good idea what the guy was talking about. Personally, she was clueless. But she liked the sound of it. If she’d learned nothing else tonight, it was that she really didn’t want to die. She’d just found Gabe, darn it! Speaking of which, she still hadn’t gotten around to telling him she loved him.

Is there anything else, gentlemen?” she asked, being sure to let weariness creep into her voice. It was a cheap ploy, but she really wanted to be alone with Gabe.

No, ma’am. We’ll have men posted outside your door around the clock and outside below your window. If you need anything from us or sense any threat whatsoever, give a shout out.”

Okay.” She sighed. Sheesh. She was on the third floor, and they were still going to put a guy under her window?

The guards stepped outside, and she waited for the door to close behind them. “Thanks for not firing them,” she told Gabe. “It wasn’t their fault I ran out on them.”

Next time, no matter how upset you are or how much you just want to be alone, wait for your security team. Okay?”

I promise.” Jeez. She wasn’t a five-year-old. Now that she understood the magnitude of the threat to her life, she wasn’t about to ditch her guards again.

As I was saying before the guys interrupted us,” she started, “I realized something important while I was waiting to die.”

Gabe winced, and moved swiftly to gather her in his arms again. She was distracted when his mouth touched hers tentatively. As soon as it became clear that she was not caused pain by it, he deepened the kiss swiftly. It felt so good to be with him like this, tasting him, merging a part of herself with him, melting into him.

She would never get enough of him. She’d wanted him for so long, and to have him now, like this, was nothing short of a miracle. He kissed her voraciously, as if he needed to reassure himself in this way that she was alive and essentially unharmed. She was glad to provide him with the proof.

Finally, he came up for air and she dragged in an unsteady breath.

You were saying?” he murmured against her lips.

Mmm. What? Oh. Yes. As I was saying—”

The door swung open behind Gabe, banging into the wall. “Mr. Daws—” A nurse started. “Oh! I’m sorry.”

Gabe sighed against her temple and half turned to face the nurse. “You wanted me?”

Yes. Your wife is demanding to know where you are. The FBI wants to question her again and she refuses to talk to them until you’re there.”

Melinda’s here?” Willa gasped. “They found her? Is she all right?”

Gabe went stiff against her. “Yes. She was rescued earlier this evening and she’s fine. Well, actually, she’s acting damned erratic. But physically, she’s okay.”

Oh,” Willa said in a small voice. “I’m glad she’s all right. If she needs you, by all means, you should go to her.”

But—” Gabe started.

A beautiful brunette woman stuck her head in through the door just then. “There you are, Mr. Dawson. If you could come with me, I need to speak with Dr. Grayson, and she’s being a wee bit uncooperative.”

A wee bit?” the nurse snorted. “She threatened to kill that cop.”

Willa glanced at Gabe in surprise. He muttered, “Deputy Green. I hope she does kill him. It would be a good riddance.”

Willa forced a smile even though her heart was shattering. “Go. She needs you. I’ve got my guards and I’ll be okay.”

On cue, one of the security guards stepped into the room. “I’ll be stationed in here until Mr. Dawson or another family member returns. You’re not to be alone at any time, Senator.”

Not even when I’m sleeping?”

No, ma’am.”

Seriously? The ramifications of super-tight security were suddenly dawning on her. She hated being hovered over constantly.

I’ll be back in a flash,” Gabe whispered to her as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Rest until I get back. Okay?”

Okay,” she replied. Now that he mentioned it, she was feeling sleepy. Dead tired, in fact.

The door closed behind Gabe as he joined the gorgeous brunette. “Who was the pretty one?” she asked her guard.

Agent Delaney. FBI. Her credentials were legit. Nobody gets in here without us checking them out, ma’am.”

FBI, huh? Must be one of the agents on Melinda Grayson’s case. His ex-wife’s rescue must have been the reason Gabe turned around and went back to town earlier. Had he been out looking for her before? She asked the guard drowsily, Did Gabe know I took off from my mother’s house?”

Yes, ma’am. He was the first person we called when you didn’t go straight back to your place.”

Mystery solved. Embarrassed that her guards knew so much about her and Gabe, she subsided. A thread of jealousy tangled into a messy little knot in her stomach. It was clear that Melinda and Gabe still shared a strong connection despite how long they’d been divorced.

More devastated than she cared to admit, Willa rolled gingerly onto her side and pulled the covers up over her ear. Thank goodness she hadn’t gotten a chance to blurt out a declaration of undying love to him earlier. She would’ve looked like a complete idiot.

It wasn’t her place to give Gabe an ultimatum. The ex-wife or her. Besides, it looked like he’d already chosen. Melinda Grayson snapped her fingers, and Gabe still jumped for her.

Chapter 17

Gabe had just about had it with Melinda and her bizarre antics. The whole clinging, crying, I’m-so-weak-and-in-need-of-saving female act from her was wearing very thin with him.

Willa could cry and cling to him and even call him her knight in shining armor, and it made him feel like a conquering hero. He knew without question that underneath her soft exterior was a brave, strong woman. And yet, she still needed him and was willing to depend on him. Unlike Melinda, who’d never needed anyone in her life and scorned any female who did “need a man.”

Cindy Dees's Books