A Billionaire's Redemption(23)

She stared at him blankly. Like she hadn’t heard a word he said. Or maybe like she heard but didn’t believe a word of it.

I’m serious, Willa. You’re extraordinary. You keep saying I’m out of your league, but honey, it’s the other way around. I’m a cynical, selfish, forty-year-old oil man with enough money to buy sex, but with no real friends. I’m a hard-ass businessman most of the time, and a workaholic to boot.”

Anything else?” she asked.

He glared at her obvious skepticism. “I’m serious.”

Okay. But if you’ll forgive me for saying so, you left a few qualities off your list.”

Like what?”

You’re a gentleman at heart. You’ve rescued me more times than I can count. You’ve been decent to me when my family has been nothing but rotten to you over the years. You run a retirement home for elephants, for goodness’ sake. How many men can say that?”

Elephants? She was bringing those up now?

Her palms slid slowly up his lapels to grasp the ends of his bow tie. She tugged him close and he yielded reluctantly to the pressure.

Gabe,” she whispered achingly, “I want you to make love to me, even if it is pity sex on your part. I know it’ll be a one-night stand. I have no illusions about how you operate. But I’ve wanted you ever since I can remember, and tonight, I just don’t care about anything else.”

He stared down at her in shock. “You’ve wanted me for how long?” he asked slowly.

Since I was about sixteen,” she confessed, her cheeks starting to turn a dull red.

But why?”

C’mon, Gabe. You know how sexy a man you are. You know women crawl all over you not only for your money, but because you’re so attractive. And since when is forty old? You take great care of your health. And frankly, after women experience a few twenty-something guys with no clue what they’re doing, surely you can understand why women would much prefer a man who knows his way around a woman. You do know your way around a woman, don’t you?” she asked in quick dismay.

Yes,” he answered drily. “I do.”

Well, there you have it. You’re a hunk and a hot catch. Now, will you make love to me?”

He’d love nothing better. But he was still worried about her emotional scars. He’d never dealt with anything like that before. “Willa, are you sure you’re ready for this? Do you need more time to trust me?”

Her gaze narrowed in irritation. “I’m trying really hard to be brave and bold here. To get past...well, to get past my past. If you don’t quit asking me that, I’m going to have to tear your clothes off and have my wicked way with you. And to be honest, that notion scares me half to death. Besides, you’ve already said you like to be in charge in the bedroom.”

He laughed reluctantly. Although her tearing his clothes off didn’t sound half-bad. “Refill?” he asked her. Now that the moment was upon him, he had no idea how to proceed with her. Yet another first for him. He laughed ruefully. You do manage to mess with my head, Will.”

I’m sorry.”

Oh, don’t apologize. It’s...interesting. You keep me on my toes.” He pressed a full glass into her hand and nudged the bottom of it toward her mouth.

A little liquid relaxation first, Mr. Dawson?”

Something like that.” She was so damned open and forthright. She would talk about anything, apparently. It was disconcerting. Most women were so busy maneuvering into his pants by this point, they weren’t stopping to talk about his tactics to achieve the same.

She gazed up at him artlessly. He’d swear she was a virgin if he didn’t know better. “Ward wasn’t your first, was he?” Gabe asked carefully.

She made a face. “Thankfully, no. But truth be told, no guy has ever impressed me tremendously.”

I’m supposed to impress you?” He laughed. “A tall order.”

I have faith in you, Gabe.”

And there it was. That damned trust of hers. What if he let her down? If she freaked out in the middle of sex and he did the wrong thing? Fear gripped his chest in sharp talons.

Now what?” she asked.

Now what, indeed.

Chapter 10

Deal struck, sex forthcoming. All of a sudden, Willa was more scared than the first time she’d done the deed with a sweaty frat boy in college whose face she could barely remember and name she couldn’t recall. But this was Gabe Dawson. The object of her lustful desires for most of her sexually aware life.

Thankfully, it wasn’t the kind of scarred-and-damaged scared she’d feared would wreck the rest of her sex life. It was the butterflies-of-anticipation, so-nervous-she-could-barf, please-God-let-her-not-embarrass-herself kind of scared.

How are we going to do this?” she asked nervously. “Do you want me to take off my dress?”

Gabe smiled. “No, Willa. Breathe. I’m not going to fall on you like some ravenous beast. We’ve got all night. And frankly, if the vibe’s not right tonight, we can get around to it some other time. Relax, already.”

Relax? I’m not sure I know what that is.”

His smile widened. “Hungry? Thirsty?”

Umm, no.” What was he doing? He led her over to the couch and eased her down onto it. He took off his tuxedo jacket, tossed it over the back of a chair and sprawled casually beside her. He kicked off his shoes and propped his feet up on the stone hearth. His right arm stretched out across the back of the sofa toward her, and with his left hand, he nursed his whiskey.

Perplexed, she propped her bare feet up beside his.

Nice toes,” he commented.

She wiggled the digits in question, enjoying the little flowers painted on her freshly manicured toes. They even had a tiny crystal glued in the center of each flower. They were cute. “Foot fetish?” she asked conversationally.

He laughed quietly. “Not especially. But I confess to enjoying every part of a woman. Fascinating creatures, you are.”

The fire hissed quietly, and the dance of flames between the logs soothed her.

So how did your first day as a senator go?” he asked.

Not too bad, considering. No one has tried to kill me yet, and I was only partially flayed alive at that party.”

I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have left you alone. I knew they’d jump you, but I didn’t think they’d go for the jugular so fast. Vicious bunch of hyenas.”

Can I quote you on that?”

Absolutely. What’s on your agenda for tomorrow?”

She studied him quizzically. “Why do you ask?”

Far be it for me to tell you what to do...” he trailed off.

Go ahead.”

You might want to take a look at the candidates to fill your father’s slot in the upcoming election.”

Do you have a favorite?”

He shrugged evasively.

She turned to face him. “Who do you like?”

Your father’s opponent. I’ve donated a fair bit of money to his campaign.”

She laughed, genuinely amused. “I should’ve known.”

You’re not mad at me?”

It was her turn to shrug. “It’s just politics. For all I know, I may endorse the guy, too.”

Gabe stared, shocked. “You’d turn on your father’s political party?”

If I don’t like their platform, I will.”

And I thought I was a rebel. Your father created a monster when he gave you his job.”

I’ve spent my whole life living in his shadow. I’m sick and tired of it. I’m stepping out into the light.”

He reached up to smooth a strand of hair back from her cheek. “Just be careful, okay? Life in the spotlight can get rough.”

What do you mean?”

Not only does everyone see the good things you do, but your mistakes are out there for the whole world to see. It takes a tough hide to deal with the negative stuff that comes with fame.”

You mean like crazy stalkers breaking into your home?” she asked soberly.

Among other things. The press delights in crucifying public figures.”

I believe I got that memo already,” she replied drily.

He sighed, his fingers trailing through the ends of her hair. “I suppose you’re more prepared than most for the storm that’s headed your way. You’ve watched your father live in it for years.” He laid his palm at the base of her neck as if contemplating the pulse fluttering there beneath his touch. He added reflectively, “Although I suppose you’ve been caught in the edges of that storm long enough to know what you’re getting into, don’t you? You’re so much stronger than you look.”

She tilted her head. “Do I come across as weak? A victim?”

He frowned, his hand going still on her skin. “Why do you ask that?”

Cindy Dees's Books