A Billionaire's Redemption(22)



Scout’s honor.” He poured her a glass of Licor 43, a Spanish liqueur that women told him tasted like chocolate-chip cookie dough. Personally, it was too sweet for him. But over the years, he’d dubbed it “Liquid Panty Remover.”

Kick off your shoes if you want. Get comfortable.” He carried the drink to her, and enjoyed how her face lit up when she tasted it. She sank onto one of the matching leather sofas while he lit the fire already laid in the fireplace.

He spoke wryly over his shoulder as he fanned the fledgling flames. “I’d turn on some music, but I wouldn’t want you to think this was some cheesy seduction scene.”

Of course not,” she answered quickly. Too quickly.

He sat down on the other end of the couch and studied her carefully. “I can’t read you. What are you thinking?”

Her cheeks went crimson. “Umm, nothing.”

In my not inconsiderable experience with women, when they tell you nothing’s wrong, something’s always wrong. And they’re never thinking nothing. What’s up?”

Suddenly, his shoes appeared to interest her more than just about anything else in the world. Genuinely worried now, he reached out to tip up her chin with his finger. “Willa?”

I can’t begin to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Goodness knows, you don’t owe me or my family anything. I truly am grateful.”


Is there a but?” she half whispered.

I don’t know. You tell me.”

But I don’t expect all of this from you. You don’t have to seduce me as a pity case.”

A pity case!” he exclaimed.

It’s sweet of you to feel sorry for me, but I don’t expect you to fix me. It’s my responsibility to get over what James Ward did, and I’m not going to force that on anyone, certainly not on you after everything else you’ve already done for me.”

Force— Willa, you’re not forcing anything on me, and certainly not yourself. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m quite a bit bigger and stronger than you. Not to mention, nobody has made me do anything I didn’t want to for a number of years now.”

She sagged beside him. She ought to be relieved by his declaration, but for some reason, she looked...crestfallen.

Do you want me to seduce you?” Normally, he wouldn’t be so blunt with a woman. He knew the signals well enough to recognize if a woman wanted to sleep with him or not. The problem with Willa, though, was she was giving him mixed, and contradictory, signals.

She definitely was attracted to him. And when he’d seen that dress at her front door earlier, he’d been pretty damned sure she wanted to sleep with him. But then those women—and her own mother, the bitch—had shredded her, and it was as if he’d brought an entirely different woman home from the party than the one he’d taken. This one looked like a lost little girl. Or worse, like the robot from behind her father’s shoulder at campaign appearances.

You haven’t answered my question,” he said to the side of her averted face.

I can’t,” she said in a muffled voice.

Why not? It’s okay to say you don’t know what you want, or not now, or hell, no. But please be honest with me.” Not that he had any business pointing fingers at anyone for being less than truthful. He wanted her in his bed so bad he could taste it.

I can’t answer because—” she took a deep breath and continued in a small voice “—because if I said I did want you to seduce me, you’d do it to be a gentleman and not because you actually wanted to.”

He laughed heartily. “Honey, if I seduce you, it most certainly won’t be out of any sense of duty. And I don’t necessarily promise to be a gentleman about it.”

Her gaze snuck up to his for an instant before sliding away. She tossed back a large gulp of her liqueur and coughed as it burned a path down her throat. He reached over to pound her back until she could breathe again.

So. Willa Merris was interested, but too insecure to admit it. He could work with that. He could definitely work with that.

He plucked the empty glass out of her fingers and took it over to the bar to refill it. When he returned, he was pleased to see that she had kicked off her shoes. He passed her the drink and lifted her feet onto his thigh to massage them. In moments, she was making little moaning sounds of pleasure that just about drove him out of his mind.

So, we’re agreed, then,” he said in a businesslike tone. “Seduction is the order of the day.”

Another gulp and another cough. But she conspicuously failed to disagree with him. The fire crackled, and its golden light painted Willa’s exquisite features with glistening fairy dust.

You’ve got me at a disadvantage,” he murmured.

She looked up at him, her blue eyes big and wide and questioning.

You’re arguably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, but if I tell you that, you’ll think it’s a cheesy pick-up line.”

I wouldn’t believe you if you said it, anyway,” she answered lightly. “I’ve seen a bunch of the women you go out with. You have sophisticated taste. I’m not in that league at all.”

That’s the point. You’re different. You’re...real.”

She laughed painfully. “A real mess.”

Everyone’s got baggage. And most of yours isn’t of your making. For tonight, could you try to set it aside?”

I’d love nothing better than to do that.” She sighed. “But I don’t know how.”

You just need a distraction to take your mind off things.”

Like what?”

Lord, she asked that so innocently. Like she truly didn’t know what he meant. An urge to be the one to show her what was possible between a man and a woman surged through him. “Dance with me.”

What? Here?”

I never got to dance with you at the ball. I owe you one.”

Smiling, she set her glass down and rose to her feet. He relished her slenderness as he drew her into his arms in front of the fireplace.

Shouldn’t there be some music?” she asked. “Can’t you just tell the house to turn something on?”

He smiled down at her. “No computers here. This is my anti-technology hideaway.”

This house is so different from your penthouse. And yet, it fits you as well as that place does. It’s like each one reflects a side of your personality.” She swayed lightly in his arms and he imagined what she would feel like wrapped around him.

So, tell me, Gabe. Do you have any other houses that reflect some other part of you?”

I have a beach house in Northern California. It’s all glass and stone. It’s about the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks.”

What part of you does it reflect?”

He gazed down at her candidly. “My wild and primal side that connects with nature.”

I think I might like to see that place.”

Her face was turned up to his, and her lips glistened softly. She so wanted to be kissed. But did he dare? Once he started kissing her, he doubted his ability to stop. Thing was, he had no idea how traumatized she was nor how to proceed with finding out.

Say the word, and I’ll take you there,” he murmured.

Her eyes widened, and he belatedly realized the double entendre implicit in his comment. “I’m sorry, Will. I don’t mean to come on so strong. I know you’re scared, and God knows I don’t want to make it worse. You’re going to have to tell me what you want and don’t want.”

What are you talking about?” She was looking up at him like he’d grown a second head.

The attack, of course. You flinch every time a man touches you, and every now and then you get this rabbit-about-to-get-eaten look in your eyes.”

She huffed in what sounded like displeasure. “But I’ve already told you, I’m not scared of you.”

Chagrin tore through him, hot and acid. Right. He was some old guy who posed no threat to her. A favorite uncle. Damn it. His arms fell away from her and she took an alarmed step forward and grabbed his lapels.

What’s wrong? What did I say?” she cried out softly. “Crud. I’m so bad at this. I always mess this up. They always go away and never call again. I’m such a klutz—”

He cut her off. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Men. I’m no good at relationships. I’m a complete freak—”

Stop.” He stared down at her in shock. “Willa. You’re so beautiful it hurts to look at you. You’re intelligent. Sweet. Interesting to talk to. And sexy. God, woman. You’re so hot I can barely think straight around you. If men are running away from you, it’s because they’re so intimidated by you. They don’t think they’re good enough for you. Hell, I don’t think I’m good enough for you.”

Cindy Dees's Books