Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(5)

“fu-ck that!”

“Are you kidding me?”



Rachel could feel the hot blush that stole up her cheeks and down her throat to her chest. Her heart skipped a beat as they all turned glares of disbelief on her. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath, and she could feel her body becoming hot and tingly surrounded by their four muscular bodies.

“I just don’t get it, why now?” she finally managed to choke out.

“We told you, you broke up with Mitch,” Hudson said, with a shrug of his shoulders. “We may have a reputation, but we aren’t home wreckers. You and Mitchy-boy were pretty tight for a while, and we weren’t trying to ruin your life.”

“So if I had been single earlier—” she was trying hard to wrap her brain around it. This was the Brooks brothers. The four hottest men in town, and they were asking her to have a group sex orgy with them. It was beyond comprehension.

Rogan interrupted her musings, “We agreed to give you some time to get over your break up, but then you showed up at the bar looking hot as sin, and twice as dangerous, and…shit…woman you’re giving half the men at the bar wet dreams to last them the next decade.”

“Why are you out here displaying your body for strangers, Rachel?” Parker asked. Of the four of them, he intimidated her the most. There was something about his cool controlled demeanor that exuded power, and made her want to drop to her knees at his feet and beg him to touch her. Honestly, with Hudson on her left, Rogan behind her, Parker on her right, and Sawyer in front of her, she was in the perfect position to drop to her knees. The dirty thought rang in her brain making her pu-ssy clench.

“Because I was hoping a stranger might bite,” she answered with the automatic bratty tone she knew got under Parker’s skin.

“Oh, I promise you I’ll bite, baby,” Sawyer said with a playful grin, and before she could react, he bent down and took her ear lobe between his teeth biting gently.

She moaned and her knees buckled at the erotic sensation. Sawyers arms wrapped around her, holding her up and cupping her ass at the same time he pressed a gentle kiss to her neck just below her ear.

“Shit, baby, if you react like that when it’s just your ear in my mouth, I wonder how you’ll react when I bite your pretty little nipples,” he murmured, and white hot fire shot through Rachel’s body straight to her clit.

Her hands came up to rest against his chest, and she tipped her head back to look up at him with slightly blurry vision. “They’re very sensitive,” she whispered, and then instantly realized she had spoken out loud, when three identical groans sounded from around her. Sawyer’s sensuous lips spread into a wide smile.

“Good, I can’t wait to taste them,” he responded, his words making her tremble in his arms.

“Come home with us, Rachel,” Rogan said from just over her shoulder, and she turned her wide eyes in his direction.

She stared into his dark brown eyes, not exactly sure what she was looking for but knowing this decision was going to alter her life monumentally.

“Let us take you home, and make you ours,” Sawyer said, running his hands in sexy circles over her ass cheeks. He pressed her tighter to his body, and she could feel the bulge under his zipper against her belly. His words were a heavy weight in her brain though, and she froze.

“For tonight?” she asked, and she waited as the four men had a silent exchange between them.

“Trust us. Give us at least the weekend, Rachel,” Hudson said softly, and she felt her heart jump again.

“You guys are crazy,” she said quietly, hearing the doubt and fear in her own voice.

“Yep, probably but, sexy lady, we aren’t joking,” Rogan said, moved up against her back. Sawyer pulled his arms back and Rogan’s hands came around her middle until his thumbs were stroking over the soft undersides of her breasts. She moaned while he ground his hard cock against the small of her back.

“And what if I decline?” She turned her head to the side so she could see Parker close the gap between them. She could feel Hudson’s body against her other side, and her brain grew fuzzy from their proximity. Being surrounded by all four of them, in the middle of the town’s hottest bar, was not how she had envisioned tonight going, but she couldn’t deny her physical response to them. Her eyes were fastened on Parker’s as he reached up to grip her chin in his hand.

“Then we walk away, and you go back to playing bar tease,” Parker said, letting his anger harden his tone.

“I didn’t say I was declining, but a girl’s got to know all of her choices. What exactly happens at the end of the weekend?” she asked with a small smile at his upset.

“You get to decide that on Sunday. Hopefully you will have fallen madly in love with all of us, and want to stay at the ranch forever,” Hudson said playfully, and Rachel jerked her head around to glare at him. How could he joke about love and forever? That was ridiculous. It was just sex, and that was all it would ever be.

“Cut that shit out. I may be young, but I’m not stupid. Here’s the deal, I won’t lie and say I’m not intrigued by your offer, but I don’t want false promises. If you want sex, I can do sex. Hell, I can’t even pretend I don’t want to have sex with you,” she paused, swallowing hard, “I will willingly spend the weekend with you—with all of you—on one condition.” She met Sawyer’s hot gaze as she tipped her head back. The back of her head rested against Rogan’s hard chest, and she could feel his breath on her temple.

Lori King's Books