Unexpected Gift(18)

Carefully and slowly, I bend down and pick up the bag, holding my hand against her back so she doesn’t fall. I unlock the door, cringing when it creaks, and Posie whimpers. I pause, hoping she doesn’t wake up. When she settles back down, I breathe a little easier and make my way out the door, almost running right into Caden.

“Woah.” I stop just in time before colliding with his arm.

He steps back and reaches his arms out to make sure Posie or I don’t fall. It is sweet. “You’re late,” I say low with worry, rubbing her back to make sure she doesn’t wake up.

His hands glide through his hair, and that is when I notice how ‘well’ he is doing. He has a week's worth of stubble on his face, his hair is out of place more than the usual product placement, and his eyes seem so sad and tired. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I don’t have a good reason.”

I place my free hand on his forearm, ignoring the ropes of muscle flexing. “Yes, you do.”

He locks eyes with me for a minute, staring at me like he isn’t sure if I am being serious or not. After a long gaze, the green flakes in his eyes sparkle before we break the stare. “Thanks.”

“I understand.”

He chuffs. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine how you feel.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t lessen your pain because of mine. You were just as much his brother as he was mine.” I shove the bag up my shoulder when it starts to slide. I don’t know how moms do this all the time. Everything weighs so much after five minutes. Mom muscles are completely different than regular muscles. I’ll go to my grave believing that.

“It’s been hard. I don’t know about you, but I’m so mad at him.” He shoves his hands in his pockets, staring at the ceiling as he rocks on his feet.

Tears threaten my eyes from his admission. “Yeah, I am, too. There’s not much time to express it. I’m so busy packing up the house.”

“The house? Their house? Why?” He doesn’t sound mad, just curious. He takes the bag from my shoulder, and I groan with relief.

“Thank you so much. Those things get so heavy. And we can talk about that after the meeting if you want. Maybe get some lunch?”

He smiles, brushing the blonde hair on Posie’s head and kissing her on the cheek. “That would be great. Hey, you’ll still let me see her, right? I know I’m not family, but I want to be there for her.”

I scrunch my brows with confusion. Does he really think I won’t let him see her? Gosh, am I that horrible to him? “Oh my gosh, of course you can. She loves you. I would never keep you from Posie, Caden. We can talk about that at lunch, too. Okay?”

His face relaxes, and the big man seems a little lighter. “Thank you.”

I place my hand in the middle of his back, ignoring how hard the muscles feel beneath my palm. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Can I take her?” he asks; looking at Posie.

I nod and hold her out for him to grab. “Sure, my arms are killing me,” I say with my voice low and soft, so I don’t wake her. “Careful not to wake her. She hasn’t been sleeping well, eating well, or anything. The fact that she is asleep right now is a huge win. Poor thing. She wants her mommy and daddy.”

He kisses her forehead again and rubs his finger over her plump cheek, just staring at her. “I understand, Posie. I wish they were here, too. You have us, okay?”

I can’t take my eyes off how he stares at her, like she is the center of his world.

“She looks so much like him.”

A tear escapes out of the corner of my eye, and I brush it away before Caden can see it. “Yeah, she does, doesn’t she?”

Our footsteps echo on the marble floor as we make our way to the conference room. The lawyer sits at the head of the long, oak table, reading over papers. There are two mugs where I’ve been sitting, steam billowing from the top. He must have heard Caden arrive.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Newton. We had a few things to discuss.” I wrap my hand around the mug and sigh when the warmth sinks into my palm, heating my blood. I bring the simple, cream-colored mug, that reminds me of a diner cup, to my lips and relax a little.

“It’s no problem at all. I understand. Times like this are tough. I usually book the entire for one client because I’m not sure how it will go. You know, the emotions and questions, which I understand completely. I don’t expect this to be easy for anyone. And I hate to bring up something you are trying to move on from. But Mr. Lowell was clear with his wishes. He wanted to wait a week after his death for us to speak. It says here–“ Mr. Newton unfolds his glasses and places them on his nose—“Ah, yes. It says here, he wanted to wait until his parents left, and knowing his mother, she couldn’t stand to be in this town longer than necessary.”

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and give a small grin. “He always knew Mom the best. He can…” I clear my throat from the slip. “I mean, he could read her like a book. Sorry, that will take getting used to. Never thought I'd have to talk about him in past tense.”

“I understand, Ms. Lowell. Now, there are a few things I need to discuss, and he wanted me to discuss them in front of both of you. Are you aware that Brandon and Amelia named you two the godparents of Posie Lowell?”

“What?” Caden and I say in unison, shocked. We steal glances at each other to see if either of us knew about this, but by the look on his face, I’ll say he is just as lost as I am.

R.S. Lively's Books