The Single Dad (The Dalton Family #3)(72)

“I think you’re good just the way you are.” I softened my voice, feeling the need to repeat, “I’m not going anywhere, Ford.” I ran my fingers across his lips—a move that had previously belonged solely to him. “I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, and I finally can.” My chest pounded as I took in his eyes. My whole body tingled. “I’m yours.”

He lifted me from the stool, holding me in his arms, and my legs wrapped around his waist. He held the back of my head, positioning our mouths only inches apart. “Say that again, Sydney.”

“I’m yours—”

He slammed our mouths together.

And in that moment, I knew something else to be true.

Ford Dalton was mine.



“Today’s my birthday,” Everly said as she twirled in front of Sydney and me, the layers of her tutu fluttering with each circle. “My birthday, my birthday, my birthdaaay.”

She was covered in pink. An explosion of color that started with fake pieces of pink hair tucked into her curls, a glittery gloss on her lips, paint on her nails, matching socks, shoes—all courtesy of Sydney.

Her nanny wasn’t dressed in pink, but, fuck, she looked gorgeous.

And she was all mine.

“And how old are you today?” Sydney teased, as though she’d forgotten.

A game the two of them had been playing for the last week, counting down until her big party, which was starting as soon as our family arrived. A countdown that included a secret handshake and hip wiggles and some song they had made up.

Everly held up her palm, her five fingers spread wide. “This many.” The living room light picked up the shimmer on her nails, her goddamn hands like little mirrors. “I’m not a baby no more.” She twirled again, shook her hips. “No, no, nooo.” Her arms lifted, moving from side to side, her hips matching the motion.

Sydney was doing the identical dance, singing the same song.

When she connected eyes with me, I said, “Here I am, ready to lose it over Eve turning five, and you’re celebrating with her.” As she flopped onto the couch beside me, I put my arm around her shoulders. “How dare you,” I growled.

Her cheeks flushed, as though she could read my mind.

A quick glance at Everly told me she wasn’t paying attention, giving me a few seconds to lower my hand and rub between Sydney’s ass, whispering, “I should punish you for that.”

A part of her body I hadn’t taken yet.

But I planned to.


Just like I planned to tell my daughter that Sydney and I were together.

I wanted to make sure this was going to work between Sydney and me before we sat Everly down and talked to her about us.

A month into our relationship, and things couldn’t be better.

So, that talk was going to happen shortly.

“Age is a battle you’re not going to win,” Sydney said, laughing. “So, you need to get used to the idea that your little girl is getting older, whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t like it.”

She smiled. “I think you should dance with Everly and let her know exactly how you feel.”

“Dance, Daddy! Dance!”

Sydney rose from the couch and grabbed Eve’s hand, the two of them picking up right where they had left off.

“No, no, nooo. I’m not a baby no more. No, no, nooo.”

I joined in.

I couldn’t help myself; they were too fucking cute.

I moved in between them, linking hands with both, the three of us dancing in a circle, singing their new song until I heard, “Now, this is a sight I never thought I’d walk in on.”

I glanced toward the kitchen, where Dominick and Kendall were making their way into the family room.

“Where’s my birthday girl?” my older brother said as he knelt on the floor, opening his arms, waiting for Everly to run to him.

Which happened seconds later.

“Uncle D!”

He lifted her into the air, kissing her cheek.

“It’s my birthday, Uncle D. I’m not a baby no more. No, no, nooo.”

He laughed. “Have you told your father that? Because I think he’d disagree.”

“Uncle D, Daddy knows I’m this many years old.” She held up her hand.

“Is that right?” He paused. “So, if you’re not our baby anymore, then what are you?”

Everly smiled and bounced. “A big girl.”

“I don’t approve,” Dominick said, kissing her forehead. “I remember when you were so small that you fit in both my hands. Now”—he shook his head—“you’re almost as tall as me.”

Everly snorted. “You’re a giant, like Daddy.”

“You know what else I am?”

Everly’s eyes went wide. “No?”

“I’m a tickle monster.”

“Auntie Kendall,” Everly screamed as Dominick tickled her, her laughter filling my entire house. “Ahhh! Auntie Kendall, saaave meee.”

“Dominick, give me our girl,” Kendall said, holding out her arms. The moment she scooped Everly from Dominick, she added, “I’ve missed you like crazy. Why haven’t I seen you in a few weeks?” She fixed Everly’s tutu and moved some hair off her forehead.

Marni Mann's Books