The Single Dad (The Dalton Family #3)(66)

I shoved my hands in my pockets so I wouldn’t reach for her and said, “Are you really apologizing for going out and coming home late? This is your home. You can come and go at whatever time you want. You never have to explain yourself.”

“I’m just not used to that. When I worked for the Turners, I never went out.”

“You deserve it. Go out. Have fun with your best friend.”

Her hands went to her hips. “Looks like you went out too. With your brothers or …”

“My brothers and a few friends.”

She closed her eyes for just a second. “I can smell the tequila.”

“Those boys and their fucking shots,” I groaned. “They’re relentless when it comes to celebrating.”

She shifted her stance. “Oh yeah?”

The movement made her wobble.

I was worried that she was going to fall, so I grabbed her, holding her steady. Once she gained her balance, my arms stayed around her, locking her in place.

She didn’t leave my grip.

She remained close.

Far too fucking close.

In fact, she even leaned into me.

And then she slowly gazed up at me. “Thank you … for not letting me fall.” A beat passed, her lips drawing an even bigger smile. “I have a favor-ish to ask.”

The light from the front door showed me her eyes and how they were focused on my lips.

“Anything, Sydney.”

“Good. Then, will you hopefully not kill me if another car shows up here tonight?”

Another car?

That meant someone was coming over.

At this hour, that could only mean one thing …

A fucking dude.

My stomach dropped.

I’d lost her.

I’d lost her before I even had her.

And it was my fucking fault—I’d waited too long; I’d pushed her away.

I’d sent her right into the arms of someone else.

My body stung at the thought.

At the goddamn realization.

I hated myself for it.

My hands dropped to my sides, and I added space between us. “Your house, remember? You can do anything you want.”

She smiled. “Thank God because I’m starving, and I’m going to order some food to be delivered.” She laughed. “My fridge is so empty.”

That’s what this is about?


Relief flooded my chest, and I practically fucking growled, “You don’t have to order anything. You can raid my fridge.”

Her face tilted up as she studied me, positioned perfectly for me to kiss her. “Does that mean you’re going to cook for me?” Her hand pressed against my chest. I wasn’t sure if she was holding herself up or if she needed the feel of me against her fingertips. “Or are you just giving me access to your food?”

My fucking God, she was hot.

“Sydney … it means I’m going to feed you.”

“Mmm,” she moaned, biting that lip I loved. “Hurry, I’m about to eat my arm.”

That sound.

That mouth.

Fuck me.

“Come on.”

My hand went to her lower back, and the moment we got into the kitchen, she stopped at the island, reaching under the glass lid to grab a cupcake.

“I forgot I made these.”

I waved my fingers at her. “Hand one over.”

“Chocolate for you.” She set one on my palm. “Pumpkin spice for me.” She pulled off the bottom wrapper and took a large bite, her upper lip covered in frosting. “God, I can bake.”

Sydney was the epitome of humble.

Timid even when it came to her sexuality.

With alcohol flowing through her veins, there was a confidence inside her that I didn’t normally see. A flirtatious side that she usually kept reserved.

I wanted more.

“Yes, you’re incredible at it.” I took a bite, the chocolate melting on my tongue. “In ways I can’t even describe.”

She held hers out to me. “Try this.”

“Nah. Pumpkin isn’t my thing.”

“Try it, Ford.” She licked her finger, where a gob of frosting had fallen. “It has a brown butter and maple cream cheese frosting that’s”—her head fell back, exposing a neck that I wanted to kiss—“all kinds of mmm.”

Whether I liked pumpkin or not, it didn’t matter. She could demand anything from me at this point.

My hands just needed to touch her.

My lips just had to be on her.

I fucking needed this girl.

And I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t hold off. I couldn’t stop what was already in motion.

Nor did I want to.

With her head still tilted back, she was unaware that I’d closed the distance between us until my mouth surrounded the same finger she had just sucked.

“Ah!” she gasped the second I dipped to her knuckle, licking the remainder of the sweetness she had left behind. “Ford …”

My tongue swirled around her skin, and once it was clean, I pulled her finger out and went in for the cupcake, taking a bite. “Delicious.” I chewed, swallowed. “But not as delicious as you.”

She smiled, glancing away. “What are you doing to me?”

Marni Mann's Books