The Single Dad (The Dalton Family #3)(26)

Is Jenner right? Am I wasting time?


Not only was she owning my goddamn thoughts, but now, I was questioning our conversation from earlier and whether I had been warm enough.

Did it matter?

Not if things were going to end there.

But if I was going to follow through with more, then I needed to text her again.


My dick fucking hardened at the thought of that, and my hands clenched. I licked across my lips, wishing it were her skin I was kissing.

What the fuck is happening to me?

Was there a reason to avoid having dinner with her? To take this slow? So slow that a crawl would feel like a sprint?

Still staring at my phone, I returned to our last message and began to type.

Me: What do you have going on tomorrow night?

Sydney: Why? Do you have something in mind?

Me: I’d like to see you. Dinner?

Sydney: I think I can make that happen.

Me: Does 7 work for you? We can start with drinks.

Sydney: Yes, and I’m already looking forward to it.

Me: Send me your address. I’ll pick you up.

As I was shoving my phone into my pocket, I turned around, and Jenner was walking toward me.

“You fucking texted her, didn’t you?” He laughed, shaking his head. “That’s why you have that grin on your face.”


“But I’m right, aren’t I?”

I said nothing as I passed him.

“I’m fucking right,” he added as I made my way to the door. “All of that fight for what? Absolutely nothing because you texted her and you’re probably seeing her tonight.”

“Tomorrow,” I said over my shoulder.

“Tomorrow. That’s my boy.” He joined me at the sliding glass door, his hand on my shoulder as I reached for the handle. “You’ve made me hella happy.”

I looked at my brother, waiting for the words. When they didn’t come, I asked, “Aren’t you going to say I told you so?”

He smiled. “There’s no need. We both knew it was going to play out this way.”



“What are you going to wear?” Gabby asked as she stood with me in her office, the room we’d converted into my semi-bedroom, both of us looking inside the closet.

I’d filled a small side with the clothes that had fit in my suitcase; the rest still hadn’t arrived from New York.

“Sigh.” I crossed my arms over my stomach. “I have no idea. He didn’t say where we’re going, so I don’t know if I should lean toward fancy and wear a dress or put on jeans and a tank top and assume sports bar-ish.” I looked at my best friend. “Help.”

She turned me toward her, holding the sides of my head. “Honestly, you could show up in a hazmat suit, and his eyes would drop from his head. You look hot as fuck in everything you put on.”

I rolled my eyes. “I love you, but you’re not helping.”

“Fiiine.” She reached inside the closet and pulled out a black dress. “This.” The material was extremely form-fitting, the bottom ending just above my knee, with spaghetti straps that hugged my shoulders. “Wear a jean jacket over it with wedges. This way, you’ll fit in, no matter where he takes you.”

“You’re a genius.”

“I know.” She smiled and handed me the hanger. “What does Ford think of your upcoming interview with his assistant?”

My eyes widened as I processed her question. “Ummm …”

“Oh fuck.” She paused, staring at my face. “He doesn’t know, does he?”

I shook my head. “His cousin Hannah told me not to tell him.”


“I have no idea.” I swallowed, the dishonesty causing my throat to tighten. “She must have a reason, but I don’t like it. You know lying is not my thing.”

“Do you think she’s trying to sabotage you?”

“No.” I took a breath. “I mean, you should have heard the way she was praising me. She kept saying she wanted me to be Everly’s nanny and how she would benefit from having me around.”

“Well, she’s right about that.”


“It’s true.” She shrugged. “She must have her reasoning—whatever it might be.”

“Gabs”—I grinned as I thought of Everly—“she’s seriously so freaking cute. She reminds me so much of Lilac.”

When Lilac, the youngest of the three, had been Everly’s age, she had been just as smart and sassy. Her little dimples made it impossible for her father to say no to anything.

I had a feeling Everly’s dimple was one of Ford’s biggest weaknesses.

“Of course the hottest man in LA made the cutest kid in the world. But, Syd, what’s going to happen when you pass the assistant’s interview and you walk into Ford’s house and he doesn’t know it’s you who got the job?”

“Let me focus on tonight’s date. Once I get through that, we can stress about the nanny part.” I placed my hand on my heart, trying to calm the racing. “However, I have to believe that whatever is supposed to happen will.”

Marni Mann's Books