The Single Dad (The Dalton Family #3)(22)

But by taking my classes online, that would leave me with lots of extra time, and I wanted to fill those hours with a job. Nannying Everly would certainly put me in the environment that I was seeking. I just didn’t know how that would affect things with Ford. I knew he didn’t want to bring women around his daughter, but would things be different with me due to my experience with kids? Or maybe because I’d already met her?

“What are you thinking about?” she asked.

I was still staring out my window, but I looked at her profile as I replied, “Hannah, I just don’t know. It’s a lot to consider.”

The app told her to turn at the upcoming light, so she did and said, “How about this? Email me your résumé, and I’ll pass it along to Ford’s assistant. If she likes your experience, she’ll reach out and set up an interview. Just see how it goes. If things are meant to be, they’ll work out.” She made another quick turn. “I know I would be relieved to have Everly in your care. You two really connected, and I sense you’re more than qualified—that’s for sure.”

“You’re kind to say that.”

“It’s true.”

I loved my interaction with Everly. She was definitely a sweet kid, adorable from top to bottom. Curious. Inquisitive. Extremely loving. She’d responded to Ford’s voice when he turned a little stern, and she’d calmed down when he prompted her to.

“I know I’m only judging this on a few minutes of conversation, but you have an incredible talent, Sydney. And I know it’s probably extremely selfish to say this, but I want my little Everly to reap the benefits of your talent.”

“Wow.” I wrapped my hands around my clutch, holding it against my stomach. “You have a lot of faith in me.”

“You know when your gut is telling you it’s a good thing?” She briefly faced me. “That’s happening to me now.”

“Oh, I sure do.”

“Sooo, is that a yes?”

I laughed. “You’re going to make an excellent attorney.” My phone was resting on my lap, and I lifted it into my hands and exited out of the navigation screen to open my email. “What’s your email? I’m going to send you my résumé.” Out of boredom, I’d worked on it during my flight home from London, not even thinking I was going to need it this soon.

She rambled off her email, and I attached the document I’d saved in my inbox. A few seconds after I hit Send, a ding came through the speaker of her phone.

“Got it.” She pulled up to a stop sign only a few blocks from my building and looked at me. “Hey, for the time being, let’s keep this job thing between us. If you mention it to Ford, that’ll just complicate things.”

“And if he asks how I heard of the job, assuming I get that far in the process?”

Her smile didn’t fade when she said, “Get creative.”



“Daddy, what are we doing today?”

Everly’s voice pulled me from my dream, and I slowly opened my eyes, seeing my little girl’s head resting on my chest. She’d come in at some point in the middle of the night, waking me almost every hour with her feet. But this position, the way she looked up at me, soft and snuggly, made up for the lack of sleep.

“What do you want to do today, baby?”

“Hmm.” She rubbed my prickly beard, her fingers getting lost in my whiskers.

“We can do anything you want.”

She sat up, resting one of her legs across me, her eyes wide and lit. “Anythiiing?”

“Well, within reason.” I pushed her curls out of her face. “I know, given the opportunity, you’d pick Disney, which wouldn’t be practical today, or to go to Uncle Jenner’s house in Utah—also not an option.”

“I want to have pancakes with the girls.”

“What girls, baby?” The braid I’d put in her hair last night had fallen so loose, and her hair was a wild nest. I pulled the elastic out of the bottom and tried to form it all into a ponytail, tying it together.

“Hannah and Syd.”

I chuckled, trying to think of a way around this.

“Daddy, I’m going to help you make a big batch of chocolate chip pancakes. And wear my sparkly pink dress. And they can come over and eat them. Okaaay?”

“Eve, I don’t think Hannah is available today—”

“Just call her. Pleeease.”

I glanced at the tablet on my nightstand to check the time. My cousin was certainly awake at this hour. She barely slept. Hell, when I had been her age, in law school, I hadn’t either.

“You want me to call her right now and ask her?”

She nodded so furiously that the ends of her long curls hit her eyes.

I grabbed my phone next to the tablet and found Hannah’s number, holding my cell to my ear.

“Put it on speaker, Daddy.”

This child was far too smart. Soon, it would be impossible to get anything past her.

I hit the button for the speakerphone and set my cell on my chest.

“Ford,” Hannah started as she answered, “if you’re calling me to babysit—”

“Hannah!” Everly shouted. “Come over. I wanna have a pancake party.” Her sparkly pink nails were now playing with my fingers. “I will be the flipper. We can make them super gooey with a whole bunch of chocolate chips.”

Marni Mann's Books