The Resolution of Callie & Kayden(26)

‘So, if you had to guess the next place, where do you think it would be?’ I pluck the onion off my burger as I wait for his answer, wondering if he’s cracked the code of my path.

‘You think I don’t know,’ he says amusedly, ‘but I do.’

I shrug, equally amused. ‘I’m curious if you remember.’

His brow arches. ‘And what do I win if I get it right?’

‘Whatever you want,’ I tease then take a bite of my burger.

He seems pleased, a big grin plastered on his face. ‘Prepare to lose, then.’ He reaches across the table to wipe some mayo off my lip. ‘Races, spray paint, and green footprints.’

He doesn’t have to say exactly where it is – we both know what those words mean. Such a simple night, at least to an outsider’s point of view, but to me it was one of the most magical, life-changing nights of my life.

Chapter 11

#149 Channel Your Inner Daredevil.


Thirty minutes later, we’re entering a store we went to right before we tagged a rock at a very famous tagging area, and right after Kayden and I first danced over a year ago. I was a little buzzed that night and felt so free hanging out with Kayden, Seth, and Luke because it was the first time I felt like I had friends.

The store is still the same, a little rundown and sells cheap stuff for cheap prices. We instantly make our way to the aisle where I once stepped on a can of green spray paint and got it all over the floor. It was during a sort of wrestling match between Kayden and I after Luke had turned the night into a game.

‘Holy shit. I can’t believe you can still see it?’ Kayden says as we both stare at the faint green shoeprint staining the dingy linoleum floor.

I slap my hand over my mouth as a giggle escapes. ‘I should feel bad, right?’

Kayden shakes his head as I move my foot over the print – the perfect fit. ‘No way. If anything, you should feel proud. You marked that night forever.’

‘Well, as long as this store exists, but it was definitely a night to be marked.’ I pause and then decide to admit the truth. ‘You know, when we were in the cab by ourselves, I kind of wanted you to kiss me. Although, I probably would have freaked out, so maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t. I don’t think I was quite ready for it yet.’

As he processes my words, he steps toward me, our bodies just inches away from one another. ‘I wanted to kiss you that night, but was afraid.’

I inch toward him, stealing what little space there is remaining between us. ‘Of what?’

‘That I would like it, that it would be wrong because I had a girlfriend, that I wasn’t good enough for you.’ He wets his lips with his tongue, his attention fixed on my lips. ‘Should we have a do-over?’

I nod enthusiastically and without any hesitation, his mouth collides with mine so forcefully I wonder if the impact will leave a bruise. But I don’t care. Let me bruise. All I can concentrate on now is his tongue parting my lips as he consumes me. The force sends me backward and I slam into the shelf behind me, another bruise perhaps, but again, it doesn’t matter. I don’t plan on breaking this kiss for anything.

But the shelf is lined with cans of spray paint and when we ram into it, a row of them tip over and fall onto the floor, making a lot of noise.

I sputter a laugh as we break the kiss and stare down at the mess we just made. ‘Holy crap,’ I say. ‘We’re cursed.’

‘No way,’ he breathes, his palms splayed on my back beneath my shirt. ‘It’s destiny, letting us have a second chance at the night I should have kissed you.’

His words sweep me away from reality and I grab the front of his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. Right as our lips reunite, someone yells, ‘What the hell is going on?’

Our heads snap in the direction the voice came from. At the end of the aisle, the clerk is there, red-faced and angry as he stares at the mess we just made. He’s about thirty or so, with shoulder-length hair, and wearing a name tag on his tie dye shirt that says Ed.

‘We’ll clean it up,’ I say, but Ed comes storming toward us.

‘I’m so sick of you little shits coming in here and thinking it’s funny to trash my store.’ As Ed strides toward us, he presses his finger to his chest as he repeats, ‘My store. Not yours. Mine. I’m going to make you pay for every damn one of those spray paint cans.’

Jessica Sorensen's Books