The Last Threshold (Neverwinter #4)(86)

“Gather the Memnon chart from my desk,” Captain Cannavara instructed Drizzt. “And up to the crow’s nest with you, with them in hand. She’s a safe harbor, but we’ll be passing shallow rocks starboard, and I’ve not been here in years.”

Drizzt nodded and sprinted to the cabin and to the desk. The chart sat atop a pile of parchment, easily found. Drizzt scooped it up and turned to go—and nearly crashed into Artemis Entreri, who had slipped in behind him.

And he had shut the door.

Drizzt didn’t know what to make of this. The assassin stood directly before him, staring at him unblinkingly. He made no move to his weapons, and didn’t seem to have positioned his hands to do so.

But the hairs on the back of Drizzt’s neck stood up as he looked at the stone-faced, dangerous man. Something was clearly amiss.

Entreri scrutinized him, studying him intently, but why?

“You know,” Entreri finally said.

“I know?”

“If you mean to kill me, now is your moment.”

Drizzt rocked back on his heels as it all came clear to him. He thought of Effron’s claims, which he knew in his heart to be true.

“You’re leaving us?” Drizzt asked.

That seemed to put Entreri off his guard—he even backed off half a step.

“I’ve decided to stay,” he answered.

Drizzt gave a slight nod, and even heard himself saying, “Good,” before he simply walked past Entreri and through the door to the mast, and up to his usual perch at the crow’s nest, up above it all.

He unrolled the map as best he could in the wind and got his bearings, trying to focus on the critical task at hand.

But when he looked at the water, looked for the rocks, what he saw most clearly was the memory of Artemis Entreri, saying “You know.”

Twelve days later, after an uneventful visit where Drizzt and the others didn’t even bother renting rooms in the city but simply stayed aboard, Minnow Skipper put back to sea, bound for Calimport, and from there, to turn back and sail to Luskan, expecting to put in before the cold north wind sent islands of ice drifting along the Sword Coast North.

The days blended together, full of work and full of boredom. Such was life at sea. Up in the crow’s nest, Drizzt longed for his days aboard Sea Sprite. Those were different sails, for always, it seemed, were they in pursuit of pirates, with battle looming on every horizon. Not so now, and Drizzt took note of the influence of the flag of Ship Kurth, even this far south. They encountered many vessels in and out of Calimport that the drow, having spent years surveying such boats, suspected might dabble in high-seas’ theft, yet not a one made a move on Minnow Skipper.

He found himself disappointed. He longed for battle. His relationship with Dahlia lay in tatters. They were friendly, they shared a few evenings at the rail, talking under the stars—no, not talking, he reconsidered, for mostly they merely sat there letting the night sky swallow them into its contemplative sparkles.

On a couple of occasions, Dahlia had moved closer, and hinted at intimacy, but Drizzt had never, and would not, let that thought gain traction. He wasn’t sure why, for truly he did not wish to cause her pain, and could not deny her allure.

Surprisingly to Drizzt, he realized that it wasn’t the fact that Dahlia had betrayed him with Artemis Entreri. He bore her no ill will for that. Nay, it was something deeper, and something that had more to do with the philosophy of Innovindil than with Dahlia, and more, of course, to do with Drizzt.

Dahlia wasn’t going to Entreri, either, he knew, but Drizzt found that such information did not comfort him, and in truth, seemed almost meaningless to him at that point. The elf woman was deeply wounded, and her focus remained Effron.

Yes, Effron, and they all knew then that Dahlia had granted him permission to leave. Yet here he was aboard Minnow Skipper, though no longer under constant guard in the hold. He didn’t come up to the deck often, which was understandable given his years in the dim light of the Shadowfell, but no one stopped him when he tried.

Ambergris and Afafrenfere remained charged with watching him, but from afar now, for it was obvious to all of them that such intense attention was not needed.

Dahlia went to Effron every day, though whether they spoke or argued, spat at each other or simply sat together, no one other than they knew, and Drizzt did not broach the subject with Dahlia. He watched her, though, every day, as she made her way eagerly to the rear bulkhead, disappearing into the hold, and he watched her even more keenly whenever she left the young warlock, which was usually many hours later.

It seemed to Drizzt that she was finding peace.

Perhaps it was merely his own hopes for her, and his hopes for Effron, guiding his thoughts.

He prayed that he was viewing the situation honestly.

On one such occasion, the ship north of Baldur’s Gate once more, and cutting a straighter and swifter line to Luskan as the season drew late, Effron and Dahlia came out of the hold together.

That alone was surely enough to draw Drizzt’s attention, for he had not seen such a thing in two months of sailing. The pair moved to the side of the captain’s cabin, and Dahlia signaled up to Drizzt to come down.

The drow looked around, ensuring that no sails were anywhere to be seen, then slipped down from his perch. He noted Entreri’s eyes upon him, and those of Ambergris and Afafrenfere as well, as he walked across the deck to join the couple.

R. A. Salvatore's Books