The Elder Blood Chronicles – Book Three(41)
“Shade,” Symphony called in greeting, a warm smile lighting her face. “I understand you handled yourself quite well during the battle of Sanctuary. Lutheron tells me that if not for you, Vaze’s squad would have suffered much heavier casualties.” Her gold eyes were filled with nothing but welcome as she spoke and the smile on her face seemed genuine.
“I did what I could under the circumstances. How was your flight?” Shade replied, not quite believing he had taken Vaze’s suggestion of lamely asking about her flight.
“Filled with the reading of scout reports from the troubled countries and Lutheron’s reports involving the city. So depressing mostly,” Symphony answered with a shrug. “Now that we have the city though, we have a better foundation for bringing this all to an end. The city of Sanctuary is a heavy bargaining chip. Or so I hope.”
“It is the center of the world’s commerce and every country has a stake here. I can’t see how it could be anything other than an asset to your cause,” Shade agreed as he fell into step beside her.
Lutheron was watching him with a look of approval on his face and nodded slightly when he noticed Shade glancing at him. Lutheron fell back farther behind, allowing Shade to take his place beside Symphony as they walked. No doubt Lutheron believed he was simply ingratiating himself to make his task of spying easier.
Shade smiled faintly and offered the barest of nods in return as he pointed the ships on the sky port out to Symphony. “Vaze suggested that I teach a few people how to fly so the Fionaveir would have more pilots. Would you be interested in learning as well?” Shade asked, pointedly not looking at Faramir or Lutheron as he spoke. Vaze had been clear enough on what Lutheron had thought of the idea and he didn’t think Faramir would like it much either.
“If I have time, I’d love to. I understand they run off your skill with magic?” Symphony paused in her steps to study the ships closer.
“They do,” Shade agreed with a nod. “The stronger you are with magic the faster and more maneuverable you can make the ship. I dare say you would give me a run for my money Milady, and I am the best pilot I know.”
“Humble, aren’t you,” Symphony laughed and smiled at him once again.
“My father often said that the world is filled with people willing to offer you humility so when you speak for yourself, speak with flattery to balance the conversation,” Shade replied with a smile.
“Why not speak truthfully instead?” she asked.
“Ahh. I asked the same thing. It was my Uncle Kiernan that answered that for me. In his words the truth is reserved for your funeral when you can no longer dispute what is said about you. In the case of my piloting though the truth is conveniently also flattering. I am the best. Once you’ve had a chance to take a few lessons with me, I’m sure you will recognize the truth of my words,” Shade said with a wide smile as he bowed ever so slightly in her direction.
Symphony laughed and nodded slightly. “You have the Morcaillo silver tongue. Kiernan is quite charming when he isn’t in a foul mood. I’ve had to watch my conversations with him closely to make sure I’m not being led astray by his wit on the few occasions I have dealt with him. I can see I will have to watch myself just as carefully around you.” She waved a finger at him in mocking rebuke and began walking again. “I do thank you though, Shade, for distracting me with conversation. Seeing Sanctuary as it is was a shock despite the reports I have gotten. Faramir and Lutheron both assure me that the majority of the damage was structural though and the casualties were light considering.” She glanced over at him as if to gage his reaction but he kept his features perfectly schooled and nodded in agreement.
With Faramir and Lutheron right behind them now was not the time to tell her the truth of things, despite the subtle hint she had given before mentioning the topic. He would have to pay closer attention to everything Symphony said from now on. Apparently she was well schooled in her words and even when it seemed she was teasing there was merit to what she said.
“You’ve grown quiet,” Symphony said with a raised eyebrow.
“The mention of the damage to the city. It’s been difficult for me to see it change so much. Sanctuary has been my home for a very long time. I knew everyone and everything here very well. Most only notice the obvious damage, but I know every brick of this city and see all of the changes clearly. You’ve read the reports, though, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you about it. As you said you need distracting, so let me distract us both with a lighter topic,” Shade said casually, catching her eye just long enough to see that she had read what he wanted her to from his words. I’ll tell you what they didn’t, but not now.
Melissa Myers's Books
- Archenemies (Renegades #2)
- A Ladder to the Sky
- Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1)
- Daughters of the Lake
- Hiddensee: A Tale of the Once and Future Nutcracker
- House of Darken (Secret Keepers #1)
- Our Kind of Cruelty
- Princess: A Private Novel
- Shattered Mirror (Eve Duncan #23)
- The Hellfire Club