The Elder Blood Chronicles – Book Three(214)

“I had it for one day, Jala. For one single day everything was perfect. That’s more than some get,” Valor replied softly as he kissed the top of her head. “You have soldiers waiting to hear you, Jala. Do you feel up to facing them?” he asked softly.

Jala nodded slowly and pulled back from him to wipe her eyes. “I love you, Valor,” she whispered as she turned toward the entrance of the tent.

“I love you, too,” Valor returned softly as he followed her out.

Jala stopped just beyond the entrance and let her gaze travel over her people. The soft murmurs in the crowd fell silent as they all watched her in expectation. Jala nodded once and cast the amplify spell on her voice once more. “You’ve all seen what awaits us. We are outnumbered so badly that it’s almost laughable. The Rivasans must have been truly terrified if they gathered that many to face two thousand.” Jala forced her tone to be light as she spoke and nervous laughter rippled at her words. Taking another step forward she raised her chin, her expression clearing and the tears fading from her eyes. “I won’t run,” she announced, her voice filled with defiance. “I won’t turn my back and say what they have done is OK. It’s not! They have invaded our ally and butchered our friends and I won’t simply walk away as if I don’t care!”

Jala paused again as War’s last words returned to her. It certainly seemed as though darkness was closing on her now and she smiled at the memory of the dream. “Not so long ago my son asked me if I planned to fix the entire world,” Jala said, her smile growing as she spoke. “I told him, no. I told him that I was building a road to a better world and once the path was set, others would follow our lead. With this stand, we lay the last stones on the road I spoke of. By refusing to back down to their brutality, we show the rest of Sanctuary what they can accomplish if they stand together. Nations that never would have considered each other as friends are represented in my forces. Never before has an army such as ours existed.”

She paused again and looked at each faction in turn. “We won’t win the battle tomorrow, but we will show the rest of the world that differences can be set aside for a common goal. I will not command any of you to die beside me. You may flee if your heart is not in the fight. I will not command you to fight, but I will ask you to help me. Help me buy Arovan the time it needs. Help me show Sanctuary the road we have built. Take one final stand against the corruption of this world.” Stepping back once more, Jala canceled the amplify spell and watched as the expressions of despair changed to defiance on the faces of those before her.

“Lady Bendazzi!” A voice rose from the crowd and others picked up the call until it became a steady chant.

“Do you mind if we add another nation to your roster?” The deep voice caught her completely off guard and Jala spun to face Zachary Dark. The lord of Oblivion stood just beyond her tent, an expression of amusement on his normally emotionless face.

“Lord Dark. This is the last place anyone in their right mind would wish to be,” Jala whispered, wondering how the man had managed to make it past the Rivasan mages.

“I have never once claimed to be in my right mind,” Zachary returned with a faint smile. “Oblivion will stand beside you tomorrow. I will do what I can to help you,” he said as he started to turn.

“Thank you, Lord Dark,” Jala whispered, her shock at the sight of him slowly fading.

“Apparently they have started to follow your road,” Valor said softly beside her as he watched the Lord walk away.

“May more follow,” Jala whispered.

“Another wave!” Jala bellowed as she moved forward ahead of the lines to block the Rivasan hellfire as it blasted down the valley entrance toward her army. Squeezing her eyes shut she held her hands out before her as the fire boiled against her wall of force. The heat was so intense it felt as though her skin was bubbling beneath her armor. She dropped the spell the moment the fire died away and fell back once more behind the line of archers. “We can’t keep this up,” Jala gasped to Valor who stood beside her, his expression of fury clear on his face.

The Rivasans had used the hellfire to keep them pinned in the valley all morning. For now, her magic was holding it at bay, but it wouldn’t last forever. Bows twanged as her archers desperately tried to use the few minutes they had to bring down a few of their enemies. Her knights were useless in the current battle and the Soulreavers were suffering the brunt of the work as they worked their spirit magic relentlessly against the Rivasans.

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