The Elder Blood Chronicles – Book Three(200)
Charm stood square in the middle of the road his arms held out to his sides with a pale sword in each hand. He had never seen the rogue with anything other than daggers before, but that wasn’t the most shocking part of it. Wings extended proudly from Charm’s back, the bright white feathers catching the afternoon sun with a rainbow gleam. Shade could barely see Charm’s face, but the rogue’s features seemed different, harsher somehow. Small curved horns rose from his forehead, barely visible through the rogue’s thick blond hair. Raising one hand before him Charm aimed his sword at the approaching Fionaveir. “You will not pass me,” he warned in a voice that didn’t even sound like the man Shade called friend. It was deeper and seemed to echo through the street. The Fionaveir slowed in their approach with evident caution. Apparently they had never seen this side of Charm either.
“And that is why Charm hides his true form. He can’t stand the looks of fear any more than he can stomach the sight of himself in the mirror like that,” Vaze’s voice broke from the Shadows and Shade whirled to look at the man, praying Vaze hadn’t come to stop him. If Vaze attacked, Shade knew he was done for.
“I’ve never seen a celestial before. I thought they were all dead,” Shade mumbled, his eyes on Vaze.
Vaze moved forward to stand beside him, his eyes on Charm’s back. “He is only half-celestial. His mother’s side, actually. She was raped by a greater demon during the war beyond the barrier. Charm is the result,” Vaze explained in a flat voice his eyes locked on Charm.
Shade stared at the man then slowly looked back to Charm. The rogue had lowered his sword and his wings had lost the pristine white coloring and seemed a dull grey to his eyes. “His wings change colors?” Shade asked in confusion.
“No. He has altered them to metal with magic. I’ve heard of that trick in stories about him, but I’ve never seen it. I’ve heard he uses them to fight with like extra blades and that every feather is razor sharp. I wish I had time to see it, though I don’t truly want him to use them on Fionaveir,” Vaze sighed. “Charm has worn the bracers since I have known him and I’ve never even seen his wings before,” Vaze said, a note of respect in his voice. “Seeing this has made helping you almost worth the trouble I’m going to get into for doing it.”
“You are helping me?” Shade asked hopefully.
Turning Vaze looked at him and smiled wickedly. “In a fashion. I’m helping you get out of the city, but I’m sending you to a place that I shudder to think of going myself. I would not want to be in the presence of the man you will be seeing for anything in the world,” Vaze said his tone low and ominous. The shadows began to rise as he spoke shrouding him in a dark fog.
“Remember when I called you scary, Vaze,” Shade mumbled and pointed a finger at him. “This is why. This right here. Your people skills suck, Vaze,” Shade said, shaking his finger at Vaze in further accusation.
“Your ship, Shade,” Vaze said as he tossed a storage stone toward him.
“You got my ship too? Wait, how did you gem it with the Barllen on it?” Shade asked his eyes flashing back up to Vaze as he caught the stone.
“Simple. I ripped the Barllen off,” Vaze said as his summoned shadows began to wrap around Shade. With a faint smile he waved to Shade in farewell.
“Wait! Where are you sending me? What do you mean a man you wouldn’t want to see?” Shade called frantically as the darkness rose around him. Vertigo washed over him as the transport faded. Staggering forward Shade rested his hand against a wall and looked around frantically trying to determine where he was.
“Shade. What are you doing here?” Madren asked from behind him.
Slowly Shade turned and looked at his old friend with a raised eyebrow. They stood in a small room furnished with no more than the basic requirements of a bed and a dresser. Shade stared at the rough furnishings then looked back to Madren and shook his head in answer. “I have no idea, Madren. Is this Goswin?” he asked dumbly.
“It is. This is one of the rooms for the Delvay refugees,” Madren replied, giving Shade a worried look. “Why did you leave Sanctuary if you don’t know why you are here? Did you intend to go somewhere else?” Madren asked, his voice filled with concern.
“I left Sanctuary to help the people of Glis, but Vaze sent me here instead. Wait, Madren, you mean there were actually survivors from Delvay? I had understood they were wiped out completely,” Shade said in confusion.
Melissa Myers's Books
- Archenemies (Renegades #2)
- A Ladder to the Sky
- Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1)
- Daughters of the Lake
- Hiddensee: A Tale of the Once and Future Nutcracker
- House of Darken (Secret Keepers #1)
- Our Kind of Cruelty
- Princess: A Private Novel
- Shattered Mirror (Eve Duncan #23)
- The Hellfire Club