The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(89)

Caleb crossed the street swiftly with a determined stride and it took every ounce of skill Shade had just to keep him in sight. There was little chance of losing him in the crowd however even if he did manage to lose sight of him for a time. Caleb’s dark cloak and plain grey chainmail stood out like a crow in a songbird cage amongst the Rivasan nobles.

His steps veered toward one of the nicer store fronts and Shade felt a moment’s hesitation at the sight of the guard standing beside the door. The man eyed Caleb with suspicion, but Caleb simply bowed his head and whispered something before continuing toward the door. Shade hadn’t been close enough to hear whatever was said, but it seemed to do the trick as the guard didn’t protest Caleb’s entrance beyond a disgusted nod.

The door had barely closed completely behind Caleb before a woman’s scream erupted from inside. The guard at the door fumbled for his sword and rushed for the doorway just as Shade himself was gaining the stairs. With a sprint he slid inside the building behind the guard and managed to flatten himself against the wall before anyone had a chance of bumping into him.

The scene inside was pure chaos and Caleb stood at the heart of it all. Two guards lay dead on the floor to either side of the door and a third was sprawled across a display case. Caleb whirled as the last guard closed and delivered a backhanded blow to the man’s head that sent him stumbling to his knees. With a quick kick to the man’s face Caleb dropped him completely to the floor and then turned toward the clerk who was screaming in pure hysteria.

“Shut up or die your choice.” Caleb snarled glaring at the woman with more hate than Shade had ever seen on a person’s face. The clerk gave a hiccupping gasp and managed to stifle her screams as Caleb’s attention left her and turned to regard a woman crouching beside a display table of fabrics. His sword arm relaxed as he gazed past her to the small boy clutching her skirts and then finally came to rest on an older woman who stood tight lipped and pressed firmly against the back wall.

Shade stared at the three apparent hostages and felt his mouth go dry at the sight. All three were Elder Blood, and all three had the very distinct features of House Rivasa. He had no idea how Caleb had known the women would be here, but his earlier words now made perfect sense. An eye for an eye, it was far more fitting to say a wife for a wife. Derrick Rivasa had killed Caleb’s wife and sister and Shade had the unsettling feeling he was about to witness Caleb returning the favor. Shade’s stomach soured at the thought. At the very least Evanell Faulklin had died fighting for her life. Rivasan women were not trained in fighting at all though. These women would be slaughtered like lambs. The most useful magic skill a Rivasan woman typically learned was a mending spell, and even that was considered unseemly for a noble woman.

A small voice inside him screamed at the thought and Shade found himself wondering if there was anything he could even do that wouldn’t result in them all dying. He could disable Caleb, but then the women would call the guards and he doubted he could escape with Caleb before they arrived. He could of course leave Caleb to the Rivasan mercy and escape alone, but he would be better off driving a knife into his own chest and he knew it. If he allowed the women to call down the guard on Caleb and left him to die he would never sleep peacefully again. The only option left was to remain silent and try to think of something to say that might force Caleb to reconsider his plans.

“Kalleria Rivasa.” Caleb spoke the name in a cold voice that sounded more like an accusation than a greeting. His gaze was locked on the woman by the fabrics once more.

“I don’t know who you are, but you are quite possibly the biggest fool I’ve ever seen. Do you have any idea what the penalty will be for accosting members of the High Lord’s own house? My brother rules this entire land and he will not tolerate such disrespect!” It was the older woman by the wall that had spoken rather than Kalleria, and even as the words came out of her mouth she was straightening her posture and smoothing her skirts with the indignation that only a pure noble could muster in this sort of situation.

“A Mother for a Sister. That seems fair.” Caleb muttered with a faint shrug of one shoulder. He was moving before Shade could even open his mouth to protest. His sword flashed once and the old woman’s last words faded into a gurgling sob as blood began to spurt from her throat. Her hands clutched at her neck in a vain attempt to stem the blood, but Shade had seen the edge of the Shadowsteel sword and he knew there was no hope there. With that single slash Caleb had likely cut to the bone though the strike had looked like little more than a flick of his wrist.

The clerk began to wail once more and Shade silently crossed the room toward the woman. He doubted there was anything he could do to save Kalleria, but he could silence the clerk and she at least would survive.

“Please. What do you want? I don’t know who you are or what you want.” Kalleria’s voice trembled as she spoke and her hands grasped the boy at her skirt closer. Her dark eyes were wide with fear and her tanned face had paled to a sallow color.

The twisting in Shade’s stomach grew worse at the sound of the woman’s desperation, and he nearly turned back toward Caleb. The reason Caleb had advised him to remain in the alley became abundantly clear. This was an act of pure evil in Shade’s eyes, but it was for the greater good if it stopped Derrick. At least he hoped it was. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that it was worth it if Derrick died the words were ringing hollow in his mind.

Melissa Myers's Books