The Crow King's Wife (The Elder Blood Chronicles #5)(87)

Caleb’s expression was guarded as the shadows of the blade rose and swirled around him. The white tips of his hair darkened to pitch black while his skin changed from pale to sun baked bronze. His features blurred for a moment and then reformed into something far cruder eliminating all trace of his Elder Blood. The armor that had seemed too common just minutes before now suited him perfectly. To the casual observer he looked like nothing more than a simple mercenary. There was no trace of Caleb Faulklin left at all in the leathery skinned warrior standing before him.

“Won’t they see through illusion?” Zoelyn asked hesitantly.

“This is Shadow magic. The only one that could see through this disguise is Vaze and I highly doubt he will inform the Rivasans who I truly am.” Caleb replied quietly as he removed the common steel blade from his sword belt and slid the beautiful Shadowsteel sword into its place. With a sigh he tossed the steel sword onto one of the empty chairs and adjusted his cloak to cover the fine black hilt at his side. Without a word he lifted his bag from the floor and turned for the ship’s door.

“Caleb.” Shade said urgently as he frantically searched his mind for some last words he could offer that might save his friend.

“Leave it, Shade. Please.” Caleb’s voice was soft and he didn’t bother glancing back or slowing his steps.

Shade closed his mouth and bit back the words he had been about to speak as he watched Caleb step from the ship taking the last opportunity to talk sense with him as he left. “Well that’s that then. We have our orders.” Shade muttered as he glanced back to Zoey and Dray.

“Stubborn as a rock.” Zoelyn mumbled as she shouldered her own bag. Dray rose beside her and they both smiled weakly at Shade as they headed for the door.

“Hate to do this to you buddy.” Shade sighed as his eyes moved to the goblin. The creature was crouched near the pilot’s seat and had stayed unusually quiet from the moment they had landed. “What I’m going to be doing today is incredibly stupid though and you will be better off staying out of it.” He crouched down in front of the creature and it moved closer to him with a hopeful expression lighting its dark face. “Is there ever a point you aren’t hungry?” Shade muttered as he pulled a piece of jerky from his coat pocket. He had taken to stashing the stuff everywhere since the goblin never seemed to be full and he never knew when he would need to offer it food to keep it on good behavior. The creature took it greedily and was instantly absorbed in gnawing small pieces from the dried meat. “Bet you are going to be pissed when I wake you up again.” Shade muttered as he summoned magic and stored the creature in a stone.

He stood slowly and dropped the stone into his pocket as the loud screech of a hawk rose from just beyond the ship’s door. Curiously Shade walked to the edge of the steps and leaned against the door frame just in time to see a shadow pass over the ground. He gaze moved upward as the bird circled once more and after a moment he caught a glimpse of a second form in the sky. It was slightly larger than the first but still birdlike in form. The hunting screech rose again and to Shade’s astonishment he realized it was Caleb making the noise rather than the birds. He stood several feet from the ship as well as his companions and his attention was focused entirely on the hawks above him. The shadows passed across the ground once more as the birds circled lower and Caleb lifted one of his arms in response. With a faint screech the smaller of the two birds dove and landed heavily on Caleb’s outstretched arm.

“Are they trained birds?” Dray whispered and Zoey shook her head in silent answer her eyes locked on Caleb as the man chittered to the hawk on his arm.

Shade glanced up at the second bird. It seemed to be circling lower as well and by the way its head was cocked toward Caleb it looked as though it was listening to its companion’s conversation. After what seemed like just a few moments Caleb nodded and smiled to the bird as he withdrew a small pouch from his coat pocket. To Shade’s amazement the hawk seized it in its claws and took flight as Caleb tossed a second pouch to the ground a good distance from where he stood. The larger bird that had been circling swooped down and snatched the leather purse before it had managed to tumble more than a couple inches and was back in the sky once more before Shade could draw a breath.

“The female didn’t trust me enough to even land.” Caleb sighed with what looked like sadness on his face. “The birds of Glis are more social. I can only imagine how the Rivasans must treat nature though, so I suppose they are wise to avoid people.” He added as he turned back to his companions.

“So you just hired birds.” Shade observed mildly and nodded his head once. “I don’t understand how you hired birds or what they would do with coins, but can I ask what exactly you hired them for?”

“I didn’t hire them I gave them pouches of the seeds to scatter over the city. I intend to do the same with the rats once we are inside the walls. They will spread them farther than I could manage on my own and what I offered in return was far better for them than coins.” Caleb corrected as he glanced toward the ship then back to Shade.

Shade nodded in understanding as he stored the ship in a stone. He wasn’t about to leave it in the middle of a dry river bed and they would need it to make their escape from the city.

“What did you offer them?” Dray asked quietly.

“To eliminate the humans from their land.” Caleb answered as he began the slow climb up the sandy bank toward the road leading to Prendington.

Melissa Myers's Books