The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden(85)
“He seemed okay.” I grab my drink and the condensation dampens my skin. “But he could have been doing it because he felt sorry for me.”
Seth thrums his fingers on his knee. “Or because he understands what it’s like to have someone hurt him.”
I wipe my wet hand on the front of my pants. “That might be, but I don’t want him to have to deal with my problems. He has so many of his own.”
“Or maybe, it’s that he scares you because he makes you feel things your uncertain about.” He points out.
“Are you Psych 101ing me again?” I ask, getting to my feet.
He shrugs. “Maybe, but the thing is I think he really cares for you. You should have heard him that day when you were in the library and I called you so he could find out where you were. He was really worried about you.”
I grab a rubber band from the box on top of my dresser and fasten it around my hair, leaving pieces out around the front of my face. “Probably because I ran out on him after I…” I trail off.
“Had an orgasm?” he finishes. “Orgasm. Orgasm. Orgasm. It’s not a bad word, Callie.”
“I know that.” I finish off the last of my drink, sucking the whip cream off the straw before tossing the empty cup into the garbage.
“Okay, then.” He stands up, smoothing out the wrinkles on his skinny jeans. “Here’s what I suggest. You should go home for Thanksgiving. Ride with Kayden and Luke, go back and have some fun. Don’t sit around here by yourself. It makes me nervous.”
“I want to go with them,” I admit. “But what if he’s there?”
He hands me my phone. “Call your mom and find out.”
I snatch my phone from him. “I’ll send a text.”
Me: Who all is going to be staying at our house for Thanksgiving?
Mom: No one so far. Your brother said he wasn’t coming back and Grandma and Grandpa canceled. Please tell me you’re coming home sweetie.
I hesitate and let out a frustrated grunt.
Me: I’ll come home, but I need to see if I can catch a ride still.
Mom: Dad can come get you if you need him to.
Me: I might be able to ride home with someone.
Mom: Who?
Me: Someone
Mom: Callie Lawrence, what are you keeping from me? Is it someone I know?”
Me: I don’t know.
Mom: Callie, just tell me. Please. I’ll bake you your favorite pie.
Me: Gotta pack. C u soon.
“Wow,” Seth mutters as he reads the text from over my shoulder, blowing his coffee breath on me. “She’s super obsessed.”
“She’s not use to me having friends.” I change my ringer to vibrate and put my phone into my back pocket. “She probably knows it’s someone from back home.”
A conniving grin expands across his face as he taps his fingers together. “What do you think she’ll do when she finds out who it is?”
I shrug, grabbing a bag from under my bed, and then dramatically wave my hands in front of me. “Freak out. Jump up and down and go, ‘Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"
He giggles. “But you’re going?”
I nod with my heart squeezing inside my chest. “Yeah, I’m going. Just as long as Kayden will give me a ride.”
He covers his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter. “I bet he would love to give you a ride.”
I press my lips together, holding back a smile. Pretend all I want, the idea makes my body tingle. I begin putting my clothes in a bag, ignoring his remark.
“Do me a favor.” He steps in front of me and looks me in the eye with a stern expression. “Let him get close to you if he wants to, okay? In fact, you can cross off number thirty-four on the list.”
I fold up my jacket and set it in the bag. “That’s let someone get close to you and I already have—you.”
“Well, I’m crossing it off and putting Kayden’s name up there.” He backs for the door, pausing before he walks out. “Call me every day so I don’t worry.”
“Yes, sir,” I say firmly with a salute and he laughs. “And vice versa.”
Once he’s gone, I finish packing and sink down onto the bed to dial Kayden’s number.
“Hey,” he answers and something thumps in the background.
“Hey... are you getting ready to head back home?”
“Yeah, we’re carrying our stuff out to the truck right now. I was actually just getting ready to come over to your dorm.”
Jessica Sorensen's Books
- Archenemies (Renegades #2)
- A Ladder to the Sky
- Girls of Paper and Fire (Girls of Paper and Fire #1)
- Daughters of the Lake
- Hiddensee: A Tale of the Once and Future Nutcracker
- House of Darken (Secret Keepers #1)
- Our Kind of Cruelty
- Princess: A Private Novel
- Shattered Mirror (Eve Duncan #23)
- The Hellfire Club