The Cloisters(96)

Pettiness and egoism. Tyranny or arrogance. An unwillingness to see the truth and a preference for being indulged even when it requires deceitfulness or falseness. A tendency toward being brittle.






A bearded man seated on a throne. Cumulus clouds rise in the sky behind him, and he holds a lightning bolt in one hand. On the arms of the throne are golden eagles, and the constellation Sagittarius is visible on the dais he sits on.

Spiritual values. Tradition and knowledge. Prophesy as an ability and a right. A card that can also signal gentle initiation, or alert optimism. Also, joviality.

Self-teaching and self-sufficiency. Occasionally, a tendency toward overconfidence. A desire for rebellion against traditional structures or institutions (societal, familial, and personal). A reminder to follow your North Star.






An image of Venus as a woman with long flowing hair, nude (Venus pudica), at sea and standing on a wisp of foam, being borne ashore by a pair of swans. The constellation Taurus, illustrated with gold stars, hangs in the sky.

Choice (of partner, but also in life). But also a desire to build, stabilize, and sustain relationships. A symbol of patience and deliberateness. Security in others, trust, and confidence.

Division or possessiveness. Also, a tendency toward lethargy. An unwillingness to make a choice that has slowed your progress. Obstinate.






A winged-foot Mercury astride a chariot moving across an open stretch of Egyptian desert. His chariot is pulled by a phalanx of winged black horses.

Momentum, speed, or freedom of movement. A driving and relentless push toward a goal. But also, the card symbolizes a need to be aware of the path ahead. This card is about leading and forging the path.

A warning that things are moving too quickly. A signal that slow, deliberate progress is warranted, or even a reversal of course. In a reading: a flag or a stop sign that can be read in conjunction with other cards in the reading.






A woman dressed in a flowing robe, a gold rope at her waist, holding a pair of scales. She is not blind but all-seeing. The weights on her scales are perfectly even.

Fairness and harmony. The ability to see the truth despite attempts to hide it. Idealism and the ability to be diplomatic and sincere. Firm and decisive, this card indicates an ability or willingness to negotiate objectively and with compassion.

A withholding or obscured truth. The presence of a kind of interference or insincerity. While justice is often symbolized as a woman blindfolded, only in the reverse position is the blindfold applied. This is a warning that not all is as it appears.






The image of a centaur (Chiron) carrying a staff over a single shoulder, alone. In the landscape behind him, all that is visible is a mountain range and a cave, signaling his position as a hermit.

A turning inward or self-reflective journey. The need for aloneness and contemplation. A symbol that further study is needed.

Reclusiveness. A shying away from friends, family, or obligations. An unwillingness to be self-reflective, or a state of being too self-reflective.






A winged female figure, clothed in a deep blue dress, holding a wheel on which four figures are lashed. She spins the wheel at her leisure, with the least fortunate at the bottom.

The card of fate and fortune. A sign of felicitousness and good luck, of being chosen in love, life, or work. A very powerful card that can also mean a sudden and unexpected change that is inevitable, predestined, and already written.

Bad luck. The reversed meaning of the card aligns with the figure at the bottom of the wheel. A reversed Wheel of Fortune card means ill fortune. But not all is lost, because the wheel will turn again, and the card can signal ascendance.






A bare-chested Hercules sits adjacent to a lion, who is lying down, tail raised mid-flick. Next to them is a forge, the heat of which is visible despite the sun, which has reached its apogee.

Determination and ferocity of will. Internal persistence and power. The act of discovering motivation and primal strength. This card signals power from within, not external power. It should not be limited to physical perceptions of power.

Vulnerability. An inability to enact change. The feeling of being hobbled or otherwise restrained by events or people around you. This can also signal frustration or an abuse of power.






A card that depicts Neptune, underwater, holding a trident. He is surrounded and encircled by a school of fish. In the watery depths behind him, the constellation Pisces is visible.

Plastic, poetic, a state of suspension. This card is lyrical in the way it signals a moment of pause, reflection, and suggestibility. This card sways with the currents. It be positive, signaling imagination and dreaminess or an unreadiness to be in and of the world.

Katy Hays's Books