The Chemistry of Love(100)

Ken’s phone buzzed, and he looked at his screen. His expression changed, shocked. “Marco just emailed his resignation.” He started angrily pushing buttons, and apparently Marco’s number went straight to voice mail. “You will call me back. I don’t accept your resignation. This is unacceptable behavior.”

Craig’s entire demeanor changed. “You don’t have to do that, Dad. I’m here. I can take over Minx.”

He was such a weasel. How had I been such an incredibly bad judge of character? Not only of Craig but of Marco, too. Why hadn’t I told him sooner? Why had I waited?

Ken looked his second son over and dismissed him. “No, you can’t.”

Marco quit? Why had he done that?

The realization hit me hard. It was for me. He had left his mother’s beloved company and his dream job as CEO of KRT for me. Because his dad and brother had tried to screw me over.

It was the grandest of gestures.

I had to find him. Why was I still here listening to Ken and Craig fight? I ran out of the room and heard Craig calling after me, “That contract was not valid! We’ll sue!”

I realized I didn’t know where Marco’s office was. I asked the receptionist on this floor, and she told me it was five stories up. I thanked her and made my way to the elevators. I kept pushing the button, but it was taking too long. I opened the door to the stairs and started running.


Five flights of stairs.

By the time I’d reached the top, I was so winded, I was worried I was going to pass out. This had been a bad idea. I asked the receptionist which way to go, and it took me a couple of tries, but she eventually understood my question and pointed me in the direction of Marco’s office.

I ran past a small, dark-haired woman who asked, “Can I help you?” I went into Marco’s office, pushing the door open.

It was empty.

I turned around and went back to the woman. “Are you Marie-Angelique?”

She looked confused. “I am.”

“Marco quit?”

“He did.” Her sad expression made my heart twist in my chest. “He told me right before he emailed his father.”

Which meant he’d been here. I must have just missed him. “Where did he go?”

“I don’t know if I’m supposed to say anything.”

“Please.” I was ready to get on my hands and knees if need be. “I have to find him.”

“He said something about going to his mother’s house in Italy. I think he went home to pack.”

“Thank you.” I hugged her and then made a run for the elevators. I assumed running downstairs was easier, but I was already a sweaty, gross mess and did not need to add to it.

The elevator came quickly, and I ran through the lobby and out to the parking lot. I got into my car and started it up.

And nothing.

The engine didn’t turn over.

“Come on, Betty. Not now. You can’t do this to me now,” I said. I had no idea when his flight was leaving. Catalina was here in the building, but she was working. I didn’t know how long a rideshare would take, and I couldn’t risk not getting a ride right away.

Marco’s stupid Porsche was probably so fast that it could basically teleport him back to his condo. And I was stuck.

I worried that I’d never catch up with him.

I called my grandfather. “Grandpa? Betty died.”

“Who died?” he asked, sounding concerned.

“My car. I need you to come get me at Minx.”

“I thought you quit that job.”

I closed my eyes. “Yes, but I had that presentation here. There’s a lot to explain and I will, but right now I have to go to Marco’s house, and my car isn’t working, so I need you to come get me.”

“Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Waiting that half hour for him to arrive was pure torture. I worried that Craig would have me escorted out of the parking lot or something else horrible or that Marco was already on his way to LAX and I was never going to see him again.

Not knowing when he was leaving, I tried to call and text him. There was no response to my texts, and the calls went immediately to voice mail. Was he screening me? Or had he just turned his phone off?

I called Catalina for reassurance. I told her what had happened. “Do you want me to take the day off and drive you?” she asked.

“No.” I couldn’t put her job in jeopardy. Especially now that I wasn’t going to be in a position to offer her a new one. “My grandpa’s coming. I’m just . . . so scared.”

“Scared of what?”

“I’m scared he’ll be gone before I can reach him. I’m scared that he won’t feel the same.” And that I would never recover if he rejected me.

She made a sympathetic sound. “I know you have suffered some unimaginable losses in your life, and it makes sense that you’d be afraid of another one. But love means risk. It will be scary, but I know you can do it. And regardless of what happens, I’ll always be here for you.”

I did know that. I thanked her and promised to update her when I got the chance.

I hoped there would be a happy update.

“Also, you should slash Craig’s tires on your way out. Screw being the bigger person.”

Sariah Wilson's Books